Guided Reading

Chapter 1 Before History A.P. World HistoryStudy Guide Chapter 1 Please complete in all vocabulary and identifications (to include places and events/eras). Must be kept in notebook for periodic notebook check. *may not be in textbookIn order to complete Test Repair on Unit Tests study guides must be completed—hand written/NOT TYPEDTERMS:AustralopithecusHominids Homo HabilisHomo Erectus Homo SapiensNeanderthals Cro Magnum Homo Sapiens SapiensEvolution*Cultural Diffusion CultureNomadsNeolithic Agricultural Revolution/Neolithic Revolutionforagersanimal domesticationpastorialismmatrilineal/patrilineal lineages*megalithsCivilizationsSlash and burn*HoloceneAustralopithecines/ ”Southern Ape”*Radio Carbon Dating/Carbon Dating*Thermoluminescence Dating*Artifacts*Archeologists*Anthropologists PEOPLE: LucyJomon SocietyChinook SocietyLeakeyPLACES:*Olduvai GorgeLascaux?atal Hüyük JerichoPERIODS/ERASThe Great Ice Age (Pleistocene epoch)Stone AgePaleolithic periodNeolithic periodAgricultural RevolutionMesolithic PeriodGuided Reading—must be completed in order to do Test Repair for Unit TestsAccording to the text, when did the earth come into existence?During what period did the Australopithecus flourish in East Africa? Identify at least four characteristics of Australopithecus.Describe at least four characteristics of Homo Erectus.When did Homo Sapiens evolve?How did Homo sapiens exploit the natural world around them more efficiently than other species?Describe the characteristics of the inhabitants of the Paleolithic age to include the relationship between the sexes.What was the purpose of the Venus figurines?How were aspects of culture passed through generations?What do the cave paintings say about early people?What was one of the earliest known agricultural techniques?What were some of the effects of the development of agriculture? (at least 4)Identify the earliest known settlements and what modern day countries are they today.Identify the three Neolithic craft industries in order.What was the first metal utilized for tools?What is the ultimate source of wealth in any agricultural society?What was the significance of frogs and butterflies during the Neolithic period?How were cities different from Neolithic villages? (at least 2 examples)Identify the cities areas where cave paintings were discovered.Why did agriculture not arise in drier parts of the world?How did farmers displace foragers?What became a specialized occupation in the late Neolithic period?What were the differences between forager and farmer religions?What was the significance of the discovery of Lucy’s bones?In what ways did Paleolithic humans try to make sense of the world?What set the genus Australopithecus apart from other animal species of the time?What were the most important changes in the evolution from Australopithecus to Homo erectus?What advantages did Homo sapiens possess over Homo erectus?What is the significance of cave art? The Venus figurines?*Identify the characteristics that sets homo sapiens apart from earlier primates. (4 things)*What are the major and minor characteristics of a civilization? ( 3 major 2 minor)Essay Guidelines—MUST BE HAND WRITTEN—BLACK OR BLUE INK ONLYPlease complete one of the following topics—must include PlanningThesis statement—to include time and place.BackgroundAt least 2 full body paragraphs (to contain at least 7-10 sentences each) you may write more than two paragraphs…sentence amount will vary depending on sentence length and number of paragraphs.Analysis Essay Topics (choose one of the following)—Unit 1—Due on the day of Unit 1 TestIdentify the causes and effects of the Neolithic Agricultural Revolution that occurred in various regions of the world.Describe the factors necessary for a human society to be considered a civilization.Social divisions are a persistent feature in civilization. Define the term social divisions as it is used in the text. Describe the social divisions within Mesopotamian and Egyptian societies, and indicate the reasons for those divisions. Please place special emphasis on the role of women. Trace changes and continuities from the Neolithic lifestyles and technology through the evolution of the first civilizations in two of the following: (a) Southwest Asia (b)North Africa, (c) South Asia--Discussion Questions/Thesis StatementsTrace the development of Australopithecus, Homo erectus, and Homo sapiens. What effect did they have on the world around them?Richard Leakey wrote, “Humans are unique because they have the capacity to choose what they do.” What is the significance of this statement? When did humans develop the ability to choose? Is there a negative side to this capability?Are there drawbacks to the rise of complex societies? In other words, is every aspect of civilization good? Are there still problems today that stretch back to the rise of civilization?Examine the profound changes brought about by the discovery of agriculture. How did this seemingly simple discovery change the course of human history?Explore the culture of the paleolithic age. What does it say about their changing world?Examine the changing world of the neolithic age. What were the foundations of this age? In what fundamental ways was it different from the preceding paleolithic age? In what ways were the accomplishments of this period setting the stage for the rise of complex societies?Discuss some of the profound differences between the paleolithic and neolithic ages. What allowed for these differences? How did these differences affect development after the neolithic age?Explore the early human cave paintings at Lascaux and Altamira. Explain how this art is an expression of human advancement.What do the elaborate burial rituals of Neandertal humans tell us about these people and their view of their place in the universe?What were the differences between the Neandertal and Homo sapiens?How did the gradual transformation from hunting and gathering to agriculture probably occur? How did it spread?What were the earliest craft industries to emerge and how did they benefit those living in neolithic villages?How did early cities differ from neolithic villages and towns?MAP/CHART/DBQ QUESTIONS Use the maps in this chapter to follow the path of human habitation. What areas were inhabited most recently? Why?Examine Map 1.2, Origins and early spread of agriculture. What can the type and spread of agricultural products tell us about the movements of human beings and the nature of their relationship to each other?Examine the image of the Venus figurine on page 14. What is the significance of this image? What can it tell us about the mind-set of early humans? Why would this image represent fertility to early humans?What could the cave painting on page 13 tell the modern viewer about the paleolithic world? How does it express the paleolithic belief of sympathetic magic?Look at the cave paintings on pages 15 and 16. How do they represent the changing world of the neolithic age? Why would the themes be different from those in paleolithic cave paintings?Look at the picture of the pottery on page 20. What role did pottery play in human development? Why would it be in the shape of a deer? ................

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