Mr. Rousseau's World History

Prehistory Crossword Test ReviewTop of Form1234?????????5??6??????????????????7??????8?????910??11???????????????????12???????????13?14???????15??16??????????????????????17???????????????????18????19?????????????????????20????????????????????????21???????Across3.Neolithic city in ancient Turkey that had houses so close together it's people entered through the roof-tops. It's people worshipped a "mother goddess" and built shrines to honor her.6.Name given to people of the Paleolithic Age who depended on hunting and gathering their food in the wild.7.Paleolithic technology that provided early people with warmth, light, protection and the ability to cook their food.11.Means "Old Stone" Age. Lasts from 2.5 million years ago to around 8000 BC.14.Skilled workers, such as blacksmiths, potters, tailors and weavers.16.Neolithic city famous for its walls and the worship of the god Baal. One ritual involved the sacrifice of children to this god!18.Hard stone broken into sharp pieces that were used for tools and creating weapons.19.Means "New Stone" Age. Lasts from around 10000 BC to 3500 BC.20.The organized growing of food on a regular basis.21.Long period of global cooling where large ice sheets covered much of the earth.Down1.Form of government ruled by a single leader, usually a king or queen.2.The act of training for a particular job. Farming allowed people more time to do this.4.This enormous change occurred when people stopped hunting and gathering and started to change to agriculture. This lead to permanent homes, growth of cities, specialization and the invention of new technology!5.Neolithic metal created by combining copper and tin.8.Repeated ceremonies done to honor something, usually found in religion.9.Narrow strip of land that connected Asia to North America during the most recent ice age.10.Ideas or inventions that make life easier.12.Special buildings where people worship and perform rituals.13.The art and study of working metal and creating things out of metal.14.Sun-dried bricks used to construct the first cities.15.To "make tame". People did this to plants and animals during the Neolithic Age.17.Period in ancient human culture where people began using bronze metal to create tools and weapons.19.People who move around from place to place and have no permanent homes.Bottom of Form? ................

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