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[Pages:123]Google Cash Explosion

"From Zero to Financial Freedom ? The Complete System... The Most Complete and Easy To Follow Google Cash Blueprint Ever"

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By Mark Wightley


INTRODUCTION......................................................... CHAPTER ONE: HOW TO UNCOVER A PROFITABLE MARKET & KEYWORDS

HOW TO FIND A NICHE OR MARKET YOU CAN MONETIZE................................. HOW TO FIND A PRODUCT TO PROMOTE THAT YOU ARE GOING TO TARGET..................................................................................................................... HOW TO DECIDE ON THE TYPE OF KEYWORD YOU SHOULD TARGET..................................................................................................................... THE GOOGLE CASH EXPLOSION SEARCH VOLUME RULES.................................. THE GOOGLE CASH EXPLOSION COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS RULES...................... HOW TO ACTUALLY FIND THESE KEYWORDS (CHAPTER 1 ? RECAP)...............


HOW TO SELECT THE CORRECT DOMAIN NAME ? GOOGLE CASH EXPLOSION STYLE........................................................................................................................... WHERE TO CREATE YOUR GOOGLE CASH SITE....................................................... HOW TO INSTALL YOUR GOOGLE CASH SITE ON YOUR NEW DOMAIN ............... MY GOOGLE CASH SECRET PLUGINS YOU MUST USE.............................................

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HOW TO INSTALL THESE PLUGINS........................................................................... WHAT THEMES TO USE ON YOUR NEW GOOGLE CASH SITE.................................. HOW TO INSTALL YOUR WORDPRESS THEME OR UPLOAD THEMES....................


WHAT IS PRESELLING AND WHY IT'S A MUST ......................................................... THE BASICS OF PRESELLING....................................................................................... DECIDING ON THE BEST METHOD FOR WRITING IN YOUR NICHE OR MARKET........................................................................................................................

CHAPTER FOUR: SETTING UP YOUR GOOGLE CASH SITE TO EXPLODE ONTO GOOGLE IN THE NO#1 POSITION........................................................................

KEEPING THE SEARCH ENGINES HAPPY AND ENTERTAINING HUMAN READERS ? KEEPING THE BALANCE............................................................................................... KEYWORD DENSITY AND USING LSI KEYWORDS CORRECTLY.............................. MY RULES TO OPTIMIZING YOUR CASH SITE CORRECTLY.................................... HOW TO CONFIGURE THOSE PLUGINS..............................................................


THE OVERALL GOOGLE CASH EXPLOSION SITE STRUCTURE......................................... WHAT IS A POST AND HOW TO CONFIGURE ONE............................................................. STEP 1 - RESEARCH THE PRODUCT/MARKET AND POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS............ STEP 2 - FIND YOUR KEYWORD ....................................................................................... STEP 3 ? FIND AND LIST YOUR LSI KEYWORDS............................................................. STEP 4 - REGISTER YOUR DOMAIN NAME AND HOSTING............................................

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STEP 5 - INSTALL WORDPRESS ON DOMAIN ................................................................ STEP 6 - DECIDE ON THE ANGLE OF ATTACK FOR YOUR CONTENT........................ STEP 7 - UPLOAD THE APPROPRIATE THEME............................................................. STEP 8 - FIND AND UPLOAD ALL PLUGINS.................................................................... STEP 9 - HOW TO CHANGE PERMALINK STRUCTURE AND CONFIGURE PLUGINS... STEP 10 ? HOW TO CONFIGURE YOUR GENERAL SETTINGS........................................ STEP 11 - HOW TO GET YOUR LINKS AND CLOAK LINKS................................................ STEP 12 - CREATE ABOUT ME PAGE, WHO AM I WIDGET AND CONTACT PAGE......... STEP 13 - CREATE YOUR PRIVACY POLICY AND YOUR FIRST POST............................ STEP 14 - CREATE YOUR SECOND AND THIRD POST'S.................................................. STEP 15 - CREATE YOUR YOUTUBE VIDEO ? WHY AND HOW....................................... STEP 16 - PING YOUR SITE AND BOOKMARK YOUR SITE .............................................. STEP 17 - AFTER SITE IS INDEXED CREATE A USEFUL ARTICLES PAGE..................... STEP 18 - WRITE YOUR VERY LAST AND MOST IMPORTANT POST............................ STEP 19 - ADD CALL TO ACTIONS AND LINK THEM TO THE PRODUCT...................... SITE BUILDING FLOW CHART..........................................................................................

CHAPTER SIX: GIVING YOUR GOOGLE CASH SITE BUSINESS A BOOST TO EARNING 5 FIGURES EVERY MONTH...........................................................................

BOOSTING YOUR INCOME QUICKLY WITH GOOGLE CASH EXPLOSION................... STAYING MOTIVATED AND GETTING RESULTS......................................................... MY FINAL WORD TO YOU ON THE GOOGLE CASH EXPLOSION STEP BY STEP SYSTEM...........................................................................................................................

Click Here To Book In Your 100% FREE Strategy Session..

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By Reading this E book and following my methods you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions.

Under No circumstances should these teachings, this E book or the material within be sold, copied or reproduced in any way.

The Google Cash Explosion course is protected by Copyright law. Any Violators of the Copyright Law will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law. Those that purchase the Google Cash Explosion product will be issued with a unique license key and password to access the member's area and this e book. Therefore it is only for use by persons that have purchased the Google Cash Explosion Product.

All earnings that have been disclosed in this product and on the website are true and correct to the best of our knowledge. As with any business results will vary depending on such factors as the extent of use, skill and personal experience. We make no guarantee that you will achieve the same results if any. We will not be held responsible for any loss incurred from using the techniques herein.

The Author of the Google Cash Explosion makes no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the content offered within the Google Cash Explosion system. This information is meant as an educational guide you are taking full responsibility for your actions.

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For starters I'd like to congratulate you and welcome you to the complete step by step system that is the Google Cash Explosion.

Hi there and for those that don't know who I am here's a quick intro. My name is Mark Wightley and I am the creator of the Google Cash Explosion. This program and teachings are based on the exact methods I have been using for the past 4 years and over the last 3 years it's helped me earn quite a lot of money online.

I have been able to earn enough money to now do this on a part time basis from the comfort of my own home, that's right I don't have to work anymore. No more travelling to and from work every day and I don't have to answer to a boss ever again (Except for my wife).

Google Cash Explosion methods work and I have had the pleasure to help some of my close friends achieve the same results doing these exact teachings.

So if you follow every step in complete detail it's guaranteed to make you money and you will achieve online success as well.

This is a proven system to making an incredible income online, once you build your site the traffic and sales will slowly start to increase.

Then after some additional tactics and targeted content is added, very shortly your site will be ranking everywhere and churning out sales daily.

To put Google Cash Methods into a couple of paragraphs, what I do is target in on very specific niches and then zone in on very targeted keywords. We know through using my methods that these keywords are being searched for every month.

I then target in on a group within this niche using the keyword that I have researched to find people that are hungry or desperate to buy a solution or

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knowledge. I then create a simple 3-5 page Google Cash site that I can build on, each of these sites only takes between 1-2 days to get the core site complete. This is from scratch to have up and running and producing traffic and sales.

The magic of this product is firstly to realize that I do not promise tens of thousands of dollars from a single site. Each site makes me between $400 and $1500 per month but the beauty of this system is that because each site is so simple to setup I will create around 1 ? 2 of these sites per week. Then build out the initial one I did after a month or so and continue the cycle. Each site will then build in rankings, traffic and sales.

It's that simple. Now let's do a little math. Let's say each site only gets you $400 each per month and over the course of a month you build 12 of these sites the end result will be you have just created a $4800 per month income that will keep growing month after month.

After you create these sites you only need to add more targeted content to them approximately twice per month. All the while they are continuing to grow which leaves you free to create more, build out your current sites and spend time with the family.

Personally I have created around 50 of these Google cash websites and have narrowed my results down so I add to those that are converting.

So don't think you need to create hundreds of these sites to earn a full time income and be successful, if you follow my methods you will find that's just not the case.

What I Suggest You Do To Start This Course.

I would suggest you read the entire ebook and go through all the training at least once to get a better understanding of the course as a whole.

Then the second time around I would implement each step as you go along so by the end of your second run through you will have a complete Google Cash site up and running.

Remember to refer back to the checklist, process chart and ebook from time to time to be sure you are staying on track and sticking to the methods to success.

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My Final Word Before You Start This Course.

I have put in months of work producing this course and years perfecting the methods in the course. So remember some of my methods may not make sense to you at first but they just simply work and work well.

The only way this system won't work for you is if you don't do it, so get started, keep focused and remember to be consistent and persistent.

This stuff works, it works for me and I know it will work for you as well.


To start creating your Google Cash Site the very first thing you will need to do is to choose a market or niche to target and then we will need to find a keyword that can be monetized and most importantly profit from.

Our Google Cash Site will be based around aon main keyword and a number of select related keywords. By Main keyword I mean a phrase that someone would type into the Google search engine that contains at least 2 or more words and no less. This is not the case if your main keyword is a product name keyword (which is my recommended type). It can be 1 or more word product name.

The main reason our site is going to rank on the 1st page of Google for that search term is because our well written website will be laser targeted around that keyword and all related subjects that are laser targeted to the niche within our niche.

And remember with the coming methods you will know exactly how many people are searching for that exact keyword and our other keywords or phrases.

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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