The Formula Bill Used to Start Making Over 100K a Month ...

[Pages:5]The Formula Bill Used to Start Making Over 100K a Month (in Less than 90 Days)

1999 was the first year that I decided to follow my mentor's advice to change my mindset and my business plan. After all, he was making millions and I wasn't. It was this decision that changed my life.

I went from making $8,000 to $9,000 a month to $100,000+ per month in less than 90 days. For 17 long years working very long hours, I simply had the wrong mind-set. I was leading with product. I thought that if I knew more about as many products as I could, that I would be successful.

I sold everything from accident insurance, to you name it, I had it. I had securities licenses, TLC, variable and fixed annuities. Again, my life changed when I started the relationship with a service, and I was now seen as a person that brought them value... NOT a product.

Overview of CBA and How it Works

*Minimum list protection requirement for CBA members: Send 100 postcards per month at the current wholesale rate of $0.50 each.

Our initial goal is to help you close one cash balance plan and one premium financing case. (Please see the $380,080 commission example below.)

First We use our successful algorithm to select a very specific group of business owners who are most likely to benefit from adding a cash balance plan. There are 931,043 Defined Contributions 5500 forms in our database. We narrow this number down using the following criteria:

Number 1: Plans with a 401(k) brings the total down to 730,058 records. Number 2: Plans with 15 participants or less gives us 424,685 records.

Number 3: Plans with total assets between $1 and $10 million leaves us with 51,990 records.

We then filter these 51,990 records through our special algorithm, which we built after many interviews with our actuaries, TPAs, list providers, and our advisors who write an average of one cash balance plan per month. This leaves us with a new total of 39,001 very specific businesses with a high likelihood of benefitting from our services.

We then divide 39,001 by the 50 states, then by county and zip code, and then by the smallest viable radius to provide interested advisors with a list of 100 businesses to market to using direct letters and postcards. We want these business owners and their employees to know who you are and that you own two companies: 1) CBA to educate business owners and their CPAs about the taxcrushing benefits of cash balance plans and 2) your financial planning firm.

These 39,001 records currently have $89,713,423,952 in total assets. Our goal is to find just one client that can use our help setting up a cash balance plan and a premium financing plan. Once we sell a premium financing plan, everything changes, and we can completely change the marketing plan using your new budget.

Second We mail our 8.5 x 5.5 postcards to this group of very specific businesses every two weeks. (See below for an example.)

Third We answer the phone when a business owner calls our dedicated toll-free number. They are looking for more information, and we ask for their name and company name. As they provide this information, we type their company name into Infusionsoft, so we can tell them your name as the advisor for that region. We ask for their email address and let them know that "Mr. Advisor will get this information out to you before 5:00 today." Your back office will start the drip mail campaign from here, and we will follow up in 3 days to see if they have questions. Our goal at this stage is for them to fill out our census form.

Fourth Once we earn the business owner's trust and receive their census information, we send it to at least 2 different TPAs to complete their case design. This is usually done within 5 business days. With their permission, we copy the business's CPA on all emails, and our team follows up until the CPA is satisfied with the case design. Preparing the case design usually takes several revisions.

Fifth We set a date to sign documents. This is where you, the advisor, attend the first meeting as the president of the company and present investment options. We have made it known throughout this discovery process that you are the owner of two businesses: your investment firm and your cash balance awareness business. They know that a main goal of Cash Balance Advisors is to educate business owners about cash balance plan benefits. As the advisor, you are NOT recommending that they buy into a cash balance plan, you are only recommending that they vet the option. Their CPA will decide if they move forward with a cash balance plan, using the help of the case design manager (actuary) and the TPA.

You have provided the network and the resources. You have provided value.

Click the Link Below to Setup a Call to Learn More About This Great Opportunity I'll share our business model with you and the same Opportunity that was presented to me, I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Commission Example For $380,080

Commission can be anywhere from .50 on a record keeping platform to 9% with an index annuity on the $200,000 contributions in the above example cash balance plan for the 60-year-old male on the left. For this example, we will use the smallest 0.50 commission. $200,000 X 0.50 = $1,000.00 X next 10 years = $10,000 Without Premium Financing - $77,100 tax savings can be repositioned into a life insurance policy with a target premium of 120% (contract may be with any company you choose, but we have access to the highest commissions available) $77,100 X 120% = $92,520 = 1 for $102,520.00 with no premium financing

With Premium Financing, you may increase your new clients benefits up to seven times and at increase your commissions X 4 to be conservative.

$92,520 x 4 = $370,080.00

$370,080.00 + $10,000 = $380,080.00

The value to your new client is second to none.

We do NOT guarantee commission results. Click the Link Below to Setup a Call to Learn More About This Great Opportunity I'll share our business model with you and the same Opportunity that was presented to me, I look forward to speaking with you soon.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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