This is your to-do list for the summer. Do not procrastinate and wait until the last week to finish this assignment. The chapters will take over an hour to read and fully digest (for each chapter). Answer the questions completely and in paragraph form. The summer project will be due on the first day of school and you will have a quiz on the material that day as well. Read the following carefully and follow the directions exactly!

1. Go get your textbook after school on the last day of school!

2. The entire course is based on certain themes across regions and time. Visit apcentral. and find the “World History Course Description” (20 points)

a. Once there find the list of five World History themes and all of their subthemes

b. Next create a chart that includes each subtheme, a definition, and at least two examples

3. Over the summer, read the first five chapters of the book.

a. As you read the textbook, take notes. (50 points)

i. Use Cornell Style note taking strategies or

1. My formatted outlines found at

2. These must be handwritten and will be checked upon your return

ii. Look for the bold words that are in the chapters. Know not only the definition, but (1) who, (2) what, (3) when (4) where, and (5) significance.

iii. Most important, take notes on anything that ties to a theme.

4. Answer the chapter questions that are found inside the “Summer Project” page. These should be in your own words and as extensive as possible. One sentence answers are not going to be enough. These must be handwritten! (50 points)

5. Acquire a copy of the video National Geographic’s “Guns, Germs, and Steel” by Jared Diamond (15 points)

a. I have found this on Netflix (both in DVD and on demand) and at

b. You need to watch Episode 1 ONLY!

i. On youtube this will be the first 6 parts

c. Once completed, write a review of the video including:

i. Diamond’s overall thesis…meaning, “what is the point he is trying to make”

1. This should be detailed and a full paragraph

ii. Write five things that you learned in the video and declare which of the above themes your new learning would fall under

iii. Finally, write at least a one paragraph critique of the video.

1. What was your opinion, why?

2. Was it convincing, why?

iv. At no point do I want a summary…I have seen this video already!

v. This must be handwritten and be a cohesive response…not chopped up!

6. Complete the AP college central webquest found under the “Summer Project” assignment. (10 points)

a. This may be done on the Word document you found it on and printed out to be turned in, or it can be handwritten.

7. You must label the world map with the accompanying regions that can be found under the “Summer Project” tab at (5 points)

a. You map must include TODAL (title, orientation, date, author, & legend)

i. The orientation is a compass rose

ii. You may be creative with the legend

8. You must write a comparative essay that follows the very strict guidelines below (25 points):

a. A thesis statement in the first paragraph that completely answers all parts of the question. It may be multiple sentences, but may not be multiple paragraphs

b. A three paragraph body that reinforces your thesis including at least TWO pieces of historical evidence in each paragraph adhering to the following format:

i. Body paragraph #1: Comparison of both regions about the topic and time period to reinforce your thesis in detail

ii. Body paragraph #2: Contrast of both regions about the topic and time period to reinforce your thesis in detail

iii. Body paragraph #3: Either a comparison OR a contrast of both regions that further reinforces your thesis

c. A conclusion that restates your thesis in different wording and puts the topic into a wider context across other regions or time periods…make a greater connection

d. You essay question is:

i. Compare and contrast the collapse of imperial Rome and the Han Dynasty in the classical time period.

ii. Yes, this must be hand written!

9. Extra credit book report (25 extra credit points)

a. Choose ONE of the following books to write your report:

i. The Colombian Exchange by Alfred Crosby

ii. The Broken Spears by Miguel Leon-Portilla

iii. First They Killed my Father by Loung Ung

iv. The Adventures of Ibn Battuta by Ross Dunn

v. 1421 by Gavin Menzies

vi. Ishmael by Daniel Quinn

b. Write a report following the below format:

i. Paragraph one: an identification of the main characters and their importance to the story line.

ii. Paragraph two: a summary of the book that includes the description of the geographic location and historical time period involved.

iii. Paragraph three: an identification of the problem or situation presented in the book.

iv. Paragraph four: a description of three new things you learned about the country's culture from the book.

v. Paragraph five: an explanation of how this book can be a learning tool for Advanced Placement World History.

vi. This must be handwritten!

c. Keep in mind, this will probably be your only extra credit option all semester, except for an occasional question on a test.

10. You will need to acquire a basic two pocket folder to assemble this project (175 points total)

a. Place the assignments in the order that they were assigned (1st assignment in front) in 1 pocket

b. If a component is more than one page, staple it together.

c. Extra credit write-up

d. Name on front of folder and on each assignment

11. Email me if you have any questions over the summer mcanfield@ycusd.k12.ca.us

12. You will receive a more in-depth syllabus and schedule on the first day.


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