12pt text starts here - BBC

Level A

1. What time is it?

A) Twenty past 3

B) Quarter past 4

C) Quarter past 5

D) Three minutes past 4

2. Which time does not match the time on the clock?

A) Half past one

B) One thirty

C) Three ten

D) 30 minutes past one

3. What time is it?

A) B)

C) D)

4. Match the time on the digital clock to the correct analogue clock.


5. What time is it?


A) Half past 7

B) Quarter past 6

C) Quarter to 6

D) Half past 9

6. October is the _______ month of the year.

What is the missing word in this sentence?

A) ninth

B) tenth

C) eleventh

D) eighth

7. Which date is the same as the date on the calendar?


A) 05-08-07

B) 05-07-08

C) 05-06-07

D) 07-05-07

8. Which month comes before June?

A) May

B) July

C) April

D) March

9. Which date is the same as the date on the calendar?


A) 09-SEP-2008

B) 23-AUG-09

C) 08-SEP-23

D) 23-SEP-08

10. Which answer lists the missing months in the correct order?

1. January

2. February

3. March

4. April





9. September

10. October

11. November

12. December

A) May, June, July, August

B) June, May, July, August

C) August, May, June, July

D) July, May, June, August

Level B

1. What time is it?

A) Five past 4

B) Twenty five past 4

C) Five past 4

D) Twenty past 4

2. What time is it?

A) Five past 11

B) Five to 11

C) Ten to 11

D) Ten past 11

3. Which time does not match the time on the clock?


A) 50 minutes past 3

B) Three fifty

C) 5 past three

D) 10 minutes to 4

4. Match the time on the digital clock to the correct analogue clock.

5. What time is it?

6. What's the date tomorrow?


A) 31 - June - 2008

B) 31 - July - 2008

C) 01 - June - 2008

D) 01 - July – 2008

7. You meet a friend on 12th Feb. You arrange to meet again a week later. What is the date of your next meeting?


A) Sunday Feb 19th

B) Saturday Feb 19th

C) Sunday Feb 13th

D) Saturday Feb 5th

8. How many Wednesdays are there in March?


A) 4

B) 5

C) 6

D) 7

9. In England, it gets dark at about _____ on December afternoons.

Fill the gap with an accurate and sensible time.

A) 4.30am

B) 4.30

C) 4.30pm

10. You get home at 7.20 in the evening and switch the TV on.

Which programme is on?


A) News headlines

B) Midweek film

C) Garden Makeover

D) Party Political broadcast

Level C

1. Sally meets her friends on the third Tuesday of every month.

On what date in March does she meet her friends?


A) 8th March

B) 15th March

C) 17th March

D) 3rd March

2. Sally must take antibiotics once a day for 10 days. She takes her last one on 30th March.

On what day of the week did she start taking the antibiotics?


A) Sunday

B) Monday

C) Wednesday

D) Tuesday

3. Raj has lost his calendar for April. He wants to know what day of the week April 8th will be. Can you help him?


A) Friday

B) Tuesday

C) Thursday

D) Monday

4. Which packet of cheese is past its sell by date?



5. Today's date is 25/09/08. Which bottles of milk shake should be put at the front of the shelf so they are sold first?


A) D E F H

B) E F G H

C) A B C D

D) A D E F

6. Your clock says the following time:

Your favourite TV show starts at half past nine in the evening and lasts for half an hour.

Which statement is true?

A) You can still watch the whole show.

B) You have missed the whole show. It finished a quarter of an hour ago.

C) The show has started but you can still see some of it.

D) You have missed the whole show. It was on this morning.

7. You finish work at midday. You have a coffee with your mate in the canteen for 10 minutes and then walk home. The walk takes 25 minutes.

What time do you get home?

A) B)

C) D)

8. Here's Linda's watch. It's ten minutes fast.

What is the correct time?

A) 09:55

B) 19:45

C) 09:40

D) 09:35

9. How many hours is the surgery open on Wednesdays?


A) 13 hours

B) 7 hours

C) 5 hours

D) 4 hours

10. You arrive at the surgery on Monday at 12.45pm.

Which statement is true?

A) The surgery is shut but will be open again later in the afternoon.

B) The surgery is shut for the rest of the day.

C) The surgery is open.

D) The surgery is closed all day.


Level A

1. What time is it?

The correct answer is: B. Quarter past 4

The hour hand is nearest to the 4. The minute hand is pointing to the 3 which means quarter past. The time is quarter past 4.

2. Which time does not match the time on the clock?

The correct answer is: C. Three ten

This time does not match the time on the clock. The first two digits show the hour and the next two digits show the minutes. The time on the digital clock is:

one thirty / half past one / 30 minutes past one

3. What time is it?

The correct answer is: C.

The time is 10:45. The hour hand is between the 10 and the 11. The minute hand is pointing to the 9 which means quarter to 11 or 45 minutes past 10.

4. Match the time on the digital clock to the correct analogue clock.

The correct answer is: C.

C is the correct answer because it shows the time of quarter to 8 or 45 minutes past 7, which is the same as 07:45.

5. What time is it?


The correct answer is: D. Half past 9

This clock uses roman numerals for the numbers. The time is half past 9. The hour hand is between the IX (9) and the X (10). The minute hand is pointing to the VI (6) which means half past. The time is half past 9.

6. October is the _______ month of the year.

What is the missing word in this sentence?

The correct answer is: B. tenth

October is the tenth month of the year.

7. Which date is the same as the date on the calendar?


The correct answer is: A. 05-08-07

August is the 8th month so another way of writing 05 Aug 07 is 05-08-07.

8. Which month comes before June?

The correct answer is: A. May

May is the month before June.

9. Which date is the same as the date on the calendar?


The correct answer is: D. 23-SEP-08

The day of the month comes first (23), then the month (09/Sept), then the year (2008).

23-09-2008 is the same as 23-SEP-08.

10. The correct answer is: A. May, June, July, August

The correct order of the missing months is May (5), June (6), July (7) and Aug (8).

Level B

1. What time is it?

The correct answer is: B. Twenty five past 4

The hour hand is nearest to the 4. The minute hand is pointing to the 5 which means twenty five minutes past. So, the time is twenty five past 4.

2. What time is it?

The correct answer is: A. Five past 11

This clock uses roman numerals for the numbers. The hour hand is pointing to XI (11). The minute hand is pointing to the I (1) which means five minutes past.

3. Which time does not match the time on the clock?


The correct answer is: C. 5 past three

The time 5 past three does not match the time on the clock. The first two digits show the hour and the next two digits show the minutes. The time on the digital clock is:

50 minutes past 3 / three fifty/ 10 minutes to 4.

5. Match the time on the digital clock to the correct analogue clock.

The correct answer is: C.

C is the correct answer as it shows the time 35 minutes past 10 which is the same as 10:35.

6. What time is it?

The correct answer is: C.

The correct time is 12:40.

7. What’s the date tomorrow?


The correct answer is: D. 01 - July - 2008

The day after June 30th is July 1st. The date tomorrow will be 01 - July - 2008.

8. You meet a friend on 12th Feb. You arrange to meet again a week later. What is the date of your next meeting?


The correct answer is: B. Saturday Feb 19th

You have arranged to meet your friend a week later on Saturday Feb 19th .

9. How many Wednesdays are there in March?


The correct answer is: B. 5

There are 5 Wednesdays in March. The 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th are all Wednesdays.

10. In England, it gets dark at about _____ on December afternoons.

The correct answer is: C. 4.30pm

It normally gets dark around 4.30 pm on December afternoons.

11. You get home at 7.20 in the evening and switch the TV on.

Which programme is on?

The correct answer is: C. Garden Makeover

Garden Makeover started at 7.15 pm and will be on when you switch on the TV at 7.20 in the evening.

Level C

1. Sally meets her friends on the third Tuesday of every month.

On what date in March does she meet her friends?


The correct answer is: B. 15th March

Sally meets her friends on Tuesday March 15th.

2. Sally must take antibiotics once a day for 10 days. She takes her last one on 30th March.

On what day of the week did she start taking the antibiotics?


The correct answer is: B. Monday

Sally started her antibiotics on Monday 21st March. To work it out count back ten days on the calendar from March 30th.

3. Raj has lost his calendar for April. He wants to know what day of the week April 8th will be. Can you help him?


The correct answer is: A. Friday

8th April is on a Friday. Count forward on the calendar 8 days after the end of March using the column headings to help you work out the day of the week.

4. Which packet of cheese is past its sell by date?


The correct answer is: C.

This packet is a month past its sell by date. Packet C has a sell by date of 27/08/07. And today's date is the 28th September 2007, or 28/09/07, packet C is past its sell by date.

5. Today's date is 25/09/08. Which bottles of milk shake should be put at the front of the shelf so they are sold first?


The correct answer is: A. D E F H

Bottles D, E, F and H have the earliest sell by dates.

6. Your clock says the following time:

Your favourite TV show starts at half past nine in the evening and lasts for half an hour.

Which statement is true?

The correct answer is: C. The show has started but you can still see some of it.

That's right! The show started at half past nine, or 09:30 pm. It is now 09:45 pm so you have missed the first fifteen minutes of the show. As the show lasts for half an hour you can still watch the

7. You finish work at midday. You have a coffee with your mate in the canteen for 10 minutes and then walk home. The walk takes 25 minutes.

What time do you get home?

The correct answer is: A.

You finish work at 12 noon. Coffee (10 minutes) and walking home (25 minutes) takes a total of 35 minutes so you arrive home at 12:35 pm.

8. Here's Linda's watch. It's ten minutes fast. What is the correct time?

The correct answer is: D. 09:35

The correct time is 9:35. You have counted back 10 minutes from the time on Linda's watch.

9. How many hours is the surgery open on Wednesdays?

The correct answer is: C. 5 hours

There are two hours from 10am to noon. Then another 3 hours from noon to 3pm. This means the surgery is open for 5 hours on Wednesdays

10. You arrive at the surgery on Monday at 12.45pm. Which statement is true?

The correct answer is: A. The surgery is shut but will be open again later in the afternoon.

The surgery is shut for 1 1/2 hrs at lunchtime on Monday but opens again at 2pm.

The correct statement is the surgery is shut but will be open again later in the afternoon



















Time and date quiz

© BBC 2011


Time and date quiz

© BBC 2011


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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