Holocaust Vocabulary

Holocaust Vocabulary

1. Anti-Semitism – Discrimination or persecution of Jews.

2. Aryan – Racial term used by Nazis to describe a “race” they believed to be superior.

3. Assimilation – the process of being incorporated into mainstream society.

4. Auschwitz – A complex consisting of concentration, extermination, and labor camps in Silesia.

5. Axis – Germany, Italy, and Japan

6. Allies – U.S., Great Britain, France, and the Soviet Union

7. Asylum – protection offered by a country to people trying to escape persecution in their own country.

8. Bergen-Belsen – Nazi concentration camp in Germany. The camp where Anne Frank died.

9. Concentration Camp – a place where political prisoners were kept.

10. Crematorium – Furnaces where human bodies were burned.

11. Call-up – official notification that a person must report to Nazi authorities and be relocated, often to a concentration camp.

12. Deportation – The forced removal of Jews in Nazi-occupied lands to concentration camps.

13. Death camps – Nazi centers of murder and extermination.

14. Death Marches – The marches imposed upon prisoners by the Nazis in order to keep them from liberation by the Allied forces.

15. Dachau – The first Nazi concentration camp located in Germany. Used as a location for human experiments.

16. Euthanasia – the policy of “mercy killing” the old and handicapped.

17. Emigrate – to leave a country

18. Final Solution – the Nazi term for the annihilation of the Jews in Europe.

19. Fascism – A social and political belief that the state of nation is the highest priority, rather than individual freedom.

20. Fuhrer – Leader. Adolf Hitler’s title in Nazi Germany.

21. Genocide – the systematic elimination of o people or a nation.

22. Gestapo – Secret State Police.

23. Ghetto – the section of a city where Jews were forced to live.

24. Gypsies – A collective term for Romani and Sinti. A nomadic people believed to have come originally from Northwest India.

25. Holocaust - Term used to refer to the systematic murder of 6 million Jews, Gypsies, and Poles by the Nazis between 1933-1945. From the Greek holokauston meaning a sacrifice totally burned by fire.

26. Hitler – German dictator from 1933-1945 who brought the Nazi party to power.

27. Kristallnacht – “Night of Broken Glass”. Nazi-organized riot against the Jews.

28. Nazi – Acronym for the National Socialist German Workers Party.

29. Mussolini – Ruler of Italy from 1922-1945 who founded the National Fascist Party.

30. Nuremberg Trial – Trial of twenty-two major Nazi figures in Nuremberg, Germany, in 1945 and 1946.

31. Pogroms – Organized acts of persecution or massacre of a specific group of people.

32. Prejudice – An attitude toward a person or group of people formed without adequate information.

33. Partisans – resisters who tried to disrupt the Nazi’s plans through individual and group efforts.

34. Persecution – oppression or unjust treatment.

35. Propaganda – One-sided information intended to help or hurt a cause.

36. Racism – Practice of discrimination and persecution on the basis of race.

37. Ration Books – Coupons issued by the government for food and other supplies. The amount per person was strictly limited.

38. Refugee – one who leaves a country to escape unfair treatment or oppression.

39. Righteous Gentiles – non-Jews who risked their lives to save Jews during the Holocaust.

40. Scapegoat – an innocent person blamed for the problems of another.

41. Selection – The procedure used to determine who would live and who would die in death and labor camps. Usually carried out by doctors.

42. Swastika – Symbol of the Nazi party; originally an ancient religious symbol.

43. Stereotype – Biased generalizations about a group based on hearsay, opinions, and distorted, preconceived ideas.

44. SS – German protective squads who served the Nazi leaders.

45. Third Reich – Name of German government under Hitler, which means “Third Empire.”

46. Typhus – deadly disease often transmitted by body lice and marked by high fever, delirium, and a dark red rash.

47. Underground – In hiding.

48. Yellow Star – Yellow, cloth Star of David sewn to clothing to identify Jews.

49. Zionism – Political and cultural movement calling for the return of Jewish people to their Biblical home.

50. Zyklon-B – The gas used to kill Jews in the gas chambers at death camps.


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