The Age of Exploration:

The Age of Exploration:

Establishing a European Dominance

and Way of Life in the “New World”

Background: The Norse (better known as the Vikings) explored during the 10th and 11th century and other than the Native Americans, were the first Europeans to discover America. The Norse sailed from Iceland and Greenland looking for new places to call home. Leif Eriksson is perhaps one of the most famous Norsemen for exploring North America. His explorations include present day Baffin Island, Labrador and Newfoundland. The Norse did not stay long in North America because they could not get along with the existing natives.

1. What was the Age of Exploration?

a. A period of time during which various _______________ countries sought a direct water route to Asia via the ____________________ (a water route through North America to Asia)

2. Why did the Age of Exploration occur?

a. __________-European countries are seeking ways to get rich

b. __________-European countries are seeking to spread Christianity

c. __________-Individual European countries are seeking to hold the title of most powerful European country

3. When was the Age of Exploration?

a. 1492-__________

4. What countries were involved in the Age of Exploration?

a. _______________-Leads the way

b. _______________-Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, Hernando Cortes, Francisco Pizarro

c. _______________-Henry Hudson

d. _______________-Giovanni da Verrazzano, Jacques Cartier, Samuel de Champlain

e. _______________-John Cabot

5. Where were the Europeans exploring?

a. Caribbean Islands

b. ____________________

c. Central and _______________ America

d. Eastern coast of the present day United States

e. _______________

6. How were the Europeans exploring?

a. Primitive, often inaccurate __________ were used (a number of places were discovered by _______________ while on route through the Northwest Passage)

b. Improvements in sailing techniques were being discovered

i. _______________ (a ship with triangular as well as square sails that allowed the ship to sail better into the wind)

c. Kings and Queens _______________ the voyages

7. Outcomes of the Age of Exploration.

a. _______________ knowledge was gained that changed the European views of the world

b. Unknown _______________ and lands were discovered

c. Cruel treatment of the Native Americans original to the land

i. Forced _______________ upon them

ii. Forced to be _______________

iii. Died in large numbers from European _______________

d. Europeans now claimed the eastern part of North America and a large part of Central/South America (especially the _______________ in Central and South America)

e. European hierarchy developed

f. ____________________ developed

g. _________________________-a movement of plants, animals and diseases between the Eastern and Western hemispheres

h. Native American and _______________ cultures blended together

i. Forced migration of enslaved _______________ to the Americas to work on plantations

j. An increase desire among the _______________ to “catch up” and be a formidable rival, especially with Spain (thus the 13 colonies begin to develop)


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