Nombre: ____________Clase:

Nombre: ____________Clase: ___Double Object Pronouns in SpanishWe have looked at both Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns and learned that we place them either directly before a conjugated verb or attach them to an infinitive, a gerund or a command.? But what happens when we have both direct and indirect object pronouns in one sentence?? Who goes where?Bottom of FormLet's take a look at an example: holaFirst, we'll identify the different components of this sentence: Yodoyel dinerote, a ti (informal you)subject pronoun Iour conjugated verb I'm givingdirect object it's what I'm giving. The money is receiving the direct action of the verb. Indirect object Pronoun, Indirect Object YOU are receiving the money! (indirect benefit of my action/verb)Now, we replace el dinero? with the pronoun _____ because dinero is masculine and singular.? And we already have the Indirect Object Pronoun ___.Both object pronouns must come before the active/conjugated verb.? But which comes first? The ___________ will ALWAYS come first. An easy way to remember this is to think of _________________________________________________________.So, our sentence above can be converted into this three-word sentence using both an indirect and a direct object pronoun: Te????? lo?????? doy. IO???? DO?? VERBLet's look at another example: El policía nos lleva las direcciones a nosotros.First, we'll identify the different components of the sentence: El policíallevalas direcciones?nos, a nosostrosThe subjectthe verbthe direct object. We use the pronoun las.the indirect object. ?the pronoun nos is already in the sentenceIf we follow the ID rule, our final sentence is: El policía????? nos?? las?? lleva. SUBJECT????? IO?? DO?? VERBSo far pretty easy! But (of course!) we have a small exception.? Let's look at this sentence: ?Juan le escribe una carta a María.When we examine the elements, we have: Juanescribeuna cartale, a MaríaSubjectverbDirect object We replace this with la? since una carta is singular and feminineIndirect object The singular third person pronoun, le, is already there So our sentence is:*Juan le la escribe.?Right?I guess you know from the red asterisk that this isn't what happens.? Unfortunately, we cannot leave this sentence as it is.?_________________________________________________.? So our original sentence,*Juan le la escribe.?must change to---->Juan se la escribe.Here is one way to remember the exception:1)? Only Eric Clapton sings Layla (___ ____) or Laylas (___ ____). 2)? Only criminals Lay low (___ ____). 3)? Spanish speakers "Say" la/las and "Say" lo/los (___ ____, ___ ____, ___ ____, ____ ____) Let's try another example: Yo le pido los discos a mi hermano --> __________________???? le-->se????? los????????????? ?????? IO????????? DO?????????????We can also place the double object pronouns __________________or __________________ just as we do with single object pronouns. For example:Yo les estoy explicando las reglas a ustedes.Yo se las estoy explicando?? -or-?? Yo estoy explicándo________.????????les-->se??????????????? ?????? las ??????????? IO??????????????????????????? DONotice that we place accent marks on the present participles and infinitives to preserve the normal pronunciation of the verbs.? If you aren't sure where to put the accent, cover up the pronoun/s and say the word naturally.? The stressed syllable is where you put the accent: Nosotros vamos a prestarle?? los libros a Elena. ?????????????????????????????????? le-->se?? los*Nosotros vamos a prestarselos--? ?????????? And now where do we put the accent...?1) Take off the pronouns:???? Prestar -? [selas] 2) Find the normal stresses syllable:?? presTAR 3) Write the accent mark and attach pronouns: prestár +? [selas] Nosotros vamos a prestárselos.?Vamos a practicar! Answer the questions using direct and indirect object pronouns.* Remember that direct objects answer the question what or whom and receive the action of the verb.* The IO pronoun indicates to whom or for whom the action is done.* When a verb takes both a DO and an IO pronoun, the IO pronoun comes first.* If both pronouns refer to the third person, the IO pronoun (le or les) changes to se.Ejemplo:?Quién te ense?a la gramática? (Who teaches the grammar to you?)La profesora me la ense?a. (The professor teaches it to me.) Top of Form1. ?Quién le explica los problemas a Ana? Paco explica. 2. ?Quién te presta su ropa nueva?Luis presta. 3. ?A quién le manda Juan esas rosas?Juan manda a Elena. 4. ?Quién les dice a Uds. la respuesta?Ellos dicen. 5. ?Quién me da estos billetes?Yo doy a ti. 6. ?A quiénes les cuentas el chiste?Yo cuento a ellos. 7. ?Quién les muestra a Uds. las fotos?Ana muestra. 8. ?Quién te regala el anillo?Mi novio regala. 9. ?A quién le escriben Uds. una tarjeta?Nosotros escribimos a Luis. 10. ?Quién me paga las cuentas?Yo pago. Bottom of FormGive a logical response to the first sentence.* Replace the DO noun in bold with a DO pronoun. Remember that direct objects answer the question what or whom and receive the action of the verb.Ejemplo:Deseo comer el postre. (I want to eat dessert)La camarera me lo sirve. (The waiter serves it to me.)Top of Form1. Julia tiene ganas de comer paella.Esta cocinera prepara. 2. Nosotros no comprendemos las reglas.La profesora explica. 3. Alejandro no tiene dinero.Sus amigos prestan. 4. Yo necesito mis gafas.Mi hermano trae. 5. Tú no sabes la hora.Carlos y yo decimos. 6. Bárbara no lava los platos. Su esposo lava. 7. David no oye las instrucciones.Miguel y Ana repiten. 8. Yo quiero unos zapatos nuevos.Mis abuelos regalan. 9. Uds. no encuentran sus llaves.El policía devuelve. Bottom of Form ................

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