Lesson: Cha Cha

Lesson: Cha Cha


|Grade |Objective |

|1 – 2 |To demonstrate the basic Cha Cha step in time to the music. |

|3 - 5 |To demonstrate three Cha Cha steps in time to the music. |

| |To dance with a partner in Mirror. |

| |To identify the different steps by name. |

Lesson Summary

( I like it like that; Let’s get loud; by Dance & Listen Ltd / Sway; Pussy Cat Dolls

In this lesson the class learns the Latin dance called Cha Cha which is danced in a circle, then in pairs as a partner dance.

Cha Cha Dance: circle & partner dance

➢ Basic Chasse, step in place x 4

➢ Opening Out Chasse - step forward/replace x 3

➢ Pivot Turn Chasse – step forward/pivot turn x 1

Activity 1: Basic Cha Cha

( 10 minutes

Any Cha Cha music can be used for this.

a) Sideways Chasse to the right. Mark time in place

i. Right foot step to side QUICK

ii. Left foot closes to right foot QUICK

iii. Right foot step to the side SLOW

iv. Left foot closed to right foot marking time SLOW

v. Right foot marks time in place SLOW

a) Sideways Chasse to the left. Mark time in place

i. Left foot step to side QUICK

ii. Right foot closes to left foot QUICK

iii. Left foot step to the side SLOW

iv. Right foot closed to left foot marking time SLOW

v. Left foot marks time in place SLOW

b) Repeat (a) and (b)

Activity 2: Opening Out Chasse

( 10 minutes

a) Sideways Chasse to the right and step across with left foot

i. Right foot step to side,

ii. Left foot closes to right foot,

iii. Right foot step to the side,

iv. Left foot steps across right foot turning to right

v. Replace weight back onto left foot turning to the front

c) Sideways Chasse to the left and step across with right foot

i. Left foot step to side,

ii. Right foot closes to left foot,

iii. Left foot step to the side,

iv. Right foot steps across left foot turning to left

v. Replace weight back onto right foot facing partner

d) Repeat (a) and (b).

Activity 3: Pivot Turn Chasse

( 10 minutes

Pivot Turn - step onto right foot and pivot half turn to the left stepping onto right left foot.

Repeat the pivot on the other foot (pivoting the right) because during the partner Activity, one partner will be mirroring.

Putting it all together: Repeat Activity (1) – twice in each direction, Activity (2) – twice in each direction – but add the pivot turn on the last Opening Out Chasse – instead of stepping forward and replacing, step forward and pivot.

Activity 4: Partnering and Mirroring

( 15 minutes

Repeat Activity (2) in pairs, facing each other with a double hand hold. One of the pair starts on the right foot, the other of the pair on the left foot, and they mirror each other throughout.

Notes & Extensions

a) Begin classes with a brief introduction about the Cha Cha Cha. This is a Latin Rhythm dance from Cuba which was high in popularity in the 1950’s. The music is written in 4/4 time.

e) There are several schools of thought on which beat to start on, but it has been my experience that starting on the 4th beat (right foot to the side), rather than the 2nd (forward on the left) is the best and clearest way to get on time to the music.

f) Clapping the Rhythm: Clap to music in the footwork so the students are aware of the speed of the dance. (Quick Quick Slow Slow Slow i.e. Say “Cha Cha Cha left right, Cha Cha Cha right left” etc)

i. Clap the Cha Cha Cha rhythm and mark time in place the two steps right, left. Repeat other way. Quick Quick Slow, Slow Slow.

ii. Dance the Cha Cha Cha chasse to the right and clap the mark time. Repeat several times.

iii. Half the class claps the Cha Cha Cha and the other half clap the mark time rhythm. Add in the foot actions.

iv. Mark out the rhythm with the feet starting on the right with the Cha Cha Cha chasse to the right followed by the mark time steps on the spot. Repeat to the left.

g) Use a mark time (in place) for the first lesson because stepping forward and back is generally too complex until the rhythm is engrained. As a future lesson or extension, this can be added – the ‘Non-Mirror’ steps forward with the left foot on the first chasse, and back with the right on the second etc. the ‘Mirror’ steps back on the right on the first chasse, and forward on the left.

h) It is very important, through each stage, to play music and to include a variety of songs and varied artists. This way the students will learn to recognize various styles of Cha Cha music and not get bored with the same song.

i) Make a large circle and teach the basic step as Cha Cha Cha mark time.

j) It is also important to clap out the timing as students often pick up the rhythm more quickly. Have the students say the steps with you. e.g. Say “Cha Cha Cha”; they say “Mark Time”, alternatively, they say “Cha Cha Cha”, and you say “Mark Time”. This makes them aware if they are doing to few/many steps.

k) Arm movements are a double hand hold on the Cha Cha Cha mark time steps, however on the opening out, the Non-Mirror let’s go of the Mirror’s right hand and brings the joined hand through the centre, changing hands on the Cha Cha Cha to the Non-Mirror’s left and Mirror’s right. This is repeated both ways, however, on the pivot turn the Non-Mirror will bring the joined hands through and then let go to lead their Mirror to turn.


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