Standard Questions

|STANDARD QUESTIONS |Project Number:       |Date:       |

| If assistance is required, please contact your Service Center. A VP Buildings’ representative will be happy to assist you! |

|Note with regard to building loads and building code: |

|It is the responsibility of the Builder to obtain and provide the necessary load information including, but not limited to, environmental (wind speed, snow |

|load, seismic data, rain intensity, etc.), collateral (ducts, sprinklers, lights, etc.) and supplemental (cranes, mezzanines, etc.) loads and the proper, |

|current, building code. The project design professional and/or building official should be contacted to provide or verify the necessary load requirements. |

|Data supplied to VP Buildings is assumed to be accurate and is not verified. |

|Existing Building Expansion, Adjacent Structures and/or Special Site Features |

|1a. Is this project expanding off of an existing building (endwall and/or sidewall)? YES NO |

|Form “Existing Building Information” attached, or include a sketch or other information. |

|1b. Is this project attaching to an existing building via trims and flashing only? YES NO |

|If YES: Please provide existing building information per below and trim and flashing requirements. |

|1c. Is this project within 20’-0” of an existing structure (higher or lower), but not attached? YES NO |

|If YES: Please provide existing building information per below. |

|1d. Are there site features that would cause snowdrift loading or increases in wind speed acceleration (see code for special considerations)? YES NO |

|If YES, please provide site feature information. This includes hills, bluffs, dense forest, etc. |

|If YES: Provide a sketch that includes the orientation and dimensions of existing buildings within 20’ and/or any site features that affect the building |

|loading. Consult with your Project Engineer. |

|Special Requirements |

|2. Are Architectural Plans and/or Specifications included with the order? YES NO |

|If YES – Choose one. |

|These documents are supplied as “reference only”. |

|(Meaning: Builder’s order information and/or VP standards will govern over Customer drawings, if conflicting.) |

|These documents are to be “evaluated for compliance”. |

|(Meaning: VP will evaluate architectural plans (“A” and “S” sheets) and Division 13 for compliance. VP reserves the right to exclude material that can not |

|reasonably be provided or is cost prohibitive to the project. If necessary, VP will increase the cost of the project to be in compliance with these |

|documents. Unless noted and agreed to by VP and the Builder, VP’s standards will govern.) |

|3. Are there any insurance industry recommendations (e.g. FM Global/Factory Mutual or YES NO |

|HSB Industrial Risk Insurers) that impact the VP Buildings’ building? |

|A letter from FM Global/HSB referencing this specific project and outlining the recommendations is required. VP Buildings cannot determine the insurance |

|recommendations. This information must come from the insurance company. |

|FM Global/HSB Industrial Risk Insurers letter outlining recommendations attached. (Required) |

|Form “Insurance Industry Recommendations” attached. (Required) |

|4. Has the Occupancy Category (AKA Building Use Category) been verified and input YES NO |

|correctly in VPCommand? |

|Occupancy Category Partial Descriptions (See Building Code for detailed descriptions) |

|(I) Low Hazard Agricultural Buildings; Certain temporary facilities; Minor storage facilities |

|(II) Standard Occupancy Does not fall within categories I, III or IV |

|(III) Hazardous/Special More than 300 people congregate in one area; Daycare facility occupancy over 150; Elementary or secondary school occupancy over 250;|

|Jail or detention facility; Power generating; Water treatment; Sewage treatment; Telecommunications; Contains non-threatening toxic or explosive substances |

|(IV) Essential Facility Hospitals; Fire; Rescue; Ambulance; Police; Emergency vehicle garage; Designated earthquake, hurricane or other emergency shelter; |

|Power generating station; Ancillary structure; Emergency aircraft hangar; Water storage and pump facilities; Critical national defense; Contains threatening|

|toxic or explosive substances |


|Framing Constraints |

|5. Are there clearance requirements on VP frames? YES NO |

|Please provide specific clearances, not “per VPC frame profile”, as the frame profiles will differ between frames and they will change due to changes and/or|

|corrections to the project. |

|Appropriate “Primary Framing” Form attached OR, if simple, provide in space below. |

|      |

|6. Are there column depth restrictions? YES NO |

|Appropriate “Primary Framing” Form attached OR, if simple, provide in space below. |

|      |

|7. Are there column base elevations that are not at finished floor? YES NO |

|Form “Columns Not at Finished Floor” attached OR, if simple, provide in space below. |

|Note: If “all interior columns” are not at finished floor, does this include exclude interior columns at expandable endwalls? |

|      |

|7a. If there are sidewall columns with base elevations below the finished floor supporting YES NO |

|wall bracing, can the bracing be designed and detailed to connect to the base of the columns per VP standards? |

|If NO, the bracing will be raised to the finished floor elevation and additional charges written due to weak-axis loading applied to the columns. |

|8. Are there jamb base elevations that are not at finished floor? YES NO |

|If YES: Provide specific information. |

|      |

|9. Are there any clearance requirements at portal frames or portal braces? YES NO |

|Particular attention should be made where portal frames or portal braces may interfere with framed openings. Clearance requirements may include horizontal |

|and/or vertical dimensions. |

|If YES, what are the clearance requirements? Horz.       Vert.       |

|10. Have the clearance requirements at overhead and vertical lift doors been verified with YES NO |

|VP Command results? |

|This includes clearances at wall and roof flange braces, purlins and endframe rafters and crane support framing. If NO, provide all clearance requirements.|

|Deflection Constraints |

|11. Are there deflection and/or drift requirements other than code requirements or VP YES NO |

|Buildings’ recommended criteria (shown below)? |

|Please provide information clarifying the deflection requirements if different than VP recommended or Building Code requirements. [Unless specified |

|elsewhere (e.g. Masonry).] |

| |


|1, 2 Frames & Bracing Lateral Drift: Eave Height / 60 Lateral: Eave Height /       |

|Frames Vertical: None or per Building Code Vertical: Rafter Span /       under |

|snow load live load total load |

|3 Roof Vertical: L / 150 with snow only Vertical: Length /       under |

|or per Building Code snow load live load total load |

|4 Walls L / 90 or per Building Code Length /       |

|Other       Please specify:       |


|Lateral frame drift limits are held for a 10-year wind. |

|VPCommand will check portal frames and portal braces for lateral deflection using the frame deflection limit. |

|Builder to note if there is a suspended or plaster ceiling. A more stringent vertical deflection limit may be required per the building code. The |

|deflection limit must be input in VPCommand. |

|Wall (girt/spandrel) deflection limits are held for 0.7 x Components & Cladding wind and 0.5 x Fp for seismic loads. |


|Special Conditions |

|12. Are there any uniformly applied collateral loads? YES NO |

|NOTE: The presence of uniform collateral loading on a building does not mean that concentrated loads are covered. Specific concentrated loads must also be |

|supplied, including sprinkler mains that exceed specified uniform load in VP Command. |

|( If NO, it is taken as confirmation that there are no lights, sprinklers, ducts, ceilings or other loads hung from the roof structure (purlins and frames).|

|( If YES, it is the responsibility of the Builder to determine the correct load and input into VPC. |

|Sprinklers Lights Suspended Ceiling Ducts/Piping Other       |

|( Is collateral to be applied to overhangs (canopies/rake extensions)? Yes No |

|13. Are there any roof concentrated loads over 400# and/or framed openings? YES NO |

|Form “Additional Roof Loads” attached, or include a sketch or other information. (Required) |

|NOTE: Roof framed openings must be located, even if roof top units weigh less than 400#. |

|14. Are there any masonry, concrete or tilt-up walls? YES NO |

|Form “Masonry/Concrete Wall” attached, or include a sketch or other information. (Required) |

|Additional forms may be required. See also “Purlin Ledger”, “Joist Ledger”, “Rafter Connection”, “Column Connection”, “Spandrel Face Connection” and |

|“Spandrel End Connection” forms. |

|15. Are there any exterior stud walls? YES NO |

|Form “Stud Wall” attached, or include a sketch or other information. (Required) |

|16. Are there any mezzanines? YES NO |

|Form “Mezzanine Data” attached, or include a sketch or other information. (Required) |

|17. Are there any cranes supported by VP Buildings’ structure? YES NO |

|Appropriate “Crane Information” Form(s) attached. |

|Crane manufacturer’s data sheet(s) attached. |

|18. Are there any roof joists supplied by VP Buildings? YES NO |

|Bridging: Welded (Standard) Bolted (Additional Charge) |

|(Welded bridging will be provided U.N.O. Not withstanding OSHA requirements for bolted bridging.) |

|Flange Braces: Only field welded flange braces are available. |

|19. Are there any hangar doors (sliding or bi-fold) or hanging partitions? YES NO |

|Sliding Door Bi-Fold Door Hanging Partition (Wt.       psf) |

|Door/Partition Manufacturer’s Information attached. (Required) |

|Support framing vertical deflection limits: Down =       inches Up =       inches |

|(VP will hold these deflections for Live, Snow, and Wind only load cases. If deflections need to be held for other load cases, please note them here: |

|     ) |

|Buildings with Hangar Door(s): Design wind speed with door(s) in open position:       mph |

|(May be different than Building Code design wind speed, with Owner approval, to allow design of building as enclosed.) |

|20. Are there any roll-up doors? YES NO |

|Roll-up Door information from manufacturer attached (Not required, but it is helpful.) |

|Weight:       Drum size:       Drum location: Inside Outside |

|21. Are all exterior doors (service, roll-up, overhead, etc.), windows, louvers, etc., designed YES NO for the prescribed wind forces? |

|This includes glazing (glass or plastic) in windows, doors and skylights. It also includes the design of the door, window, louver, etc., itself. (If NO, |

|VP will consider as openings.) |

|22. Is the building located in a hurricane coast (wind borne debris) region? YES NO |

|If YES: Is all glazing (glass and plastic) in windows, doors, skylights, etc., designed for impact resistance or provided with an impact resistant covering |

|(shutter or screen)? Yes No |

|(If glazing is not impact resistant or covered with an impact resistant covering, VP will design assuming “partially enclosed” and adjust price as |

|required.) |

|Contact Service Center for assistance with panel requirements in South Florida (Dade and Broward Counties) wind borne debris region. |


|23. Are there any facades, canopies, roof extensions or parapets? YES NO |

|Indicate applicable conditions and attach appropriate form(s), or include a sketch or other information. |

|Facade Mansard Canopy Rake Extension Eave Extension Parapet |

|24. If VP determines that the diaphragm capacity of the endwall sheeting at P&B endwalls is insufficient, which of the following P&B endwall bracing options|

|are available? NA |

|Frame Line-      Frame Line-      |

|24.1 Rod brace between endposts? Yes No Yes No |

|Endpost locations:             |

|24.2 Use 1/2 load endframe? Yes No Yes No |

|24.3 Roof rods to interior frame? Yes No Yes No |

|25. Is the roof covering Roof Deck? (This includes Deck Frame projects.) YES NO |

|Form “Internal Drainage” attached, or include a sketch or other information. (Required) |

|Form “Roof Deck” attached. (Required) |

|26. Does this project have any TextureClad, ImpressaClad or ThermalClad sheeting? YES NO |

|Form “TextureClad/ImpressaClad” attached Form “ThermalClad” attached |

|27. Does this project have any SLR roofing? YES NO |

|Check here if you want SLR panels bundled and packaged by “roof plane”. Service Center will advise additional charges. |

|28. Can the corner columns of Post & Beam endwalls be turned as endposts if it is required YES NO |

|by VP Engineering? |

|If NO, which columns cannot be turned?       |

|29. Does this building support a steeple? YES NO |

|Form “Steeple Loads” attached, or include a sketch or other information. (Required) |

|Expandable Endwall(s) and/or Sidewall(s) Information |

|30. Are there any future sidewall and/or endwall expansions planned? YES NO |

|30.1 Is the building to be designed for future expansion at the ENDWALL? Yes No |

|If YES: Give centerline of expandable frame to centerline of future frame. |

|30.1.1 Endwall at Line       to be designed for a future       CL-CL of frames. |

|Endwall at Line       to be designed for a future       CL-CL of frames. |

|30.1.2 What is total anticipated length of expansion?       |

|30.2 Is the building to be designed for future expansion at a SIDEWALL? Yes No |

|Please provide a sketch, as necessary, and include the following information: |

|Future building footprint dimensions |

|Framing types with column locations and eave height(s) |

|Ridge location and roof slope |

|30.2.1 Sidewall at Line      : The total width of the expansion is      . |

|The future frames will span       from this sidewall to a future column. |

|Sidewall at Line      : The total width of the expansion is      . |

|The future frames will span       from this sidewall to a future column. |

|30.2.2 Are girts and sheeting to be removed (columns designed unsupported)? Yes No |

|30.2.3 Is sidewall bracing to be removed at time of expansion? Yes No |

|30.2.4 If bracing is to remain at time of expansion, is bracing to be designed for future expansion? Yes No |

|30.2.5 Are the sidewall columns to be prepared for future expansion? |

|(Holes, stiffeners, etc.) Yes No |


|Input and General Information - Please verify the following information. |

|31. Are the building colors (panels and trims) correct as input into VP Command? YES NO |

|Form “Panel/Trim Verification” attached, or include a sketch or other information. (Required) |

|32. Do the panel splices in VPCommand need to be altered? YES NO |

|If you have special roof splice locations, please include a sketch of the locations with this OCF. |

|33. If you have liner panel, soffit panel or an insulation system that encloses the girts or YES NO |

|purlins, do you need FBLC2 or KMA1/WBBC1 flange brace clips? |

|NOTE: These clips cannot be used for large clear span frames, heavily loaded frames, or in other situations where the clip capacity is exceeded as |

|determined by design. |

|If you check YES, it is assumed that flange brace clips are required at all liner/soffit panel locations (FBLC2) and/or insulation locations (KMA1/WBBC1), |

|U.N.O. Please clarify locations if necessary. Field slitting of the liner/soffit panel is required. Holes for additional bolts may have to be field |

|drilled. Refer to the Supplemental Price Book for pricing. |

|34. Are the insulation type and thickness (even if input as Not by VP Buildings) correct as YES NO |

|input into VP Command? |

|Form “Insulation” attached, or include a sketch or other information. (Required) |

|35. Are the Frame/Bracing & Secondary primer colors correct as input into VP Command? YES NO |

|If NO, please provide the required primer colors. |

|36. Are any panels or coverings (roof or walls) not by VP Buildings? YES NO |

|Form “Cladding NBVP” attached, or include a sketch or other information. (Required) |

|(See question #14 for masonry/concrete walls.) |

|37. Is a Weather-tight or Optima warranty included in the building price? YES NO |

|If YES, please indicate the warranty and number of inspections included. (Refer to the Supplemental Price Book for information on the terms and conditions |

|of the warranties and inspections and for appropriate forms.) |

|Weather-tight SSR/SLR 10 year Optima* SSR/SLR 10 year (Galvalume panel) |

|Weather-tight SSR/SLR 20 year Optima* SSR/SLR 20 year (Painted panel) |

|Inspection Fee (req’d):       visit(s) @ $750/visit (1 min. for Weather-tight and 2 min. for Optima.) |

|*Restrictions apply. Refer to the Supplemental Price Book for additional information. |

|38. Does the building owner qualify for state sales tax exemption? YES NO |

|(May require that VP Buildings enter into a contract directly with the owner for materials.) |

|39. Do you want special SPEED NUTS to be provided at girt and eave purlin connections? YES NO |

|Speed Nuts are an erection aid, allowing the first member to be secured prior to the installation of the next member. Refer to the Supplemental Price Book |

|for pricing. |

|Quote Information - To facilitate the processing of the order. |

|40. Has this project been previously submitted for a quote? YES NO |

|Estimator’s name/initials:       Approximate date quoted:       |

|Authorization Section - |

|This form, including any attached supplemental forms, was reviewed by the undersigned and he/she agrees that the information is accurate, to the best of |

|their knowledge. |

| |


|      |

|DATE: |

|      |

| |

|(Authorized Agent of Builder or Owner) |

|Please note that the Order Clarification Forms are required, even if there are Plans and Specifications for the project. |

|Additional notes/information:       |

This Information Is Required Before Project Can Be Scheduled For Fabrication

|VP JOB NUMBER:       |PROJECT NAME:       |

|( |BUILDER’S RELATIONSHIP TO JOB (Please check one. Sections indicated must be fully completed.) |

| Already in Order Entry - Information for Sections 1, 2, 3, 5 & 6 are already included in Order Entry, complete sections 4, 7 & 8. |

|Owner - Complete Sections 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. |

|General Contractor – Complete Sections 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. |

|Sub-Contractor (1st Tier) - Complete Sections 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. |

|Supply Only or Drop Ship Furnish and Erect |

|Other (Specify)       – Complete all sections. |


|NAME |      |CONTACT |      |

|ADDRESS |      |BUS. PHONE |      |

|CITY, STATE, ZIP |      |CELL PHONE |      |


|NAME |      |CONTACT |      |

|ADDRESS |      |BUS. PHONE |      |

|CITY, STATE, ZIP |      |CELL PHONE |      |


|NAME |      |CONTACT |      |

|ADDRESS |      |BUS. PHONE |      |

|CITY, STATE, ZIP |      |CELL PHONE |      |

|4 |Is this a public works project? (Federal, state or local government organization) Yes No |

| |(If yes, complete Bonding Company information below.) |


|NAME |      |CONTACT |      |

|ADDRESS |      |BUS. PHONE |      |

|CITY, STATE, ZIP |      |


|NAME |      |CONTACT |      |

|ADDRESS |      |BUS. PHONE |      |

|CITY, STATE, ZIP |      |


| |Lending Institution (Complete Lending Institution information below.) |

| |Corporate funds |

| |Other (Specify)       |

|LENDING INSTITUTION (Only complete if THIS PROJECT is funded by a Lending Institution.) |

|NAME |      |CONTACT |      |

|ADDRESS |      |BUS. PHONE |      |

|CITY, STATE, ZIP |      |



| |Yes No |

|7 |Is this project Tax Exempt? Yes No |

| |(If you checked yes, please return a copy of the exemption certificate with this completed form. Validation of certificate is required before |

| |fabrication.) |

|8 |Do you have a copy of the Notice of Commencement? Yes No |

| |(If you checked yes, please return a copy with this completed form.) |


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