July 3, 2019

Dear Participants/Volunteers:

The 2019 Summer Sports Retreat is taking place Friday, August 2nd through Sunday, August 4th at Jody’s place in Hockingport, Ohio. The cost is $75 for visually impaired participants and $25 for sighted participants (guides). Join us for camping, cookouts, camp fires, hiking, boating, jet skiing, tubing, swimming and card games.

For those who have not been to Jody’s place, there is one trailer with a shower and a port-a-john. Jody has two extra tents, several extra sleeping bags, and extra pillows. If you have access to a tent and sleeping bag, you may want to bring them. If you want to sleep in the trailer, indicate this on your application. You will need to bring your own towels and wash cloths.

If you wish to participate in the 2019 Summer Sports Retreat complete the attached forms and send them along with your check, payable to ACB-Ohio to: Chris Schumacher, 5759 Cheviot RD. Unit 1 Cincinnati, Ohio 45247 by August 1. Applications will be accepted on a first come first serve basis. The first 15 visually impaired and 15 sighted participant’s applications received will be accepted. After that you will be put on a waiting list. If there are any cancellations we will contact you. If we cannot accept your application, we will refund your money.

Note: for 2019, money will be accepted up to start of the retreat, due to late notice.

If you decide to cancel you must let us know by July 25th, 2018 or your money will not be refunded.

Note: No pets allowed, (blind or visually impaired participants may bring their guide dogs if they choose).

Also note: We cannot guarantee transportation to and from the camp site; but will do our best to accommodate everyone. If we are unable to provide transportation, your payment will be returned.

Have questions? Call 513-608-4643. Hope to see you at this year’s summer sports retreat!


Chris Schumacher



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