Washington DC Recommended Packing List

Washington DC Information and Packing List

EARLY DROP OFF OF LUGGAGE- Luggage will be dropped off at CMS on Saturday, November 2 from 10-2 pm at the nurse’s station.


When you arrive in the morning, you will be given a tag to fill out and attach to your luggage. You will be told where to put your luggage until your bus arrives.(Bus 1 in the nurse’s hallway and Bus 2 in the Main hallway.) Parents and students will proceed to the café for further instructions and to say their good-byes.

Optional: sleeping bags (There are 2 queen sizes beds in each room for 4 students.)


It is November. Normal temperatures are around 40-60 degrees. We are outside a lot.

Pants (NO SHORTS allowed unless you are in your hotel room as pajamas)

Long sleeve shirts or t-shirts (NO tank tops)

Sneakers or comfortable shoes for walking

(NO flip flops or slippers outside of the hotel room)

**we will be walking 6-10 miles per day

Bring some kind of rain gear and an umbrella. VERY IMPORTANT!!

A warm jacket or hooded sweatshirt needed.


Students will be held to the same dress code followed at CMS.

• There will be a dinner/cruise on the trip that students may dress up for but it is NOT required. NO strapless dresses will be worn during the trip.

• You MUST dress up for the theatre at the Kennedy Center. There will be dinner prior to the show.

Boys: nice pants, button down shirt, tie (optional)

Girls: a dress or skirt with a nice shirt or nice slacks with shirt

There are blow dryers and irons in the hotel room.


If your child will be taking medication during the trip, you will need to keep the medication in the original bottle with their name on it. Put it in a zip lock bag with their name (first/last) on the bag. NO student can have medication of any kind in their possession.

Medication can be dropped off in the nurse’s office starting Monday, October 28 till the day of the trip. Medication will be given to the nurse or Mrs. Sargent on the morning of the trip.


There are 2 guards that keep watch over the floors. One is stationed on the boys’ floor and one on the girls’ floor. Students may contact chaperones by room phones if they need to. Students are not allowed to leave their rooms once they are lockdown.

Miscellaneous Information:

Electronics that are allowed on the trip: iPods, cameras, and cell phones.

NO laptops or gaming systems will be allowed.

Students are responsible for all electronics. If lost, stolen, or damaged, the school is not responsible. Cell phones and iPods are not to be used at all inside the Capital building, Museums, or when a tour guide is with the group unless it is for camera use ONLY.

If a phone is taken from a student, it will not be returned till the end of the day or the end of the trip at the discretion of the principal.

As this is a school trip, students are held to the media policy followed at CMS.


Students are responsible for a snack on the way down and 1 meal (dinner) on the way home. A meal averages about $10- $15 (it is usually fast food). You may want to put the money in an envelope with your child’s name and give it to your child’s chaperone so your child has money at the end of the trip for their final meal.

Additional spending money should be a reasonable amount- about $50-$100. We will stop at a souvenir store in DC and there are many gift shops along the way. Most students are looking to buy a sweatshirt or hat.

TIPS for service: On the morning of the trip, students will give their chaperones an envelope with their name (first/last) on it with the tip money of $12.00 for:

Bus drivers $5.00 (driving for 5 days)

Maid service $5.00 (a dollar a day)

Tour Guides $2.00 (a dollar a day)


It is very important that you speak/talk/discuss with your child about acceptable behavior on the trip (being in a public place, being in a hotel, being at a play, etc.). Parents will be responsible for payment of any damage caused by their child.

Students and staff want to enjoy the trip and make special memories along the way. We must think of others at all times. SAFETY will always be our first priority!

We look forward to a wonderful trip with your child(

Thank you for your support!

The Washington DC Coordinators


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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