YEAR 8: SUMMER TERM 1 PLACE: REAL & IMAGINED MTPWeek 1-3Week 3-4Week 4-5Week 5-6Week 6-7Introduction to & focus on:What place can meanRules of debateSummary skillsAnnotationFocus on:Non-fictionComparisonDifferent attitudes & perspectivesWriting a formal letter – for audience & purposeTP3: Reading – Analyse the way in which a writer uses language to convey an argument.Guardian articles on body imageLanguageFocus on:Red pen responses to TPSummary skillsGroup workDiscussionFocus on:Presentation skillsNews itemsLanguageAudience reactionsKEY WORDS & SPELLINGS:StereotypeGender SexismDebateInequalityNon-fictionDiscriminationSummarisePerpetuatedConnotationsPatriarchalSubversionimplyTone FormatParodyTASK: Mindmap the idea of what place means – to include setting, geographical, accent & dialect, place in society – rank, role (parent, child, student, teacher), identity,TASK: PPT1 INTRO TO THE GREAT GENDER DEBATESTARTER: Discussion of statementsSlide 3 clip: National Geographic do you think are the pros & cons about being a boy / girl today?Explain the rules of debatingDebate: is it better to be female than male?TASK: PPT2 STEREOTYPES & FAIRY TALESDiscussion of statements STARTER & summary of meanings in own wordsChallenge task for MAMindmap / list typical things found in fairy tales - create 2 lists: 1) Typical elements 2) titles of storiesPlace A3 sheets around the room with character names on them: Cinderella, Ugly sisters, wicked step mother, Prince Charming, Frog, etc. Students write connotations on each sheet Slide 4: Using the breakdown of dialogue by gender, how much do you think Disney is influential in affecting gender roles in society?Extract of Wolf Alice - Angela Carter – annotate, focusing on the presentation of the female characterCompare to the extract from Cinderella – note findingsList stereotypes perpetuated by fairytales.Qu: do you think these stereotypes SHOULD be taught to children? Write your response, justifying your ideasHWK: Re-write Cinderella to subvert the stereotypesFEEDBACK: share stories & discuss outcomesTASK: PPT3 SEXISMDiscuss the images STARTERExtract – 1943 Guide to Hiring Women. Read, discuss & annotateTabulate assumptions about men & womenDiscuss: Is sexism an outdated concept? Have you encountered any sexist attitudes? If so, what happened & how did you respondTASK: PPT4 GENDER PAYGAP IN SPORTSTARTER: Summarise the Raymond Moore quotation5 questions – comprehension & information retrieval Slide 4 clip: Djokovitch watched the clip – complete the table with your conclusionsDiscuss the influence & impact of the mediaTASK: PPT5 GENDER PAY GAP CHILDHOOD TO ADULTHOODClass survey – Do you get an allowance? (This might include goods eg. mobile phone contract, clothes, outings etc. Is there a gender divide?Responding to the Metro articleRead and respond to the Guardian articleCreate a continuum – where do you stand and why?TASK: PPT6 PLANNING FORMAL LETTERSSTARTER: Quick vocab recap quizMindmap audience & purposeHWK: Read and annotate the model formal letter – create a checklist of features.TASK: PPT7 WRITING A FORMAL OPINION LETTERSTARTER: Vocab matchDefine and exemplify toneRe-cast an example to change toneTASK: PPT7 2 OPINION LETTER TASK, SELF – PEER – TEACHER ASSESS AND RED PENPlan and write a letter to a MP explaining your views on the gender pay gap.Self / Peer assess writing and red pen improvements.TASK: PPT8 GENDER STEREOTYPING & MDV – use this as preparation for TP taskStarter: Analysis of headlinesRead and annotate the Guardian article on MDVTrue or False statementsRead and annotate the Telegraph article on MDVGroup discussion of statementCreate a continuum, place your views and write a justification of themTASK: TP - PPT 9 MALE BODY IMAGESTARTER: Discussion of headlines and expectationsRead the Guardian article and prep the annotation. Students can choose whether to respond to the male or female orientated articleQuotation questAnalyse the Dove advertMake a list of similarities and differences between male and female body confidence issuesTask on sentence varietyEvaluate writing needsTASK: PPT10 PLANNING A FEATURE LETTER TO AN EDITORSTARTER: Controversial topics and expressing your viewsGuardian article A Letter To – model – read and annotateHWK: Take 2nd example and annotate for the features – make comparisons with the one done in class and make a list of the features that they have in commonTone questionPlan a letter to the Editor: A letter to… my best friend who has issues with body image Plan own Letter To A Friend Who Has Issues With Body ImageTASK: PPT 10 2 WRITING THE RESPONSE & RED PEN TIMEWrite the responseSelf or peer assessIndependent red pen timeTASK: PPT 11 GENDER ACHIEVEMENT GAPStarter: Discussion – who do you think does better in education – boys or girls? Justify the reasons for your opinionsRead and annotate the article on the GCSE gender gapSummarise what has been learned from the articleMake a bullet pointed list of what might be done to change the situationTASK: Respond to marking of TP with red penTASK: PPT12 NAME CHANGING, GAME CHANGINGCarousel task – students work in groups to look at a variety of statements, discuss and complete table for and against name changingDebating the issues – in groupsPlan a presentation to the class on the importance of names and identityHWK: Prepare individual contributions to a group presentation on the importance of names and identityDevelop group presentations TASK: Groups present TASK: PPT 13 DR WHO?Watch the clip of the BBC news release of Jodie Whittaker becoming the next Dr WhoRead the reactions article & consider own responseWatch the clip of the little girl reacting to the news – discussWatch the parody clip and consider how it subverts expectationsCreate own news clip or parodyHWK: Set up with PPT 14 Reflection. Students consider the importance of the issues covered this half term and reflect on the work they have undertaken – they should write a brief evaluation. Are there any other gender issues that they think are important but that have been missed?TASK: Evaluation feedback ................

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