Lesson Plan Number - Weebly

Lesson Plan Number

(Check one box) |1 |2 |3 |4 | |

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|Lesson Title: |Elements of a Fairy Tale |

|Grade Level/Subject |Grade 4-ELA |

|Area: | |

|Performance Objectives: |After completion of the lesson, students will be able to: (use action verbs) |

| |Identify and explain major aspects of a fairy tale |

| |Review story elements |

| |Express sequence of events in a fairy tale by Hans Christian Anderson |

| |Discuss and Critique characteristics of fairy tales |

| |Practice summarizing |

| |Analyze themes and symbols in fairy tales/fairy tale critiques |

|Assessment: |Questions on Power point |

| |Oral Discussion |

| |Written group work summary |

|Technology Connections: |Smart board Power Point Presentation |

| |Smart Board Video Clip |

| |Google images-bullfighting, matador |

|Materials: |Smart Board |

| |Notebooks |

| |Exit Slip per child |

| |Graphic organizer per group |

| |Chart paper |

|Related URLs: | |

|Procedures: |Share background knowledge of “fairy tales”, what is a fairy tale, what are some fairy tales we know. Place on chart |

| |paper to display throughout unit |

| |Define a fairy tale-students first, power point second. Define on chart paper to display throughout unit |

| |Examples of Fairy tales-students first, power point second. Display answers on chart paper to display throughout the |

| |unit. |

| |Elements of a fairy tale (setting, plot, character, theme, etc). Chart paper to display throughout the unit. |

| |Critique these elements: Discuss if these elements represent real life? (Ie. Roles of women, family, romance, |

| |problem/solution, etc). Chart paper to display throughout the unit. |

| |With this analysis in mind, discuss why people enjoy fairy tales (reading, Disney, dressing up, etc). Students share |

| |first, power point second. Chart paper answers to display. |

| |Watch “Nightingale”. Students work independently to answer the questions on their “exit slip”. (Questions are shown |

| |on the power point) |

| |Review answers and share |

| |Students work in small groups to select a Fairy Tale they know. Use the Smart Board instructions to summarize, |

| |critique and anayze each Fiary tale. The students will use a graphic organizer to illustrate their answers. After 45 |

| |minutes, students will share their results with the class. Work can be displayed |

|Classroom Management: |whole group discussion |

| |independent work assessment |

| |small group discussion, analysis and design |

| |team building, grade wide gallery presentation |

|Lesson Plan Number |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|(Check one box) | | | | |

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|Lesson Title: |Fractured Fairy Tales |

|Grade Level/Subject |Grade 4-ELA |

|Area: | |

|Performance Objectives: |Define, explain and support “What is a Fractured Fairy Tale” |

| |After Compare and Contrast traditional Fiary Tales to a Fractured fairy tale |

| |Express sequence of events in the story |

| |Explain author’s purpose |

|Assessment: |Comprehension assessment during video presentation |

| |Formal assessment-graphic organizer comparison |

|Technology Connections: |Smart board video presentation |

| |Smart board graphic organizer modeling |

|Materials: |Smart board |

| |Graphic organizers |

| |Index card |

| |Print out from PDF on the Ski Cap |

|Related URLs: | |

| | |

|Procedures: |Review: use charts to review material discussed yesterday presentation. |

| |Pair Share: Define “Fractured” on a flash chard. Share. Develop a class definition. Add to chart #1 from yesterday. |

| |To define a Fractured Fairy tale |

| |Add to the chart from yesterday to name Fractured Fairy Tales we know: movies, books, etc (Enchanted, Frog Princess, |

| |etc). Discuss |

| |Compare and contrast graphic organizer. Students fill out organizer based on the passage presented from the PDF. |

| |Students can work independently or in pair. Struggling readers work with teacher in a guiding reading group. |

|Classroom Management: |whole group discussion and definition |

| |partner vocabulary development |

| |small group/independent work and assessment |

|Lesson Plan Number |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|(Check one box) | | | | |

| | | |X | |

|Lesson Title: |The Paper Bag Princess |

|Grade Level/Subject |Grade 4-ELA |

|Area: | |

|Performance Objectives: |After completion of the lesson, students will be able to: (use action verbs) |

| |Identify and explain main ideas from the passage |

| |Analyze this fairy tale |

| |Explain sequence of events in the story |

|Assessment: |Comprehension assessment during oral read aloud |

| |Informal assessment/observations during pair share |

| |Formal assessment-comprehension/written response questions |

|Technology Connections: |Smart board presentation of passage and response questions |

|Materials: |Student worksheets |

| |Smart board |

| |Paper Bag Princess |

| |Reader’s Chair |

|Related URLs: |NA |

|Procedures: |Review work from the past two days. Use charts to define a Fairy Tale and Fractured Fairy Tale |

| |Whole group prediction. Use the cover of the story to predict what the story elements are and why it is “fractured” |

| |Read aloud by teacher and children in the “reader’s chair” |

| |Students complete worksheet for a quiz grade |

| |Review answers |

|Classroom Management: |whole group read aloud/model and discussion |

| |independent written assessment and quiz |

| |student ownership: leading the class |

| | |

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|Lesson Plan Number |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|(Check one box) | | | | |

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|Lesson Title: |Fractured Fairy Tale Guided Reading |

|Grade Level/Subject |Grade 4-ELA |

|Area: | |

|Performance Objectives: |After completion of the lesson, students will be able to: |

| |Identify and explain main ideas from the passage |

| |Analyze this fairy tale |

| |Explain sequence of events in the story |

| |Summarize a story in writing and illustration |

|Assessment: |Formal and informal assessments throughout observations and read alouds |

| |Written summary |

| |Illustrative summar |

| |Oral presentation |

| |Peer responses, strengths and weaknesses |

| |Student reflection and rubric |

|Technology Connections: |Slideshow of posters |

| |Digital camera |

|Materials: |Individual copies of : “The Horned Toad Prince”, “Sleeping Ugly”, “The Frog Prince, Continued”, “Cinder edna”, |

| |Vocabulary and prior knowledge pre-reading sheet per group |

| |Smart board |

| |Digital Camera |

| |Graphic organizer |

| |Poster paper/caryons |

| |Reading group response ticket |

|Related URLs: | |

|Procedures: |Students work in their guided reading groups to perform their background knowledge lesson |

| |-individual vocabulary sheet |

| |-prior knowledge questionnaire |

| |-prediction section |

| |2. Students read the story independently and silently |

| |3. Students read the story as a closer read in their groups, aloud. Teacher can monitor comprehension and fluency at |

| |this time |

| |4. Students complete the graphic organizer in their groups. (Students take turns responding and writing on the sheet)|

| |5. Students work together to develop a summary on their poster paper. (Students need to draft individual and as a |

| |group first before publishing) |

| |6. Students work collaboratively to design a new book cover for their story which best summarizes the plot and theme |

| |of the book |

| |7. Students share their posters and oral summaries for the class |

|Classroom Management: |Small group discussion |

| |Individual and group reading to monitor fluency, comprehension and behavior |

| |Teacher/group and teacher/individual time |

| |Whole group, team building presentations |

|Lesson Plan Number |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|(Check one box) | | | | | |

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|Lesson Title: |Writer’s Workshop-Writing a Fractured Fairy Tale |

|Grade Level/Subject |Grade 4-ELA |

|Area: | |

|Performance |After completion of the lesson, students will be able to: (use action verbs) |

|Objectives: | |

|Assessment: |Work through the steps of the writing process: brainstorm, draft, edit, revise, publish |

| |Informal assessment/observations during pair share |

| |Create and review an online story map |

| |Formal assessment-comprehension/written response questions |

|Technology |Smart board presentation of passage and response questions |

|Connections: | |

|Materials: |Student worksheets |

| |Smart board |

| |Construction paper/crayons |

|Related URLs: | |

| | |

| | |

|Procedures: |1. Review the common elements of fractured/fairy tales, titles, and specific stories the class explored.  |

| |Explain the project to the students, sharing these instructions: |

| | |

| |Choose a fairy tale. |

| |Complete a Story Map for the fairy tale you’ve chosen, and print it out.  |

| |Choose one of the element from the Story Map (character, conflict, resolution, or setting), and change it. |

| |Rewrite the fairy tale, incorporating the changed element.  |

| | |

| |Model the Online story map for the class on the Smart Board |

| | Goldilocks and the Three Bears, you can share the following examples: |

| | |

| | |

| |Character: Change from Goldilocks and the Three Bears to Goldilocks and the Three Pigs. |

| |Conflict: Instead of Goldilocks breaking into the bears’ house and eating porridge, she breaks in and borrows lawn tools|

| |and supplies. |

| |Resolution: Goldilocks ran away. The new resolution could be that she writes a letter of apology and replaces the |

| |missing and broken items.  |

| |Setting: The tale could take place in the big city instead of in the forest. |

| | |

| |Arrange a computer schedule so that students can complete Story Maps on their selected fairy tale, and print them out. |

| |If desired, students can use the print version of the Character Map, Setting Map, Conflict Map, and Resolution Map.  |

| |Ask the students to bring their story maps to writing conferences.  |

| |In the writing conferences, ask students to discuss the element of the fairy tales they are going to change. Provide |

| |students with feedback before they begin drafting their fractured fairy tales.  |

| |Conduct writing conferences as needed while students work on their fractured fairy tales.  |

| | |

| |Students draft their writing pieces in their writer’s notebook |

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| |Self Edit |

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| |Draft 2 |

| | |

| |Peer Edit |

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| | |

| |When students have finished drafting their fractured fairy tales, allow time for the students to publish their new fairy|

| |tales |

| |Share the fairy tales. Allow the students to dress up/invite an audience to read aloud and view our work from the unit. |

|Classroom Management:|whole group read aloud/model and discussion |

| |independent reading, brainstorming, writing and editing |

| |pair share and partner peer edit |

| |student choice-value and ownership |

| |building school community and class pride |

| | |


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