Ecology Review Sheet - Biology with Mrs. McGaffin

Name: Period: _________________

Hon. Ecology Test Review Packet

*In order to get points for this packet, it must be turned in before you take your Ecology test.

1. What is ecology? _______________________________________________________________________

2. Define:

a. Population______________________________________________________________________

b. Community_____________________________________________________________________

c. Ecosystem______________________________________________________________________

d. Biosphere______________________________________________________________________

3. What is an abiotic factor? What’s an example of an abiotic factor?

4. What is a biotic factor? What’s an example of a biotic factor?

5. Define a limiting factor and give an example of a limiting factor a specific organism in a population.

6. What is “carrying capacity”? What will affect carrying capacity?

7. A. Identify which graph shows Logistic growth and which shows Exponential Growth:

B. On the logistic growth population graph, what is the carrying capacity for that population?_________ Draw in a dotted line to show carrying capacity.

8. Define:

a. Carnivore__________________________________________________________________

b. Herbivore__________________________________________________________________

c. Omnivore__________________________________________________________________

d. Autotroph___________________________________________________________________

e. Heterotroph__________________________________________________________________

9. Define:

a. Producer_________________________________________________________________________

b. Consumer________________________________________________________________________

i. Primary consumer _____________________________________________________________

ii. Secondary consumer ___________________________________________________________

iii. Tertiary consumer______________________________________________________________

iv. Quaternary consumer___________________________________________________________

c. Scavenger________________________________________________________________________

d. Decomposer______________________________________________________________________

e. Trophic Level: ____________________________________________________________________

f. Niche: __________________________________________________________________________

10. What is the energy pyramid? Draw and label one with 3 trophic levels.

11. Why is available energy lost as you go from the producer level to a secondary consumer level? (Where does that energy go?)

12. How much available energy is lost after each level? ________________

13. Producers create chemical energy using the processes of ________________________________ or ______________________________.

14. ________________________________ are organisms that feed exclusively on photosynthetic producers.

15. ________________________________ are organisms that feed on other consumers.

16. ________________________________ are organisms that can feed on both producers and consumers.

Use the food web below to answer the following questions.


17. List the trophic level(s) owls occupy in this food web:

18. List the trophic level(s) birds occupy in this food web:

19. If the carrots produce 1,000 kcal of energy, how many kcal of energy will reach the fox?

20. Foxes and owls will be much rarer than grasses, grains, and carrots. Why is this?

21. All food webs end with __________________________ returning raw materials back to the producers.


Identify the relationships below as mutualism, parasitism, or commensalism

_________________________ 22. Ants protect and herd aphids to drink fluid the aphids release.

_________________________ 23. Many wasp species lay their eggs inside caterpillars.

_________________________ 24. Desert lizards will use burrows abandoned from larger rodents.

_________________________ 25. Barnacles fuse to a whale’s body to allow mobility and access to food.

_________________________ 26. Zebras have keen senses of hearing and smell while ostriches see very

well. Both species are often found near each other when feeding.

_________________________ 27. Protists live inside termites and release the enzyme cellulase. Cellulase

will hydrolyze cellulose sugar.

_________________________ 28. Birds follow marching army ants to gather the insects they stir up in the

leaf litter.

_________________________ 29. Plover birds pick pieces food from a crocodile’s teeth. These particles

could cause infection if left in the crocodile’s mouth.

30. In a meerkat colony, one meerkat will be the sentry watching for danger while the others forage. If the sentry meerkat sees danger, it will sound an alarm call, warning the others to retreat to their burrows. How does this cooperative behavior impact the individual meerkat? How does this behavior impact the group?

31. When bees return from gathering nectar, they will perform a “dance” to communicate the direction and distance to the flowers for the other bees. How does this cooperative behavior impact the individual bee? How does this behavior impact the group?


32. Succession: What is the difference between primary succession and secondary succession?

a. When does succession occur? __________________________________________________________

b. What is a climax community? ___________________________________________________________

c. What is a pioneer species? ______________________________________________________________

33. ___________________ __________________ starts when there are no living elements (soil, seeds, etc.) left in the ecosystem.

34. ___________________ __________________ starts when the ecosystem has been destroyed, but soil still exists.

35. Number the plants below in the order they are most likely to appear through succession:

_______: Bushes _______: Ferns ________: Trees ________: Moss

Invasive Species

36. A niche is an organism’s role in the environment. This includes what they eat, where they live, when they reproduce, etc. Two species can have overlapping niches if they share some of these characteristics (though two species will not have the same exact niche). Give two organisms that have overlapping niches and how you came to this conclusion.

37. Define an invasive species.

38. The red fox is native to Europe, but was brought to North America by European settlers for hunting. The red fox lives in burrows on the ground and frequently attacks native animals to take over their dens. Would the red fox be considered NATIVE, NON-NATIVE (not from that area but fills an unoccupied niche and does not significantly alter the ecosystem), or INVASIVE? Explain.




Be sure to completely explain why this species is the more likely candidate.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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