Student ID: 22049805 Exam: 501756RR - Morality, Ethics ...

Student ID: 22049805

Exam: 501756RR - Morality, Ethics, Behavior, and the Law

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Questions 1 to 20: Select the best answer to each question. Note that a question and its answers may be split across a page break, so be sure that you have seen the entire question and all the answers before choosing an answer.

1. According to Braswell, McCarthy, and McCarthy, criminal justice ethics is shaped by all of the following except

A. criminal justice. B. a personal sense of justice. C. the U.S. Constitution. D. social context.

2. Amendments to the U.S. Constitution upheld most commonly by the criminal justice professional are

A. IV, V, VI, VIII, and XIV. B. I, III, V, and VI. C. IV, V, VII, VIII, and XIV. D. I, II, IV, V, and VI.

3. Which of the following is an ethical system that stresses not using the individual as a means to an end?

A. Utilitarianism B. Natural law C. Egoism D. Ethical formalism

4. One reason we give to charity is because we've learned that we get a reward in the form of goodwill and self-satisfaction from giving. Which psychological theory of morality postulates this dynamic?

A. Predeterminers B. Learning C. Utility D. Moral stage

5. Which of the following is an ethical system that focuses solely on the inherent nature of the act being judged?

A. Teleological system B. Deontological system C. Utilitarianism D. Ethics of care

6. When deciding cases, the U.S. Supreme Court usually relies on the _______ approach.

A. hedonistic B. deontological C. teleological D. common sense

7. Which of the following statements is true?

A. There's a vast difference between the formal code of ethics and actual police behavior. B. If a department head is ethical, then the entire department is ethical. C. The "blue curtain of silence" has been wiped out in most departments. D. Under the formal ethical code, police officers can accept gratuities from business owners as long as they follow specific rules.

8. Which of the following is a law that gives criminal justice professionals authority to maneuver around the Fourth Amendment?

A. Fifth Amendment B. Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001 C. Patriot Act D. Caldero v. Crank

9. One reason the criminal justice system is considered ethically dangerous is that individuals have

A. a great deal of interaction with the ethically challenged. B. discretion over following the letter of the law. C. no say as to whether they must follow the spirit of the law. D. no formal training in ethics.

10. A criminal justice professional must be able to justify an ethical decision based on

A. the law. B. a work handbook. C. his or her own set of values. D. precedents.

11. The _______ Amendment of the Constitution provides for the right to counsel in fighting a criminal charge.

A. Second B. Sixth C. Fifth D. Fourth

12. Under which of the following ethical systems is the killing of innocent civilians justifiable?

A. Utilitarianism B. Religion C. Ethics of care

D. Ethical formalism

13. The theory of stages of moral development is attributed to which of the following authors?

A. Lawrence Kohlberg B. Jeremy Bentham C. Karl Menninger D. Emmanuel Kant

14. You're a police officer who has been using an informant to infiltrate a dangerous gang that imports guns into your state. You know that the informant has been coming very close to getting caught lately and is currently under the suspicion of a powerful gang member. The informant is in grave danger, yet he has been getting great information for you lately. You nevertheless send him in without a gun or weapon so as not to compromise his undercover status. Which of the following ethical systems most clearly would not allow this?

A. Egoism B. Natural law C. Utilitarianism D. Ethical formalism

15. Opponents of rehabilitation efforts in penal institutions get support for their position by pointing to Martinson's study, which says that

A. the success or failure of rehabilitation can't be determined in the amount of time an average prisoner spends in jail. B. people who are "rehabilitated" still commit crimes once released from prison. C. retribution works better than rehabilitation. D. the American public isn't willing to pay for rehabilitation programs.

16. Positivist criminology puts the spotlight on

A. what the victim could have done to prevent the crime. B. retribution. C. the criminal rather than the crime. D. incarceration rather than community service.

17. Harvey and Liza are discussing ethics. Harvey says that ethics is a range of moral principles that steers our behavior. Liza says that ethics is the duty to do the right thing. Who is correct?

A. Both are correct. B. Only Harvey is correct. C. Only Liza is correct. D. Neither are correct.

18. A proactive police aimed at preventing future offenses includes

A. deterrence. B. retribution. C. restitution. D. retaliation.

19. The "eye for an eye" retributive philosophy is rooted in the

A. Code of Hammurabi. B. U.S. Constitution. C. Bill of Rights. D. Koran.

20. Theories that say individuals act because it's their duty to do so are called _______ theories.

A. psycho-intuitive B. teleological C. deontological D. utilitarian

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