Business Ethics MGT610 .pk

[Pages:4]Quiz No.1 Business Ethics MGT610

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(You can consult Glossary in Course Content on Your LMS page of MGT610 to attempt the quiz)

Quiz No.1 Business Ethics MGT610

Quiz No. 1 MGT610

Q.1 According to utilitarianism, to ascertain what to do on any particular occasion, I must do each of the following EXCEPT:

A. Determining what alternative actions are available B. Estimating the benefits and costs an action would produce C. Deciding which action is compatible with moral virtue D. Choosing the alternative that produces the greatest utility

Q.2 Which of the following statements is NOT true of utilitarianism?

A. Utilitarianism advocates maximizing utility B. Utilitarianism matches well with moral evaluation of public policies C. Utilitarianism appears as a counter-intuitive to many people D. Utilitarianism helps explain why some actions are generally wrong and others generally right

Q.3 Which of the following is NOT a challenge faced by utilitarian ethics?

A. There is a tendency for us to ignore consequences B. The end justifies the means based on the essence of utilitarianism C. Certain rules may not be followed depending on their ethical consequences D. The more expansive the list of individuals that may be affected by a consequence, the less practical utilitarian thinking becomes

Q.4 Utilitarianism is an example of which of the following ethical theories?

A. Virtue B. Intuitionism C. Deontological D. Teleological

Q.5 Which of the following theories holds that innate rights depend on some human convention or judicial act?

Quiz No.1 Business Ethics MGT610

A. Utilitarianism B. Kantian theories C. Natural rights theory D. Relativism

Q.6 Which of the following statements correctly characterizes moral rights?

A. Moral rights exist independent of duties B. Moral rights provide individuals with autonomy C. The gains of others justify interference with a person's activity, even if that pursuit is protected by a moral right D. Moral rights provide a basis for justifying one's actions, but not for invoking the protection of others

Q.7 Which of the following are the general rights that involve claims against humanity in general?

A. In ram rights B. In persona rights C. Negative rights D. Positive rights

Q.8 Which of the following is NOT an individual on the "administrative" side of utilitarianism?

A. President B. Governor C. Economist D. Mayor

Q.9 According to John Rawls, perfect procedural justice does which of the following?

A. Always produces just outcomes B. Produces just outcomes only to a certain extent C. Rarely produces just outcomes D. Never produce just outcomes

Quiz No.1 Business Ethics MGT610

Q.10 Which of the following does NOT describe "virtue"?

A. The traits that everyone needs for a good life B. An excellence that is admired in a person C. A disposition to act in multidimensional way D. A specific state of character


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