The Anglican Parishes of Whittington, Weeford and Hints

[Pages:4]The Anglican Parishes of Whittington, Weeford and Hints

TWO WEEKS - SUNDAYS 3rd & 10th April 2022

We are three inclusive Anglican churches where you are always welcome May God's blessing be upon you

We believe in an inclusive Church - church which does not discriminate, on any level, on grounds of economic power, gender, mental health, physical ability, race, age or sexuality. We believe in an hospitable Church which welcomes and serves all people in the name of Jesus Christ; which is inherently Eucharistic and sacramental, scripturally faithful but open to new insights; which seeks to proclaim and apply the Gospel afresh for each generation; and which, in the power of the Holy Spirit, allows all people to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Jesus Christ.

Church Contact: Parish Administrator: Lynne Mills 07721 767963 lynnewwh@

For baptism and wedding bookings and other enquiries Office hours: Thursdays 10.00 am ? 3.00 pm

Please telephone beforehand to avoid a wasted journey


Sunday 3rd April ? Lent 5 - Passiontide

St Giles' 09:30 Parish Eucharist (CW)

The Revd Mal Hawksworth

St Mary's 11:30 Parish Eucharist

The Revd Canon Stephen Mayes

13:00 Baptism of Harriet Rebecca Hewitson

St Bart's 18:30 Evening Prayer

The Revd Canon Stephen Mayes

Bible Lessons: Isaiah 43: 16-21 p729 Philippians 3: 4b-14 p1180 John 12: 1-8 p1079

COLLECT (BCP) Lent 5 We beseech thee, Almighty God, mercifully to look upon thy people; that

by thy great goodness they may be governed and preserved evermore, both in body and soul; through Jesus Christ our Lord COLLECT (CW) Lent 5 Gracious Father, you gave up your Son out of

love for the world; lead us to ponder the mysteries of his passion, that we may know eternal peace through the shedding of our Saviour's

blood Jesus Christ our Lord.

Sunday 10th April ? Palm Sunday

St Giles' 09:30 Morning Worship

Gill Hollis

St Mary's 11:30 Morning Worship

Dr Trevor James

Bible Lessons: Isaiah 50: 4-9a p737 Philippians 2: 5-11 p1179 Luke 22: 14 ?23: end


COLLECT (BCP) Palm Sunday Almighty and everlasting God, who, of thy tender love towards mankind hast sent thy Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ, to take upon him our flesh, and to suffer death upon the cross, that all mankind should follow the example of his great humility; mercifully grant that we may both follow the example of his patience and also be made partakers of his resurrection; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. COLLECT (CW) Palm Sunday True and humble King, hailed by the crowd as Messiah: grant us the faith to know you and love you, that we may be found beside you on the way of the cross, which is the path of glory. Wednesday 13th April

St Giles' 19:00 A Peaceful Service of Prayer for a Troubled World ? The Revd Mal Hawksworth & Gill Hollis

Thursday 14th April ? Maundy Thursday 11:00 Chrism Mass at Lichfield Cathedral

Friday 15th April ? Good Friday

08:15 Walk of Witness starts outside pharmacy

Saturday 16th April ? Easter Eve

St Giles' 13:00 Wedding of Jake Fairley & Robyn Coles ? The Revd Canon Stephen Mayes


In faith and love we pray and respond to the needs of the world...

Anglican Communion Cycle of Prayer: Pray for The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) & The Church of North India (United). Lichfield Diocese: Our prayers continue for the `SHAPING FOR MISSION' Deanery visions & ways to implement them, in the context of the many varied roles and ministries. As `People of Hope' we remain mindful of the implications of Covid-19, locally and globally. Let us continue to pray for those in Ukraine who suffer grievously, for all who take decisions around the world and for the people and leaders of Russia. We remember our companion diocese of Matlosane in South Africa; giving thanks for the easing of Covid testing restrictions, making it easier for visitors to enter South Africa. Pray that the Generous Hope appeal might continue to raise much-needed funds to support clergy there. Pray also for Bishop Steve Diseko and his family, and for his colleagues as they plan for future ministry. Compassionate Creator, help us to recognise Your image and honour Your gifts in ALL people - especially those unjustly isolated & overlooked by frailties & disabilities. During these times of stress & hardship, give us courage to see and remove barriers which prevents people from finding their place in our faith communities. May the Enabling All Awards be fruitful, as we learn how to share Your love with those who are kept in society's margins. During these fearful times, help us to discover and share the story of dignity and wholeness that you offer to us all & to find Your strength in our weakness. Amen. (A prayer from Revd Zoe Heming: Enabling All) We remember today the Community of Chaplains, praying for all our chaplains as prayer, practice and theology collide in their lives and ministry.

Prayer Cycle: Week 5. Community facilities and institutions in Whittington: The Parish Council; the Church Council; St Giles' Church and the Thomas Spencer Hall; the Defence Medical Services; the Primary School; St Giles' Hospice; the Village Hall; Langton Surgery; the Home Care Service; Stubby Leas Home; Whittington Pre-school; Elswick Nursery; village shops; The Bell, The Dog, The Horse and Jockey, The Plough; Bit End Field; Whittington Heath Golf Club; Darnford Moors Golf Club; the canal; the railway. Prayer Cycle: Week 6. Organisations in Whittington: Bowling Club; Cricket Club; F.C. ? F.A. Community Club; Craft Club; St Giles' Church Bell Ringing; Whittington & District History Society; Whittington Players; Flower Arranging Society; Mike Leonard Bridge Club; Women's Institute; Wednesday Club; Coffee Stop; Ladies' Lunch Club; Men's' Lunch Group; Whittington Fairtrade; Uniformed organisations: Scout Group ? Scouts, Cubs, Beavers; District Guides ? Rainbow, Guides, Brownies; Whittington Rangers; Trefoil Guild; Guide Depot; Sunbeams at St Giles; Mothers' Union; Whittington Pre-School; Jungle Club; Cruse Bereavement Care; The Samaritans; Langton Medical Group; St Giles' Hospice; St Giles' Church Flower Arrangers; Good Neighbour Scheme; Whittington Baby and Toddler Group.

We pray by name for: Margaret Lenton

Promoted to glory: Valerie Freer


LICHFIELD FOODBANK Our most-needed items are: long-life fruit juice or squash, jars of pasta sauce, long-life milk and tinned fruit. There is a collection point in the Whittington newsagents as well as at Tesco, Morrisons, Waitrose and the Co-op in Lichfield. Thank you!

WORSHIP ONLINE Online provision remains via our YouTube page (see below). Alternatively, you can contact our parish Reader Gill Hollis on 01543 432107 and request to be added to her e-mailing list or included in our St Giles' WhatsApp group. Zoom Compline Services for Holy Week ? 8.30 pm on Monday and Tuesday of Holy Week 11th & 12th April. Contact Gill for the link.

EASTER LILIES If you wish to purchase a lily in memory of a loved one, at ?4 each, for St Giles' Whittington, please contact Margo on 01543 432613, or put the money in an envelope with the name of your loved one clearly marked and post through the door at Hawthorns in Church Street. For St Mary's Weeford, contact Janice on 07816 104932 or Closing date: Sunday 10th April 2022.

DUCK RACE Duck Race help required!!! The Old School House are planning to sell ducks for three duck races to raise money for St Mary's church Weeford. This is part of their events for the Grand National on Saturday April 9th and in Royal Ascot week June 15th /16th. We desperately need people to help, particularly to actually go into the brook, we can supply waders. If you are available, willing and able, please get in touch with Janice email or leave a message or text mobile 07816 104932.

WALK OF WITNESS Churches Together In Lichfield hold a Walk Of Witness from Whittington into the city on Good Friday 15th April, starting at 8.15 am from outside the pharmacy. This is followed by an ecumenical service at the cathedral at 7.30 pm. All are welcome. Further details can be found on the website:

DIOCESAN DAY OF PRAYER Churches, schools, chaplaincies, fresh expressions, the cathedral and everyone across the diocese are invited to join a 24-hour Diocesan Day of Prayer. The day will start on Friday 8th April at 12 noon and finish 24 hours later. There will, once again, be a virtual prayer room. Contact Denise Keen for more details and to request particular time slots.

SUPPORTING UKRAINE Each Thursday prayers are being held at Lichfield Cathedral for Ukraine from 12 noon to 12.30 pm. A prayer station will also be available during its opening hours. There are two recommended routes for donating money: the Diocese in Europe and USPG's emergency appeal and the DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal.



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