Chapter 16: The First Americans

Chapter 16: The First Americans


1. Explain how scientists believe early Americans arrived on the North American continent.

2. What was the source of food for early Americans?

3. Where is Mesoamerica?

4. What new discovery was made as the climate grew warmer?

5. Describe early corn and tell how it changed over the years. (ESSAY)

6. What was the effect of Mesoamericans end of hunting and gathering?

7. What were the two early trading civilizations of Mesoamerica?

a. What system did they use for trade?

b. How did they travel?

8. Define monopoly.

9. Who held the monopoly on obsidian from Mexico City to the Yucatan Peninsula?

10. What happened to the Toltec?

11. How did the Moche grow crops in the desert?

12. What did a wealth of food allow the people of Moche to do?

13. Who built the biggest empire south of Mesoamerica and where was its capital?

14. Who were the first to begin planting crops in the deserts north of Mesoamerica?

15. Describe the Anasazi civilization. (ESSAY)

16. Describe the Mound Builders. (ESSAY)

17. Where did the Mississippians live?

18. What were the mounds of the Mississippians used for?


1. What civilization did Stevens and Catherwood discover and where do the ancestors of that civilization live today?

2. Why did it “appear” that the Mayan’s had picked a bad spot to settle?

3. How were the Maya similar to the Mesopotamians?

4. In what ways were the Mayans and the Egyptians alike?

5. How did Mayans know when to plant?

6. What mathematical contributions were made by the Maya?

7. What was expected of Aztec boys?

8. What was expected of Aztec girls?

9. What was the “core” belief of the Aztec people?

10. How did Pachacuti keep his large Inca Empire together?

11. Describe the Inca social structure.

12. What is a quipu and what is it used for?

13. How do scientists believe the people who settled Alaska and Canada got there and when did this occur?

14. How did the Inuit deal with the harsh climate?

15. Describe the life of the West Coast natives. (ESSAY)

16. What is adobe?

17. What is the difference between Apache and Navajo?

18. Describe the Great Plains natives. (ESSAY)

19. What is a confederation?

20. Which nations were in the Iroquois League and why was it formed?


Why did Europeans come to the Americas?

Describe the voyage of Christopher Columbus;

a. How did he convince royalty?

b. When did he travel?

c. How did he travel?

d. Where did he first land?

e. What did he return with?

f. When was his next voyage and why?

Describe conquistadors.

Why did people come from Extremadura?

Describe the voyage of Hernan Cortes;

a. When did he sail, what was his purpose, where did he go, what were the results?

How did the Maya react to Cortes?

Describe how Cortes defeated the Aztec.

a. Who was the leader of the Aztec, what weapons did the Spaniards have, what was the initial reaction to the Spaniards from the Aztec, what were the results?

Which European found a route to the Pacific Ocean?

Who conquered the Inca and how did he accomplish that task?


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