Preface -



Chapter One: Introduction

The Fame of Jesus • Who Is Jesus? • What Is Christology? • The Significance of the Bible •

Traditional Christology • The Quest for the Historical Jesus • How Jesus Identified Himself • How

Others Identified Jesus • What Jesus Said About God • What Others Did Not Say About Jesus •

The Resurrected Jesus • The Holy Spirit and Fulfilled Prophecy • The Jesus Movement • The

Three Foremost Irrefutable Texts • The Scarcity of Biblical Texts • The Major Debated Theos

Texts • The Debated Non-Theos Texts • Principles of Hermeneutics • More Important

Considerations • Early Evangelistic Messages • Epilogue

Part One: History of Church Christology

Chapter Two: Church Christology in the First Millennium

Introduction • Greek Philosophy and Christian Theology • The Didache and 1 Clement • Pliny the

Younger • Early Jewish Christianity • Ignatius • 2 Clement • Justin Martyr • Iranaeus •

Sabellianism and Paul of Samosata • Tertullian • Origen • Summary of Ante-Nicene Christology •

Two Church Centers • The Arian Controversy • The Council of Nicaea • The Nicene Creed • Arius

Exonerated • Athanasius • Eusebius of Caesarea • Appolinaris • The Council of Constantinople •

New Testament Credal Fragments • The Apostles’ Creed • The Council of Ephesus • The Second

Council of Ephesus • The Council of Chalcedon • The Second Council of Constantinople •

Conclusions about Ecumenical Councils • Obliterating the Distinction between God and Son • The

Athanasian Creed • Critical Thinking • Social Implications of Critical Thinking

Chapter Three: Church Christology in the Second Millennium

The Medieval Period • The Catholic Inquisition • The Protestant Reformation • Servetus • The

Execution of Servetus • Reaction to the Execution of Servetus • The Socinians • Continental

European Unitarianism • British Unitarianism • John Locke • Deism • British Arianism • Sir Isaac

Newton: A Secret Arian? • Samuel Clarke: A Moderate Arian • William Whiston: A Zealous

Arian • American Unitarianism • The Anabaptists • The Affects of Religious Intolerance • Credal

Faith • Friedrich Schleiermacher • American Anti-Trinitarian Churches • Biblical Criticism • The

Tubingen School • The History of Religions School • Liberal Theology • The Quest for the

Historical Jesus • Death of the Quest • The New Quest • The Third Quest • Kenotic Christology •

Other Modern Developments • The World Council of Churches • Christianity and Islam • Modern

World Evangelism • British Scholars • The New Dutch Christology • Roman Catholic Scholars •

Bible et christologie • Call for a Revised Christology • Conclusion

Part Two: Messianism in the Old Testament

Chapter Four: Messianism in the Old Testament

A. Introduction: Yahweh, Messiah, Son of God, and Monotheism

The Parting of Judaism and Christianity • Yahweh • The Messiah • Yahweh and Messiah

Distinguished • Messiah as Yahweh’s Agent • Yahweh as Messiah’s God • The Son of

God • The Shema and Jewish Monotheism • Trinitarian Monotheism? • The New History

of Religions School

B. “The Angel of the LORD”

Introduction • The Meaning of malak • Adam and Eve • Hagar • Abraham • Isaac and

Jacob • Manoah and his Wife • Moses • Moses and the Guardian Angel of Israel • The

Transcendence of God • Joshua • Other Instances of the Angel of the LORD • The Angels

Gabriel and Michael • Michael as the Guardian Angel of Israel • Michael Servetus and

Michael the Archangel

C. Daniel’s “Son of Man”

Introduction • Daniel 7 • The Two Powers Heresy • The Jewish Saints Interpretation •

Dating Daniel • The Worldwide People of God • Heaven’s Royal Court • The Son of Man

as King • The Worldwide Kingdom • The Son of Man as Suffering Servant • The Son of

Man as “the Highest One” • The Son of Man as a Warrior-King • The Son of Man as a

Divine Being? • Conclusion

D. Problem Passages:

1. Is the Trinity in the book of Genesis?

Introduction • Switching from Plural to Singular • Four Primary Interpretations •

The Form of God and Angels • Man in the Image of God • Elohim • Seraphim •

Cherubim • The Sons of God • The Council of the Holy Ones • Angels Called

“gods” of “the Most High” • The Seven Spirits of God • Conclusion

2. Is Messiah called “Mighty God” in Isaiah 9.6?

Introduction • English Versions • The Hebrew and Greek Texts • The Context •

Commentators • Messianic Agency • Conclusion

3. What about alma and Immanuel in Isaiah 7.14?

4. Is the Davidic Messiah called “Yahweh” in Jeremiah 23.6?

Part Three: Christology in the New Testament

Chapter Five: Christology of the Synoptists

A. Introduction

The Synoptic Gospels and their Authors • The Authenticity of the Sayings of Jesus •

Priority and Dates of Authorship • Oral Tradition • The Christ, the Son of God • Only the

Father is God • The Baptism of Jesus • The Voice Out of the Heavens • The Holy Spirit

in the Life of Jesus • Acts of the Holy Spirit in the Life of Jesus • The Temptations of

Jesus • The Humanity of Jesus • Angels Ministering to Jesus • The Miracles of Jesus •

The Resurrection of Jesus • Summary

B. Christology of Matthew

The Author and his Readers • Form, Structure, and Style • The Christ, the Son of God •

The Virgin Birth • Worshipping Jesus • Jesus’ Authority to Perform Miracles • The God

of Jesus Christ • Summary

C. Christology of Mark

The Author and his Readers • Structure and Style • The Author’s Purpose • The

Messianic Secret • Conclusion

D. Christology of Luke

The Author and his Readers • Structure and Style • “Christ, the Son of God” • “the Most

High (God)” • Jesus’ Physical and Moral Development • Jesus’ Dependence upon the

Holy Spirit • Jesus as Prophet • Glorifying and Praising God • Jesus in Prayer • Preaching

Jesus as “the Christ” • Preaching “the word” • Jesus’ Resurrection, Ascension, Exaltation

• Summary

E. The Limited Knowledge of Jesus

Introduction • Textual Variance • History of Interpretation • Jesus’ Ignorance of Other

Future Matters • Jesus’ Ignorance of Mundane Matters • Jesus’ Supernatural Knowledge •

Did Jesus “know all things”? • Conclusion

F. The Trial of Jesus

Introduction • The Sanhedrin’s Examination of Jesus • The Charge of Blasphemy • No

Charge of Jesus Claiming to Be God • The Trial before Pilate • The Crucified Jesus •


G. Problem Passages

1. Does calling Jesus “Immanuel” in Matthew 1.23 indicate that He is God?

2. Is the doctrine of the Trinity in Matthew 28.19?

3. Does Jesus’ authority to forgive sins in Mark 2.5 indicate that He was God?

4. Did Jesus identify Himself as God to the rich young man in Mark 10.18?

Chapter Six: Christology of John

A. Introduction

The Author and his Readers • “The Jews” • The Traditional Interpretation of John •

Comparing John with the Synoptics • Alleged Disparity & Consequent Dismissal •

Reinterpreting John • Christocentric or Theocentric? • The Prologue • The Word •

Wisdom Christology • The Humanity of Jesus • The Incarnation • Agent Christology •

The Meaning of theos in John • The Invisibility of God • Distinguishing God and Christ •

The Subordination of the Son • The Dependence of the Son • Truth and Life in the Son •

The Resurrection of the Son • The Holy Spirit • The Superiority of God the Father • Only

the Father Is God • The Son of God • The Revealer of God • The Purpose of the Fourth

Gospel • Summary

B. Problem Passages

1. Is the Logos identified as God in John 1.1c?

Introduction • The Mini-Prologue • English Versions and the Greek Text •

Dissecting the Three Clauses • Grammatical Problems • “the Word was divine” •

“the Word was a god” • The Jehovah’s Witnesses • “the Word was God” • The

Anarthrous theos in John 1.1c • The Colwell Rule? • Harner vs. Colwell • “what

God was, the Word was” • “the Word had the same nature as God” • Linkage •

Comparing John and the Author of Hebrews • Summary

2. Did Jesus preexist in heaven?

Introduction • The Spiritual Gospel • “He Existed before Me” in John 1.15, 30 •

Angels Ascending and Descending in John 1.51 • Jesus Ascending and

Descending in John 3.13 • “He Who Comes from Heaven” in John 3.31 • The

Bread from Heaven in John 6.25-65 • Wisdom Christology • “I Am from

Above” in John 8.23 • “The Glory…I had…Before” in John 17.5

3. Is Jesus called “the only begotten God” in John 1.18?

Introduction • The Greek NT and English Versions • The Meaning of

Monogenes • Reasons for Monogenes Theos • Reasons against Monogenes

Theos • Reasons for Ho Monogenes Huios • Reasons against Ho Monogenes

Huios • Survey of Scholars • Conclusion

4. Who said in John 5.18 that Jesus was “making Himself equal with God”?

Introduction • Healing on the Sabbath • Keeping the Sabbath Holy • Equality

with God? • Jesus’ Disclaimer of Deity • Summary

5. Did Jesus claim implicitly, in John 8.24, 28, 58, “I am Yahweh”?

Introduction • The “I am” Sayings in Exodus 3.14 and Deutero-Isaiah • The

Messianic Interpretation of John 8.24 • Jesus as “the Light of the World” • The

Context of Jesus’ “I am” Saying in John 8.24 • Jesus’ Message from the

Beginning • Jesus’ “I am” Sayings with a Predicate • The “Son of Man”

Interpretation of John 8.28 • Preexistence of Jesus in John 5.58? • A Different “I

am” Saying • Jesus’ “I am” Saying in John 18.5 • Summary

6. What did Jesus mean in John 10.30, “I and the Father are one”?

Introduction • Verse-by-verse Exposition • Summary

7. Did Thomas call Jesus “my God” in John 20.28?

Introduction • The Thomas Incident • Authenticity of Thomas’ Confession •

History of Interpretation of Thomas’ Confession • An Address to Jesus •

Nominatives as Vocatives? • Ascribing Divinity to Jesus • “The Lord” • “My

God and Your God” • “The Only True God” • Jesus as the Father’s Agent •

Seeing the Father in Jesus • The “God in Christ” Interpretation • Source of

Enlightenment and Glorification • Jesus’ Response • More History of

Interpretation • The Purpose of John’s Gospel • Conclusion

8. Is “the Trinity” in 1 John 5.7?

Introduction • Erasmus and Textus Receptus • External Evidence Against

Authenticity • Evidence Against the Authenticity of 1 John 5.7 • Conclusion

9. Who is “the true God” in 1 John 5.20?

Introduction • English Versions • Houtos Refers to Jesus Christ • Houtos Refers

to God the Father • Commentators • Conclusion

Chapter Seven: Christology of Paul

A. Introduction

Saul the Pharisee • Paul the Monotheistic Theologian • Paul the Evangelist • Paul’s

Gospel • Keeping the Gospel Pure • Only the Father is God • The God and Father of

Jesus Christ • Distinguishing God and Christ • Distinguishing God and His Son • Christ:

the Perfect Image of God • Adam Christology • God-in-Christ Christology • Lordship

Christology • Yahweh Texts Applied to Jesus • Subordination Christology • The

Invisibility and Immortality of God • “Maranatha” • The Spirit and Kingdom of God and

Christ • The Preexistence of Jesus? • The Cosmic Christ • Summary

B. Problem Passages

1. Does “the church of God” in Acts 20.28 indicate that Jesus is God?

Introduction • The Greek Text and Versions • Two Theou Translations •

Conclusions of Commentators

2. Does Paul call Jesus Christ “God” in Romans 9.5?

Introduction • Modern Greek New Testaments • Versions that Call Christ “God”

• Versions that Do Not Call Christ “God” • Reasons for the One Person View •

Reasons for the Two Person View • Survey of Commentators • Conclusion

3. Does Paul indicate in 2 Corinthians 8.9 that Jesus preexisted?

4. Does Galatians 2.20 say “the Son of God” or “(the) God and Christ”?

5. What about “the Kingdom of Christ and God” in Ephesians 5.5?

6. Does Paul say in Philippians 2.6 that Jesus had an “equality with God”?

Introduction • Two Interpretations • “The Form of God” • “Equality With God” •

“Emptied Himself” • “God Highly Exalted Him” • “Every Knee Bow/Tongue

Confess” • “Jesus Christ is Lord” • “The Name ... Above Every Name” •


7. Does “fullness” in Colossians 1.19 and 2.9 mean Jesus is God?

8. Is Jesus Christ “our God” in 2 Thessalonians 1.12?

English Versions • Reasons for the Two Persons View • Reasons for the One

Person View

9. Is Christ Jesus “the God-man” in 1 Timothy 2.5?

Introduction • God is “One” • The God-man? • Christ as Mediator • Conclusion

10. Is Christ Jesus “God manifest in the flesh” in 1 Timothy 3.16?

11. Is Christ Jesus “our great God and Savior” in Titus 2.13?

Introduction • The Greek Text and English Versions • One Person View • Two

Persons View • Survey of Scholars

Chapter Eight: Christology of the Author of Hebrews

A. Introduction

The Author and his Style • Structure and Purpose • The Prologue • The Superiority of

Jesus • The Sinless Humanity of Jesus • The Preexistence of Jesus? • Jesus as the Son of

God • Distinguishing God and Christ • The Subordination of the Son • Worshipping Jesus

• Jesus’ Prayers and Exaltation

B. Problem Passages

1. What does it mean in Hebrews 1.6 to worship Jesus?

2. Is “the Son” called “God” in Hebrews 1.8?

Introduction • English Versions of Psalm 45.6-7 • Grammar of Psalm 45.6-7 •

Setting of Psalm 45 • Jewish Monotheism • English Versions of Hebrews 1.8-9 •

Grammar of Hebrews 1.8-9 • Context of Hebrews 1.8-9 • Literary Reasons •

Scholastic Uncertainty • Summary

Chapter Nine: Christology of Peter

A. Introduction

The Apostle Peter • Servant Christology • Jesus: The Holy One of God • God Was with

Jesus • God Empowered Jesus to Do Miracles • Jesus Is the Christ • Christ Belongs to

God • The God of Jesus Christ • The Subordination of Christ to God • Emphasizing the

Humanity of Jesus • The Exaltation of Jesus

B. Problem Passage

1. Is Jesus called “our God and Savior” in 2 Peter 1.1?

The Greek Text and English Versions • Reasons for the One Person View •

Reasons for the Two Persons View • Commentators

Chapter Ten: Christology of The Apocalypse

A. Introduction

The Author • Structure and Style • Jesus’ Limited Knowledge • God and Christ

Distinguished • The God of Jesus Christ • “The Lamb” and “the Word” • The Throne of

God • Why No Holy Spirit? • “The Throne of David” • The Meaning of “Hallelujah” •

Agent Christology

B. Problem Passages

1. Is Christ identified as “the Lord God ... the Almighty” in Revelation 1.8?

2. Does Revelation 13.8 say the Lamb was slain at the time of creation?

3. Does the worship of Jesus in Heaven indicate that He is God?


A: The Church Doctrine of the Trinity

B: The Nature of the Holy Spirit

C: Modern Christologies


Selected Bibliography

General Bibliography

A. Primary Works Cited

B. Secondary Works Cited


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