Five Great Claims of Jesus - Seeking God's Heart

Five Great Claims of Jesus

John Chapter 8


Many people will accept that Jesus was a real historical figure. Yet they only accept that He was a prophet or a “good” man. Unfortunately, Jesus does not allow us to accept Him as just a “good” man. His claims make us decide that He is either a liar, He’s insane or He is who He says He is. We are going to look at five claims of Jesus recorded in the Gospel of John in chapter eight. Let’s see if you agree with me that Jesus does not leave any wiggle room as to who He claimed to be.

• Claim 1: Without sin, v.46

o How could anyone say that?

o How did He do it?

o Is it really that important whether He was without sin?

• Claim 2: Keep men from dying, v.51

o What did the men He was speaking to think He meant by death?

o What do you think He meant by death?

o How does He do that?

• Claim 3: God glorifies Him, v. 54-55

o What did He mean that God glorifies Him?

o What was He trying to teach by this? (Father glorifies because of His sinless adherence to His will)

• Claim 4: Foreseen by Abraham, v.56; Mt 13:17; 1 Pet 1:10-11

o What does He mean “Abraham rejoiced to see My day”?


• Claim 5: I AM, v. 58 (Is 43:10)

o What does He mean I AM?

o So why did they pick up stones?

o Did they understand who He was claiming to be?


Again, people can say what they will, but they have to totally ignore Jesus’ claims about Himself in order to rationalize anything except that He claimed to be God. Can’t get around that…unless of course you don’t want to read the Bible. Many people are willing to read books about the Bible, but never pick up the Bible itself and just read it. As Ed Wharton says, “It is amazing what you’ll learn if you just pick up your Bible and read it!”


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