
Instructor Comments: Student Name, Great analysis of Mona Lisa Smile. Nice use of specifics from the movie as well as content from the text to back up your ideas. You backed up your own personal reasons for supporting progressivism and existentialism in the classroom well. Strongly written. Nice paper!CriteriaScoreUnderstanding of Material4.00 Focus4.00 Support4.00 Mechanics4.00 Structural Organization4.00 20.00 Student NameFebruary 28, 2011Instructor NameEDCI 201Thoughts on Education PaperFor my Thoughts on Education paper I watched the 2003 Motion Picture film, Mona Lisa Smile, staring Julia Roberts, Kirsten Dunst, Julia Stiles, and Maggie Gyllenhaal. The film takes place in the 1950’s at Wellesley College. Wellesley is an all female college for young women. The school is very old fashion and ranked the most conservative college in the nation at the present time. Wellesley College encourages that the professors teach in as Essentialism philosophy. The college believes that the professors should focus on good sound approaches, rather than trying a new, more modern method of teaching instead of an Existential way of teaching.Many teachers follow the college rules and engage themselves in the Essentialism philosophy of teaching. Two examples from the movie are Italian Professor Bill Dunbar and Professor Miss. Nancy Abby, the teacher of speech and pose. Nancy Abby methods of teaching are very practical and they provide the students with sound instruction that will very likely prepare them for life in the future. She teaches the girls about pose and running a home and a family. She very much sticks with the traditional housewife philosophy that the wife will tent to her husband and raise the children. Abby uses her beliefs as a foundation for her teaching technique. Professor Dunbar tells the viewers that he believes in the schools back to basic teaching philosophy. Although we do not actually see him teach for any length of time we can tell his teaching philosophy. In the film he states that he abides to Wellesley’s rule about teaching the basics, because he believes it is the foundation to education. Dunbar also agrees with this for the safety of his job.Not all of the teachers at Wellesley are good at teaching the college’s teaching philosophy nor do they agree with it. An example is Miss Watson. She soon realized after her first day of class that every one of her students has already read the syllabus and has learned all of the core material that the college has set up. Professor Watson teaches the girls in a different way from all of the other teachers at the college. She teaches in a Progressive and Existential philosophy of teaching. She brings in more modern material to view, takes the class to view a new art piece, and enlightens the girls with the idea of going to school and becoming a wife. She gets her students to wonder and open up to the different meanings of art itself. Watson helps change some of the girl’s views on life and how they can make a difference in the world outside of school.I would like to teach in a Progressive and an Existential way of teaching. I really like the idea of being able to choose what topics to learn about. I want my students to be able to learn how to problem solve and reflect on experiences that they have had. Allowing students to have some freedom to choose what they would like to learn about will keep them more on task and wanting to learn. If the students are enjoying what they are learning about they are more likely to get more out of a lesson that they have chosen. I as a teacher would want my students to get as much out of each lesson as possible and I feel like having a Progressive and Existential philosophy will help that. ................

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