The Marriage Expectation Inventory

The Marriage Expectation Inventory


Directions: Set aside one hour and separate yourself from your future spouse so you cannot see what he or she is writing. Thoughtfully fill in your form as honestly as possible. When ready, come back together to share you answers. After you have finished you may find it of interest to discuss your answers at length with your future partner. This can help you prepare a future together.

1. Love is usually having to say:______________________________________


2. Since we first met, the following changes have taken place in our relationship: ________________________________________________________


3. Describe several instances when your future partner demonstrated real love toward you during the last month. _________________________


4. Describe several situations in which you, intentionally or unintentionally were hurtful to your future partner in the last month.



5. Give the ways you and your future spouse differ: __________________


6. Give the ways you and your future spouse are alike: _______________


7. Describe some specific things your future partner has “bugged” you about recently which you could have corrected but didn’t. ________


8. What are the strengths you will bring to your marriage? ____________


9. What are the strengths your future partner will bring to the marriage? __________________________________________________________


10. How will you use your strong points to grow together in love after marriage? __________________________________________________________


11. Describe one thing your future partner does which makes it difficult to share yourself with them. ________________________________


12. Describe how you plan to make important decisions in your marriage: ___________________________________________________________


13. In our marriage, communication will be so important that: ________


14. As far as communication in our future marriage, one partner______


15. One aspect of our relationship that I have been reluctant to discuss with my future partner, but wish to now is: __________________


16. My idea of freedom in marriage is: _______________________________


17. Freedom to: ________________________ implies a corresponding obligation to: _______________________________________________________

18. Describe several ways you’ve learned to balance personal freedom with responsibility to your future partner. ___________________________


19. The most difficult area for me to allow my future partner freedom in is: _______________________________________________________________


20. Some areas where I feel a lack of freedom with my future partner are: ________________________________________________________________


21. Describe how financial decisions will be made in your family: _____



22. Major sources of conflict in our money matters are related to: ____


23. I feel ______________________________________________________about a working wife.

24. Selfishness to me is _____________________________________________


25. Selfishness in my relationship has been: _________________________


26. Religious belief and practice in our marriage will mean. _________ ___________________________________________________________________


27. Describe several religious attitudes you like about your future partner. ____________________________________________________________


28. Describe several religious attitudes you dislike about your future partner. ____________________________________________________________


29. I feel religion in the home is _____________________________________

30. In a happy family, children should be: ____________________________


31. List the changes you plan to make from your parents’ child rearing practices. ___________________________________________________________



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