Highlander Band

Highlander Band

Basket Raffle


A recipe for running the annual basket raffle

Last updated: First Draft January, 2016

A. Medeiros




2.1 Basket Wrapping Manager 8

2.2 Food Chair 10

2.3 Door Ticket, Raffle Ticket & 50/50 Chairs 11

2.4 Setup & Takedown Chair 13

2.5 Student Coordinator & Door Hosts (2) 14

2.6 Publicity & Program 15

3 Checklists 16

3.1 High School Checklist 16

3.2 Day of Event Checklist 17


4.1 Raffle Flyer 18

4.2 Raffle Permits 18

4.3 Basket Spreadsheet (Google Sheets) 18

4.4 Raffle Program 18

4.5 Cafeteria MENU 18

4.6 Snack Items 18

4.7 Basket Raffle Ticket Signs 19



|When |What |Who |

| | | |

|May |Decide on date of Raffle |Exec Committee |

| |Submit for Use of Facilities to GL |President |

|September? |Begin soliciting national corporations for |2nd VP; Corresponding Secretary |

| |donations | |

|November |Decide on Basket Raffle Chair |Exec committee |

| |Tell parents to Save the Date; everyone works | |

| |on Raffle day. |President |

|January |Decide on admission price |Exec committee, Raffle Chair |

| |Remind parents to Save the Date |Raffle Chair |

| |Get volunteers for Ticket Managers, Food | |

| |Managers, Wrapping Manager, Publicity Managers,|Raffle Chair |

| |program Manager, Set up & Tear Down Manager and| |

| |Business solicitation Manager | |

| |Order Door Tickets (from ) Ensure| |

| |tickets are printed with correct information | |

| |Distribute pre-sale tickets to parents | |

| |Apply for 50/50 license | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Raffle Chair |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Treasurer and President |

|Five weeks Before Raffle (e.g. 2/5/2016) |Create online helper signup for parents to |Business Solicitation Chair |

| |solicit local businesses | |

| |Establish drop-off locations for donations | |

| |Create Flyer; get exec com approval |Wrapping Manager |

| |Order 35 tables and 8 chairs for gym | |

| | |Publicity Chair |

| | | |

| | |Band Director |

|Four weeks Before Raffle |Create online helper signup for parents to |Raffle Chair |

|(e.g 2/12/2016) |volunteer for Day of Raffle | |

| |Create signup sheet for Students to volunteer | |

| |for Day of Raffle | |

| |Decide on times and place for basket wrapping |Band Director |

| |Create signup sheet for volunteers for wrapping| |

| |Create and copy flyer; distribute to parents | |

| |and local venues |Wrapping Manager |

| |Send publicity info to media and | |

| | |Wrapping Manager |

| | | |

| | |Publicity Chair |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Publicity Chair |

|Three weeks Before Raffle |Create online helper signup for parents to |Food Manager |

|(e.g 2/20/2016) |bring desserts and fruit for Day of Raffle | |

| |Check inventory of plates, forks, napkins; buy | |

| |more if needed | |

| |Remind parents to solicit local businesses |Food Manager |

| |Check inventory of raffle tickets, 50/50 | |

| |tickets, | |

| |Deadline for Basket Donations |Business Solicitation Manager |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Raffle Ticket Manager |

|Two weeks Before Raffle |Ask students to sign up for Day of Raffle |Band Director |

|(e.g. 2/26/2016) |Remind parents to solicit local businesses-last| |

| |call |Business Solicitation Manager |

| |Remind parents to sign up to volunteer Day of | |

| |Raffle |Raffle Chair |

| |Remind parents to sign up to bring desserts | |

| |Remind parents to sell pre-sale tickets |Food Manager |

| |Begin Wrapping | |

| | |Raffle Chair |

| | | |

| | |Wrapping Manager |

|Week of Raffle |Finalize volunteers for Day of Raffle |Raffle Chair |

| |Finish Wrapping | |

| |Complete program and make 300 copies |Wrapping Manager |

| |Prepare Combo Tickets |Program Manager |

| |Collect pre-sale payment and unsold tickets |Raffle Ticket Manager |

| |Prepare seed money and tally sheets for sales | |

| |Make sure to have elevator key |Door Ticket Manager |

| | |Treasurer |

| | | |

| | |Raffle Chair |

|Day of Raffle (e.g. 3/11/2016) |Transport baskets to GL |Wrapping Manager |

|2:30 p.m. to3:00 |Begin set-up of gym and cafeteria; make sure |Set Up & Tear Down manager |

| |tables, podium are in place | |

| |Set up Entry, Will Call, Raffle ticket tables, | |

| |Calendar raffle | |

|5:00 (5:30 in 2016) |Doors open | |

| |Begin drawing basket tickets | |

| | | |

|6:00 (6:30 in 2016) | |Door Ticket Manager |

|8:00 (8:30 in 2016) | | |

| | |Band Director |


|Role |Responsibilities |in 2016 |

|Raffle Chair |Overall Responsibility for the Raffle |Alvaro Medeiros |

| |Drive the timelines |Amalia Canovas |

| |Ensure volunteers for every role | |

| |Watch the budget | |

| |Problem solver | |

| |Ensure the Raffle is a success financially, and from the perspective of baskets | |

| |assembled, tickets sold, food purchased, business solicitations | |

| |Create signup sheets for volunteers | |

| |Agree budget with BPO President | |

|Basket Wrapping Chair |Decide on times and place for basket wrapping |Jule Schwarzwald/Mojgan |

| |Tell parents to collect items and drop off at designated spot - deadline 2 weeks |Hossein-Nia/Angela Barbieri |

| |before | |

| |Establish drop off location for donations | |

| |Check supplies in band room and order more as needed | |

| |Create and Manage Item Spreadsheet (suggested use Google Sheet) | |

| |Arrange for transportation of items to school | |

| |Arrange in order, by category, on tables at school location | |

|Food Chair |Create online helper signup for parents to bring desserts and fruit for Day of |Heidi Cohen & Venus Lim |

| |Raffle | |

| |Check inventory of plates, forks, napkins; buy more if needed | |

| |Get baked goods donated from all families | |

| |Source food through the school, ensuring unopened food can be returned | |

| |Source food wrapping, serving/warming equipment | |

| |Set menu, prices & get info to Program chair in a timely manner | |

| |Get donated food, soda | |

| |Get donated candy | |

| |Arrange for use of a fridge in the cafeteria for Band food | |

| |Arrange for Hot Chocolate, coffee (needs hot water setup early) | |

| |Keep to budget | |

| |No food license is required | |

|Door Ticket Chair & Student |Ensure door tickets are ordered on time |Theresa Logan & Karen Simonelli |

|Coordinator |Ensure tickets are printed with correct information | |

| |Ensure pre-sale tickets are distributed to parents | |

| |Collect pre-sale payment and unsold tickets | |

| |Sell tickets and programs on the day | |

| |Secure 2 assistants for day of raffle | |

| |Have Students sign in/out for shifts | |

| |Maintain possession of one elevator door key | |

| |Oversee Basket Door Hosts | |

| |Explain process and answer question of Raffle participants | |

|Raffle Ticket Manager |Check inventory of raffle tickets, 50/50 tickets, tablecloths |Lynn Fudenna |

| |Ensure adequate supplies of each Ticket type (white sheets of tickets; Blue, Red | |

| |and Gold); order additional as necessary | |

| |Prepare Combo tickets | |

| |Manage Pay Pal Credit card reader | |

| |Ensure Ticket signs are printed and posted | |

|50/50 Ticket Chair |Sell tickets in advance of event |Louisa Grossman |

| |Run the 50/50 | |

| |Get volunteers to sell 50/50 on the day (2-3) | |

| |Pre-tear strips of 10 before the day | |

| |Get winner picked and announced after last performance | |

| |Get winnings to winner, our 50% to Finance chairE | |

|Business Solicitation Chair |Prepare List of Local Businesses |Ellen Cavallero |

| |Create Sign Up Genius | |

| |Ensure Volunteers Solicit businesses assigned | |

| |Ensure Volunteers deliver donations | |

|Setup & Tear-down Chair |Coordinate setup and takedown operations |Carla Franolic |

|Publicity Chair |Create Flyer; get exec committee |Anne Marie Stecher & Lidia |

| |Copy flyer; distribute to parents and local venues |Henriques |

| |Send publicity info to media and | |

| |Register Event on Website Publicize the event in calendars, forums, in the | |

| |Independent Press and other publications | |

|Program Mgr |Use Basket Raffle List to create Program for event | |

| |Complete program and make 300 copies | |

|Finance Chair |Ensure license granted by Police |Treasurer/Finance Bruce Mustacchi |

| |Be present to oversee all finances of the day |& Maribel Proano |

| |Get seed cash for Snack Shack, novelties, 50/50, tickets | |

| |Manage cash at all stations during the day | |

| |Collect count and bank cash at the end (separate counts for each area) | |

1 Basket Wrapping Manager

4 Weeks Before

• Find place to store basket items.

o The last few years Jeanne Mirabella has offered her office, 308 Springfield Ave, Suite 4, BH.

• Tell parents to collect items and drop off at designated spot - deadline 2 weeks before.

o This won't happen - you will need to remind them constantly and will still collect items the day before raffle.

• Decide on times and place for basket wrapping.

o Usually 5-6 sessions in the last 2 weeks before raffle, hopefully at Jeanne's office. Ideal is to have 6 volunteers per session. Snacks and beverages help make it fun.

• Create signup sheet for volunteers for wrapping.

3 Weeks Before

• Check supplies in band room and order more as needed. There is a tote bag of supplies in 1st or 2nd cupboard. Amazon has the best prices and quick delivery with Prime.

o Curling ribbon: white, blue, red, yellow (gold) - approx 1 roll of each

o Scotch tape - approx 6 rolls

o Cellophane - approx 5 rolls each of 100 feet x 30 inch & 40 inch

o Permanent markers: black, red, blue, gold (green) - I brought from home

o Pens - in bag

o Scissors - in bag

o Labels for baskets (white address labels, 20 to a page)

• Send desperate reminder for people to bring in basket items - families, band sections, business donations.

2 Weeks Before

• Begin wrapping sessions - send reminders to those who signed up and beg others to join in.

o Choose items to create a themed basket and give it a clever name and a number based on its category:

▪ White $0-50

▪ Blue $51-100

▪ Red $101-200

▪ Gold/Grand $200+

o Create Google Sheet to track baskets

o Record the basket name and number on the spreadsheet for the program AND on the white sticker (use the colored markers on labels to match the category)

o Attractively place items in basket or other container and wrap with cellophane, taping the sides shut. Tie the appropriate color of ribbon around the top and put the sticker on the cellophane.

• Send desperate reminder for people to bring in basket items - families, band sections, business donations.

Week of Raffle

• Finish wrapping remaining items. People will still drop off things the day before.

• Get final spreadsheet to person assembling program.

• Arrange for 5-6 drivers with minivans to transport baskets to GL, starting at 2:30 pm on day of raffle.

Day of Raffle

• Transport baskets from wrapping location to GL.

• Arrange in order, by category, on tables in gym.

• Arrange for a parent family and band member take ownership of updating basket buckets – approx. 200 buckets (remove old label and place new)

2 Food Chair

Kitchen help & Clean Up: Assist Refreshments Manager in the kitchen; plate and serve desserts and beverages. Guests exchange the white door prize ticket for each dessert. Clean up the kitchen and cafeteria (note: in 2016 hallway outside gym used for food serving and nearby classrooms to prepare food). Please return all GLBPO items to the band room and leave the kitchen completely clean and as it was found.

5.00 - 6.30 pm; 6.30 - 8.00 pm; 8.00 - 10.00 pm

Food reminders

• List fruits for parents to bring

• Specify that fruit should be sectioned (no whole unpeeled fruits as this adds work to prep)

• 12 desserts per band parent family

• No whole cakes or pies

• Chips should be ordered from cafeteria (which accepts returns of unopened packages)

2.3 Door Ticket, Raffle Ticket & 50/50 Chairs


Door Ticket Pre-sales: $12 entrance fee. Band Parents each receive 5 tickets to be sold prior to raffle days. These MUST be returned prior to event to enable sales tracking (band members receive credit for sales). Note parents of band members must pay for entrance to the event (each ticket receives a fee block of tickets).

Raffle day Entrance Tickets: Collect $15 entrance fee or pre-sale ticket. Each entrant receives a free block of white tickets. The Door Prize can be used in exchange for their dessert & beverage or used as a raffle ticket to put into the white buckets. Doors open at 6pm (6:30 in 2016). Draw will begin at 8 (8:30 in 2016). Direct people to the gym (cafeteria in 2016). Student Hosts will be nearby to help direct people and aid disabled guests who need the elevator.

Shifts: 5.30 - 8.30 pm (2 assistants)


(see section 4.7 for signage)

White, Blue, Red and Gold tickets: Sold at tables in center of gym. Per GLBPO policy, no tickets sold to persons under 18, but under 18s can place tickets into buckets.

5.00 – 6.30 pm; 6.30 – 8.00 pm

|Ticket color: |Ticket cost: |

|WHITE |Sheet of 26 $7.00 |

|BLUE |11 tickets for $7.00 |

|RED |6 tickets for $11 |

|GRAND (Gold) |$5.00 each |

Combo Tickets (prepared in advance): Sold at table facing entrance door. Per GLBPO policy, no tickets sold to persons under 18, but under 18s can place tickets into buckets.

5.00 – 6.30 pm; 6.30 – 8.00 pm

|Grab Bag: |Contents and cost: |

|Full Combo Bag |Contains one sheet of white tickets, one sheet of blue tickets, one sheet of red tickets and 1 grand |

|SAVE $3! |prize ticket - $27.00 |

|Double Your Luck Bag |Two Full Combo Bags for $50 |

|SAVE $10! | |

|Grand Prize Bonanza |Six Grand Prize Tickets - $25 |


WHITE tickets are good for any basket on tables with WHITE table clothes and prizes valued up to $50.


BLUE tickets can used to bid on prizes located on tables with BLUE table clothes and have a value of $51 to $100.


RED tickets which are used to bid on prizes located on tables with RED table clothes and have a value of $101 to $200.


GOLD tickets which are used to bid on prizes located on tables with GOLD table clothes and are valued more than $200.

50/50 Raffle:

50/50 Tickets: Sell 50/50 tickets at the main entry, in the gym, and in the cafeteria. (reversed for 2016)

50/50 prices = 3 tickets for $5; 7 tickets for $10; 15 tickets for $20

5.00 - 7.00 pm; 7.00 - 8.30 pm

2.4 Setup & Takedown Chair


Cafeteria: Arrange a ticket sales table in the hallway with chairs for 4 people. At the front of the cafeteria (near the front hall entrance), set up the podium (make sure microphone is working) beside a table for Ticket Calling. Cover tables with plaid or plastic tablecloths.


Basket Staging site (e.g.Gym): Set up combo ticket table in middle of gym but near gym entrance. Set up main ticket tables in center of gym. Cover tables with tablecloths. Arrange basket display tables along the periphery, against the walls, beginning to the left of the entrance door and continuing along three walls. Set up grand prize baskets display table along the fourth wall. Cover display tables with cloths to match the basket color. Generally, white takes up the whole first wall and part of the second wall; blue takes up the rest of the second wall; red takes up the third wall.

Set up Table for sale of Candy/Chips & Highlander Gift items



Clean Up Cafeteria: Make sure tables are back in their original positions, and bring any Raffle materials back to the band room to use again next year. Clean up the entrance ticket area, again preserving and returning any GLBPO items back to the band room.

9.30 - 10.00 pm

Clean Up Gym: Remove all tablecloths. Return any GLBPO items used for raffle to the band room. Take down tables and chairs used in the gym. Return posters and signs to the band room.

8.00- 9.30pm

2.5 Student Coordinator & Door Hosts (2)


Student Coordinator: Have students sign in at the beginning and sign out at the end of their shifts. This sign in/out sheet is used to award student credits. You will also have a key needed to use the elevator.

Gym Door Hosts: Meet guests as they arrive at the gym. Hand them a program (only hand out programs as needed) and direct them to raffle ticket sales tables. Assist any guests that may need the elevator. Student hosts and Student Coordinator Theresa Logan have the key needed for the elevator.

5. - 6.30 pm; 6.30 - 8.00 pm

2.6 Publicity & Program


Success of event depends on generating as much awareness as possible both inside and outside the GLHS community. Publicizing the raffle in as many places as possible is very important and should include the following list. In public advertising and on Tricky Tray website leverage the fact that this event is family friendly (many are adults only).

Flyers (approved by Board of Ed)

o Posted at schools

o Booster clubs

Tricky Tray Website

Newspaper Articles

o Alternative Press

Publicize on Town Billboards

o Berkeley Heights

o Mountainside

Recreation Department Newsletter

Public Forums

o Community Forum

Social Networks

o Facebook pages

o Facebook Alumni Page


Created from Excel Sheet (Google sheet recommended) file used to catalogue each basket. Program will be sorted according to value of Basket including name and description of items in Basket.

Program should be created no less than a three days prior to event to enable time for proofreading and copying

Once finalized print 300 copies for distribution at door.


1 High School Checklist

|• |Need 35 standard-sized tables (minimum; preferably 5 more) with 8 chairs available in basket location (NOTE: if there are longer |

| |sized tables as part of the 35, that should more than do the trick) |

|• |Confirm/secure a location of the basket raffle (cafeteria will be used for the basket awarding portion of the evening; need a |

| |location prior to that) |

|• |FYI: The GLBPO’s policy will be that minors won’t be able to buy tickets for buckets, but they can place tickets into the buckets |

| |and win prizes (consistent with NJ law) |

|• |Need 35 standard-sized tables (minimum; preferably 5 more) with 8 chairs available in basket location (NOTE: if there are longer |

| |sized tables as part of the 35, that should more than do the trick) |

|• |Advertise to the GLHS community (flyers, Google Classroom, and school PA announcements) as well as through the local PTOs |

|• |Secure kitchen access and ensure that a positive relationship is maintained with Pomptonian Foods (DO NOT USE THEIR EQUIPMENT) |

|• |Proofread program; inform school administration about the number of baskets |

|• |Reserve copier for GLBPO use to copy the program |

|• |The sound system needs to be unlocked and operational in the Raffle Ticket Drawing area |

|• |Secure a “Speaker Podium” for the cafeteria |

|• |Obtain 2 elevator keys to be used by the parents/students in charge |

|• |Doors are opening at 6 PM; prizes will be called at 8 PM |

|• |People will only be able to enter the Basket Raffle via the entrance by the cafeteria; all other outside doors should be locked in |

| |advance of the 6 PM start time |

|• |Confirm/secure a location of the basket raffle (cafeteria will be used for the basket awarding portion of the evening; need a |

| |location prior to that) |

| | |

| | |

| | |

1 Day of Event Checklist

| |Backup batteries for microphone |

| |Repair Tape & Cellophane in Basket set up area (to repair damaged baskets) |

| |Extension Cords for coffee |

| |Doors Locked |

| |Signs Posted |

| |Candy/chips and Highlander Gift items Table set-up and manned |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |


1 Raffle Flyer

2 Raffle Permits

o 50/50 Raffle

o Basket Raffle

3 Basket Spreadsheet (Google Sheets)

o Separate tabs for each color

4 Raffle Program

o Items with description in Color Coded sections

5 Cafeteria MENU

One Menu item included with Door Ticket

6 Snack Items

Assorted Candy Bars………………………………………………….$1.00

Homemade Baked Items…………………………………………… ...$.50

Bag of Chips, etc……………………………………………………….$.50


Assorted soft drinks…..……………………………………………….$1.00


Vitamin Water………………………………………………………….$2.00

Bottled Water…………………………………………………………...$1.00

Hot Coffee/Tea………………………………………………………….$1.00

Hot Chocolate……………………………………………………….….$1.00

Assorted ‘Juicy Juice’ Boxes……………………………………….….$.50

7 Basket Raffle Ticket Signs

Open the embedded file below which contains signage for tickets.These should be pasted/taped to posterboard in advance of the event


Tips and observations to help things go smoothly next time.

Raffle lessons learned

Raffle Chair observations

What went well

What didn’t

What we should do different next time





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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