the power

of purpose

Table of


The Power of Purpose........................................................................................................1

The Power of Connections.....................................................................................................................................................4

About This Report..................................................................................................................................................................... 5

Responsible business........................................................................................................ 7

Corporate Responsibility Strategy and Key Issues...................................................................................................... 7

Ethics, Integrity, and Human Rights................................................................................................................................. 10

Global Privacy and Information Protection................................................................................................................... 16

Supply Chain Management...................................................................................................................................................21

Corporate Governance and Risk Management...........................................................................................................25

Stakeholder Engagement.....................................................................................................................................................27

Health and Well-Being................................................................................................... 34

Formula for Change............................................................................................................................................................... 34

Customer Centricity...............................................................................................................................................................40

Quality and Access................................................................................................................................................................ 43

Substance Use Disorders and Mental Health.............................................................................................................. 48

Health Equity............................................................................................................................................................................ 54

Cigna¡¯s COVID-19 Response............................................................................................................................................... 58

Environment...................................................................................................................... 61

Sustainability Performance Plan........................................................................................................................................ 61

Energy, Emissions, Water, and Waste.............................................................................................................................67

Community Resilience...........................................................................................................................................................73


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Community Investment.........................................................................................................................................................76

The Cigna Foundation...........................................................................................................................................................77

Global Citizenship................................................................................................................................................................... 85

Employee Volunteerism and Giving................................................................................................................................ 88

Our People....................................................................................................................... 90

Our Culture................................................................................................................................................................................ 90

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion......................................................................................................................................... 96

Human Capital Development........................................................................................................................................... 109

Employee Health, Safety, and Wellness........................................................................................................................116

2020 Highlights............................................................................................................... 121

UNGC................................................................................................................................ 125

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals...................................................................................................... 127

Performance Tables....................................................................................................... 129

Global Reporting Initiative........................................................................................... 132

TCFD Index...................................................................................................................... 142


the power of purpose |



power of


Our purpose guides us to be champions for

our customers and our communities.

Watch the video from David M. Cordani,

President and CEO of Cigna

Why is corporate responsibility

important to Cigna, and how did

our actions in 2020 reflect that?

We¡¯re guided by our mission, which is to improve the

health, well-being, and peace of mind of those we

serve. And our purpose guides us to be champions

for our customers and our communities. So, guided

by that as we step back, the corporate responsibility

initiatives are critical. 2020 was a defining year for

the globe, and I¡¯m quite proud of what we¡¯ve done

in terms of stepping forward for our customers and

our clients with expanded services to provide them

the peace of mind, expanded financial support from

that standpoint. Additionally, we stepped in from

a different relationship within our communities to


Cigna Connects, our environmental, social,

and governance approach, is structured

around three focus areas that are important

to our business and align with our mission.

Using this approach, we drive action and

bring together stakeholders who can make

a difference around critical health topics.

support those we serve ¨C our physician partners who

were strained and stressed with more resources,

and then bringing more resources even more deeply

into the communities that were underserved with

targeted initiatives and key markets. And then finally,

recognizing that our co-workers around the world

were confronting challenges in a very different way,

and that needed to be a part of our service and a

program. I¡¯m proud of our historic performance relative

to diversity and inclusion. We¡¯ve amped that up yet

even further over this last year relative to a five-year

multi-dimensional commitment relative to diversity,

equity, inclusion, and equality from that standpoint.

And it transcends all aspects of what we do. From

an inclusion in our workforce to the way we work

with our suppliers. Concrete example, we¡¯ve made a

commitment to increase our consumption of supplier

services to a billion dollars by 2025, from diverse

workforces to evolving new programs, and offerings

that are specifically designed for diverse employers to

going into communities, and identifying underserved

populations that are diverse in nature, and evolving

services, and programs. That five-year road map will

guide us in everything we do. Not just as an employer,

not just as procuring services, but programs we

designed for the commercial marketplace, as well as

community activation we drive with local community,

faith leaders, and governmental leaders. So, I¡¯m quite

proud of what we¡¯re able to do stepping forward

guided by that notion of being a champion for not only

our customers but our communities.

Why does Cigna embrace diversity

and having a diverse workforce?

Why is that important?

We¡¯re blessed and fortunate to have 175 million

customer relationships around the world. And if we

pause for a moment, we need to recognize that the

inherent diversity of those we are privileged to serve

each and every day is tremendous. To do our best job

the power of purpose |


in terms of servicing the individuals, we benefit by

having a diverse workforce. So, it¡¯s good for business

in terms of enabling us, and positioning us to support

our customers and our partners around the globe.

It¡¯s also the right thing to do. The right thing to do

in terms of embracing that level of diversity. On a

final note, by having a quite diverse workforce, we¡¯re

able to perform at our best relative to innovation,

new ideas, and program evolution as well because

diversity in the broadest sense of the word from both

representation, belief set, and experience helps us

have a more powerful corporation to provide those

services for those we serve around the world.

How is Cigna working to

improve health care?

We¡¯re all guided by a notion around affordability,

predictability, and simplification. And we seek to

drive new solutions to be able to do so. Examples

are through the launch of our Everrnorth portfolio of

capabilities, we now have a broader set of capabilities

that we could bring to employer clients, governmental

entities, health plans, and health care professionals.

An example of that is a family path offering. Or an

additional example is acknowledging that in the

United States, that insulin-dependent diabetics were

rationing their insulin because of affordability. We

transformed the offering, and it still is one of its kind

in the commercial marketplace to provide simplicity,

affordability, and peace of mind with a $25 offering.

Those are two concrete examples. Finally wrapping

around it, everything we do, we seek to be individual

or patient-centric, and then partner-centric. Working

with our health care professional partners to be able

to drive the innovations with them, not to them, for

the benefit of their patient, our customer, each and

every day.

What are some of the ways that

Cigna supports its communities?

We have a broad service framework around the world.

So, we have many communities we serve and support.

Stepping back from a community standpoint, it¡¯s

acknowledging that all health care is personal, and all

health care is local. So, while there may be national

or global initiatives, they are largely converted on a

highly localized basis. Example - we have a multi-year

grant framework for children, and children¡¯s health

and well-being through food security, or addressing

food insecurity. That is ultimately converted in a highly


localized basis, but we¡¯re able to see that by helping a

child have more food security, their health improves,

their emotional well-being improves, their academic

performance improves. So, from a societal standpoint,

it¡¯s quite powerful.

Secondly, we have initiatives in terms of supporting

people with disabilities, whether they are the

disabilities manifested through life challenges,

genetic challenges, or service in the military. And

organizations we support have a global reach around

that. It enables us to provide expanded support

resources for individuals to live their own best life, and

to thrive on a relative basis, and to have a fulsome life

through that lens. So, those are two examples that

are guided by our corporation at a global standpoint

but ultimately are converted in a highly localized and

highly personalized standpoint.

Why does Cigna believe that it¡¯s

important to focus on the environment?

It is clear that the environment has an effect on

someone¡¯s overall view of their health, well-being, and

peace of mind. So, it matches back to our mission.

And a thriving environment or a healthy environment

presents an opportunity for a healthier individual, a

healthier community, a healthier workforce. So, it¡¯s

inextricably linked, therefore, it¡¯s an easy bridge for us

to make. It¡¯s not a reach for us. It¡¯s an easy bridge for

us to make because it aligns back against our mission

around health, well-being, and peace of mind.

About This Report

Cigna¡¯s eighth annual Corporate Responsibility

Report illustrates our company¡¯s environmental,

social, and governance (ESG) approach and the

continued value of our integration with Express

Scripts. The continued value of the integration can

be seen through the results of the 2020 Value of

Integration Study and the launch of Evernorth SM, a

new brand for Cigna¡¯s health services portfolio. This

report also describes Cigna¡¯s holistic, proactive and

comprehensive response to serve our stakeholders

during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The structure of this report reflects our ESG framework,

¡°Cigna Connects,¡± which consists of three focus areas

that are material to our business, align with our mission,

and create shared value. These three focus areas are

(1) Health and Well-Being, (2) Environment, and (3)

Responsible and Inclusive Business.

the power of purpose |



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