Cigna Connects: 2019 Corporate Responsibility Report

Cigna Connects:

2019 Corporate Responsibility Report

Table of Contents

Cigna Connects The Power of Connections About this Report

Responsible Business Strategy and Key Issues Ethics, Integrity, and Human Rights Global Privacy and Information Protection Supply Chain Management Corporate Governance and Risk Management Stakeholder Engagement

Health and Well-Being Formula for Change Customer Centricity Quality and Access Opioids and Mental Health Health Equity

Cigna Connects: 2019 Corporate Responsibility Report

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Sustainability Performance Plan


Energy, Emissions, Water, and Waste


Community Resilience



Community Investment


Cigna Foundation


Global Citizenship


Employee Volunteerism and Giving


Our People

Our Culture


Diversity and Inclusion


Human Capital Development


Employee Health, Safety and Wellness


2019 Highlights





United Nations Sustainable Development Goals


Performance Tables

Cigna 2016?2019 Performance Tables


GRI Index

GRI 102: General Disclosures 2016


GRI 103: Topics and Boundaries


GRI 200-400: Topic-Specific Disclosures


Cigna Connects: 2019 Corporate Responsibility Report

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The Power of Connections

Cigna Connects, our approach to corporate responsibility, aligns with our mission by making powerful connections that positively impact the health of people, communities and the environment. Through Cigna Connects we aim to serve as a catalyst of action and a convener of stakeholders who, together, can make a difference around critical health topics.

Being a good corporate steward is a really important part of who Cigna is as a corporation. We're missionbased and we're performance based. Being committed to corporate stewardship, volunteerism, diversity and inclusion, and looking at multiple stakeholder needs, are important parts of who we are today and who we will be in the future.

Watch the video from David M. Cordani, President and CEO of Cigna.

Why is corporate responsibility important to Cigna? We're a global health service company and in the pursuit of our mission, which is to improve people's health, wellbeing and peace of mind, being a responsible corporate steward is mission-critical to us. We're proud to have issued our seventh consecutive corporate responsibility report, demonstrating that we have a variety of stakeholders to serve and each one of those stakeholders are important; from our customers, our clients, our physician partners, our co-workers, our communities, and the like. So, it's really an important part of who we are and the mission we pursue every day.

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How does Cigna deliver on its mission? We started out early as an organization, relative to the industry on how we partner with physicians. Seeking to partner and working differently around improving their patients' health, our customer's health, each and every day. And that has served us really well for over a decade in terms of improving quality of life, improving clinical quality, and improving affordability. On the pharmaceutical side, we were first to step forward relative to the insulin challenge that many Americans face in the United State relative to affordability, with the Patient Assurance Program, that makes it affordable, simple and predictable. And, then lastly, an example is taking some of the most expensive interventions in the world, the more sophisticated gene therapies, and forming a new not-for-profit organization that is transparent for others to engage in, Embarc Benefit Protection, to take those expensive gene therapies and make them more broadly available and then provide financing piece of mind for employers or governmental entities around that.

How does Cigna give back to the community? We have a responsibility to make a difference in the communities we work, serve, and play in. So, that takes place through a variety of means. For example, our colleagues have the ability to get an additional eight hours off to - to contribute to volunteerism. Secondly, at any given point in time, we have between 10 and 20 coworkers who are on a sabbatical, relative to being community ambassadors and we preserve their position while they're away, we pay them their salary and their benefits, and we give them a stipend to pursue that activity. And then lastly, as an example through our foundation, we provide resources - both financial and then human support resources to provide some community support. For example, dealing with food insecurity for our children, as well as services for our veterans, whether it's through a veteran support line or volunteerism supporting both physically able and physically challenged veterans from that standpoint.

Why is it important for Cigna, or any company, to focus on the environment?

We think everybody has a responsibility to focus on the environment. The environment actually has an impact on our sense - sense of quality of life. So, it's on mission in terms of health, well-being, and peace of mind, but we also think we have just a responsibility to make sure we tend to the environment, not just for the present, but for the next generation. So, as part of that, the way in which we even occupy our buildings, make sure our buildings are green, make sure we evolve our energy consumption standards, and our waste production standards are all in line with best practices relative to being a good environmental steward.

Why does Cigna embrace diversity and a diverse workforce? Diversity is quite important to us and when we talk about diversity we mean it in all dimensions, from an inclusion standpoint, diversity of opinion, diversity of life experience, et cetera. We have about 170 million customer relationships around the world, so ensuring that our workforce in the broadest sense of the word is diverse is important for both philosophical reasons, but also to serve those 170 million customer lives around the world. So, it's something that transcends who we are and what we do each and every day. And, lastly as an example, me as the CEO of the corporation, I signed on to the CEO Action Pledge relative to diversity and inclusion to demonstrate my own personal commitment relative to that, that is reinforced by the actions of the corporation as well.

Final thoughts

Being a good corporate steward is a really important part of who we are as a corporation. We're mission-based and we're performance-based. So, whether it comes through corporate stewardship, volunteerism, diversity and inclusion, looking at multiple stakeholder needs, we think that's an important part of who we are today and who we will be in the future.

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