Persian Gulf War

Persian Gulf War Name: __________________

US History Mrs. Gardner

Step 1: Label the Map


Answer the following:

The Persian Gulf War in 1991 came about because the United States wanted to

A protect G and H against F. C overthrow the government of F.

B support F in its war with I. D secure A from attack by E and F.

Which nations above were attacked by Iraq’s SCUD missiles?

A I and E B D and C

C A and G D H and B

In which country did Operation Desert Shield place American troops? Why were they stationed there? How might some extremist groups respond to this?

In which countries did Operation Desert Storm take place?

Persian Gulf War Flowchart (1990s)


Aug. 2, 1990, Iraq occupies Kuwait.

Nov. 1990, US supports a UN Resolution demanding Iraq withdraw from Kuwait.

Why did the Bush Administration back the UN resolution calling for Hussein to withdraw from Kuwait?

Feb. 23, 1991

Jan 16, 1991

Fall 1990,

5 days later,

George HW Bush decides to only fulfill the UN Resolution. Decides NOT to invade Iraq or overthrow Saddam Hussein

Post-War Iraq

Post-War US

What did Bush mean by “We’ve kicked the Vietnam Syndrome once and for all”?

Did George HW Bush make the correct decision not to topple Saddam Hussein? Explain.


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