US History I

US History II

Chapter 25: The Conservative Tide (1980-1992)

Study Questions

Section 1: A Conservative Movement Emerges (pp. 830 – 833)

1. What were the 4 major goals of the conservative movement?

2. What are entitlement programs?

3. Identify the 4 major groups of people that made up the conservative coalition.

4. How did conservatives feel about abortion?

5. How did conservatives feel about using busing to end de facto segregation?

6. How did conservatives feel about prayer in public schools?

7. How did conservatives feel about affirmative action?

8. What was the purpose of the New Right?

9. What was the purpose of the Moral Majority?

10. Who were the presidential candidates in 1980? What party was each person from?

11. Why was the Democrat incumbent unpopular by 1980?

12. What was the Republican candidate best known for before getting into politics?

13. What nickname was given to the Republican candidate?

14. Who won the 1980 election? Was it a close race?

Section 2: Conservative Policies Under Reagan and Bush (pp. 834 – 838)

15. What physical characteristic made Reagan different than all Presidents before him?

16. What nearly happened to Reagan about a year after he became President?

17. Who was Reagan’s Vice President?

18. How would you summarize the status of the economy when Reagan became President?

19. What did Reagan’s plan to fix the economy become known as?

20. What are the 4 pillars of his plan to fix the economy?

21. How much did Congress lower taxes by while Reagan was in office?

22. Describe the theory of Supply Side Economics.

23. What 3 major entitlement programs did Reagan protect from being cut? Who did those programs mainly benefit?

24. What is deregulation? 

25. What are the positives and negatives of deregulation?

26. What happened to military spending under Reagan’s Presidency?

27. Why do some people believe Reaganomics worked?

28. Why do some people believe Reaganomics didn’t work?

29. How did President Reagan's Supreme Court appointments affect the philosophy of the Court?

30. Who won the 1984 election? Was the election close?

31. Who won the 1988 election? Was the election close?

Section 3: Social Concerns in the 1980s (pp. 839 – 845)

32. What does AIDS stand for?

33. How does the AIDS virus spread?

34. Explain the position that pro-life people have towards abortion.

35. Explain the position that pro-choice people have towards abortion.

36. What were some solutions proposed by various groups to handle problems associated with rising drug abuse throughout the U.S in the 1980s?

37. What problems occurred in many major urban areas as a result of White Flight?

38. Why were female heads of households being more likely to live in poverty than males?

39. What improvements in the workplace did women fight for throughout the 1980s?

40. What kind of voter turnout did African Americans have in the 1980s compared to the previous decade?

41. Which group of people became recognized as the fastest growing minority during the 1980s? Where did most of these individuals end up living?

42. What were 2 arguments that began to be made against bilingual education in the mid 1980s?

43. What did the national government do to funding for Native American programs in the 1980s?

44. What did Native American tribes do in response to a reduction in funding?

45. Which group of people became recognized as the 2nd fastest growing minority during the 1980s?

46. What are 3 positive characteristics associated with this group of people compared with people from other ethnicities according to national studies?

Section 4: Foreign Policy after the Cold War (pp. 848 – 855)

47. Why was the economy of the Soviet Union in bad shape by the mid 1980s?

48. What did the INF treaty do?

49. What happened to most Eastern European nations that were formerly satellites of the Soviet Union?

50. What eventually happens to the Soviet Union?

51. What is the former Soviet Union known as today?

52. How did China’s economy begin to change in the 1980s?

53. Why did Carter support the Sandinistas in Nicaragua in 1979?

54. Why did Reagan quit supporting the Sandinistas in favor of the Contras in 1981?

55. What was the Iran-Contra scandal? 

56. Why did the U.S. invade Grenada in 1983? Was the invasion successful?

57. Why did the U.S. invade Panama in 1989? Was the invasion successful?

58. What country did the U.S. support the most during the Iran-Iraq War?

59. Why did Iraqi troops invade Kuwait in 1990?

60. What nation was Iraq’s next target?

61. Why did these actions deeply concern the U.S.?

62. What was the purpose of Operation Desert Storm?

63. What organization supported the decision of Congress to launch the invasion and participated in the military actions?

64. How long did Operation Desert Storm last?

65. How many Iraqi deaths were there compared to US and United Nations forces?

66. What happened to Iraqi citizens after the war?


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