Session 1: Session title

|Session 4 Animal Detectives |

|Science curriculum area: |describe the simple functions of the basic parts of the digestive system in humans |

|Animals including Humans |identify the different types of teeth in humans and their simple functions |

|Working Scientifically |reporting on findings from enquiries, including oral and written explanations, displays or presentations of results and |

| |conclusions |

| |identifying differences, similarities or changes related to simple scientific ideas and processes |

|National Curriculum |Art |

| |Improve their mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials |

| |(paint and collage) |

|Teaching Objectives |To understand that every animal is adapted to its own particular life style and habitat including its teeth. |

| |To research and present information on the teeth, diet or digestion of a chosen animal. |

|Teaching Objectives |To create an animal mask from photo observation and interpret features using mixed media e.g. paint, collage, 3D |

| |techniques, drawing etc… |

|Key Vocabulary: herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, diet, features, adaptations, life style, survival, predator, prey |

|Resources |Weblinks: |

|Paper plates - 1 per child; Acrylic paints in animal colours, e.g. shades of brown, yellow, grey etc…; |

|Paintbrushes; Paper & card in animal shades; PVA glue; Scissors; Pencils & pens; Masking tape; Tissue paper; Felt |xVoTI8 The story of The Mole who knew|

|tips; Egg boxes; Collage materials, e.g. cotton wool, fabrics, string: Access to the internet for research; A copy |it was none of his business |

|of ‘The Mole who knew it was none of his business’ by Werner Holzwarth and Wolf Erlbruch; Either some thread | |

|elastic or some garden canes to enable chn to use the masks (this can be done at any point before Session 5) | |

|Whole class: Before the session, read the Teachers’ Notes |

|Today we are going to think about animals and their similarities and differences in the nutritional Circle of Life. Let’s begin by playing an exciting |

|team game called ‘Guess our Animal’. Divide the class into teams of 4-6 chn and give each team a number. Follow the instructions for the game in the |

|Resource Pack. Clap the winning team and praise all the chn for their great animal mimes and clever guesses. What sort of things in the mimes helped you |

|to guess each animal? Perhaps the way it moved, or the way it caught, held or ate its food, or perhaps by showing an unusual or distinctive feature like |

|antlers, a trunk or sharp claws. Why do animals have these particular features and why do they behave in their own particular way? Yes, each animal is |

|adapted to survive in its own particular habitat and with its own particular life style. Let’s take a closer look at one or two animals. Show the |

|Teaching PowerPoint. Explain that the Yr4s will begin their masks first whilst the Yr3s complete some interesting sentences and facts about the animal |

|they have chosen then later the Yr3s will make their masks while the Yr4s research some information and write a paragraph on their chosen animal. The |

|masks and the research will be really useful in our Circle of Life Presentation. |

|Year 3 Use the Y3 Task sheet to complete 3 simple sentences about their |Year 4 Use the Yr4 Task sheet to write a paragraph about their chosen |

|chosen animal and research one further fact about its teeth, diet or |animal and include some facts they have researched. |

|digestion Teacher to lead |Teacher to lead |

|Plenary |Ask the chn to hold up their masks. Praise their creativity. Soon we will be using them in our Circle of Life presentation and the |

| |audience will love them. There’s such a huge variety of animals in the world and it’s not just their features and colouring that make them|

| |different. Read “The Mole who knew it was none of his business” (a book about how animals do different poos) or use the YouTube weblink |

| |above. Why do different animals do different sorts of poos? Discuss ideas. Yes, it depends on their diet. Scientists, doctors and vets can|

| |tell a lot about a human or animal by looking at their poo – they can track them, see what they have eaten, and work out if they are |

| |unwell! |

|Outcomes |Children will: |

| |Play an active game that encourages chn to think about distinctive features and adaptations of different animals (Yrs 3&4) |

| |Explain the different diets of carnivores, herbivores and omnivores and know how you can deduce an animal’s diet by studying its teeth|

| |(Yrs 3&4) |

| |Create an animal mask from a paper plate and either complete 3 simple sentences and research a dietary fact on their chosen animal |

| |(Yr3) or write a paragraph on their chosen animal using their own research (Yr4) |

| |Begin to understand why an animal’s poo varies according to its diet, life style and health (Yrs 3&4) |


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