Technology and the Workplace - Ira

Animals & Us

Professor Silver

Leading a Class Discussion

Once during the semester, you and a few classmates will lead the first half of class. Your job is to initiate and facilitate an engaging discussion about themes raised in the readings. You are not expected to present us with new information. Everyone in the group must participate. You will be evaluated individually. This is worth 10% of your course grade.

Due by 7am this Friday, September 16th – Send me an email ( that rank orders your top four choices from the list below, with 1 being the highest. I can’t guarantee you’ll get your first choice but I’ll do my best. If I don’t hear from you, I’ll assign you a topic. If there are four of you who want to work together, please indicate this in your message. In that case, only one member of the group needs to email me.

I will get back to you by Monday, September 19th to indicate your group and the date you’ll be leading the class discussion.

In preparing to lead this discussion, I suggest you proceed as follows:

• Read what’s assigned for your date as far in advance as you can.

• Arrange for your group to meet, with the goal of:

1. Coming up with a list of questions aimed at stimulating discussion.

2. Considering using photos or brief videos that connect to the readings and which will help stimulate discussion.

3. Determining the nitty-gritty of how the discussion will unfold

o Do you want to split the class into groups?

o If you will using photos or brief videos, when will you show them?

o How will you use the whiteboard to document key themes?

o Which role will each group member play in the discussion?

• On the day of your presentation, go through your classmates’ reading responses and identify themes people are curious about and motivated to discuss.

Friday, September 30th Justifying Carnism

*READ: Melanie Joy, Melanie Joy, “The Mythology of Meat: Justifying Carnism,” “Through the Carnistic Looking Glass: Internalized Carnism," and "Bearing Witness: From Carnism to Compassion.” Pp. 95-150 in Why We Love Dogs…

Friday, October 7th What animals feel

*READ: Temple Grandin, “My Story.” Pp. 1-26 in Animals in Translation: Using the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal Behavior. New York: Scribner, 2005.

*READ: Temple Grandin, “How Animals Perceive the World.” Pp. 27-67 in Animals in Translation: Using the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal Behavior. New York: Scribner, 2005.

Friday, October 14th Our Love of Pets

*READ: Hal Herzog, “Pet-O-Philia: Why Do Humans (And Only Humans) Love Pets?” Pp. 67-95 in Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat. New York: HarperCollins, 2010. This is one of the books required for purchase.

Tuesday, October 25th Pets as Lifechangers

*READ: Amy Fitzgerald, “‘They Gave Me a Reason to Live’: The Protective Effects of Companion Animals on the Suicidality of Abused Women.” Humanity & Society 2007 31:355–78.

*READ: Leslie Irvine, “Animals as Lifechangers and Lifesavers: Pets in the Redemption Narratives of Homeless People.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 2013 42(1) 3–30.

Friday, November 18th Viewing Wildlife

*READ: John Knight, "Making Wildlife Viewable: Habituation and Attraction." Society & Animals 2009 17(2): 167-84.

*READ: Helen MacDonald, “Shooting a Lion.” New York Times Magazine. October 8, 2015.

*READ: Daniel Duane, "The Unnatural Kingdom." New York Times, March 16, 2016.

Friday, December 2nd The Role of Zoos

*READ: Warwick Frost, “Zoos as Tourist Attractions: Theme Parks, Protected Areas, or Museums?” Pp. 121-30 in Zoos and Tourism: Conservation, Education, Entertainment. Buffalo, NY: Channel View Publications, 2011.

*READ: Stephen Wearing and Chantelle Jobberns, “Ecotourism and the Commodification of Wildlife: Animal Welfare and the Ethics of Zoos.” Pp. 47-58 in Zoos and Tourism: Conservation, Education, Entertainment. Buffalo, NY: Channel View Publications, 2011.

*READ: Andrew C. Revkin, “After Harambe’s Death, Rethinking Zoos.” New York Times, June 2, 2016.


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