Why do Scientists classify - I Love Science

Why do Scientists classify?

• To organize living things

• Taxonomy- is the study of how living things are classified

• Classification- is the process of grouping things together based on their similarities

How do we name organisms?

• In the 1750’s Carolus Linnaeus, a Swedish scientist, devised a naming system which is still used today.

• Binomial Nomenclature- 2 names

• First name = genus (capitalized)

• Second name = species (lower case)

• Ex.- Homo sapien, Felis tigris, Canis lupus

Levels of Classification:

• Domain- Bacteria, Archae, Eukarya ( Protista, Animalia, Plantae, Fungi )

• Kingdom- Animal, Plant, Protist, Fungi, Monera

• Phylum

• Class

• Order

• Family

• Genus

• Species- most specific group, when mated can produce fertile offspring

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