Samaritan Woman - BibleLessons4Kidz


What if… We Were Disciples? (Philippians 2:19-30)

Main Point: We should learn from people who love and follow Jesus.

Key Verse: Follow my example, just as I follow the example of Christ. - 1 Corinthians 11:1

Materials: None

Hands on Application

Have all the kids find a partner. Then choose one child in each pair to be the leader. (For older kids, have them compare their birthdays and have the older child be the leader.) Partners face each other and play the mirror game. Play for a couple minutes.

Discussion & Personal Connection

• How is this like a mentor/disciple relationship?

• What does disciple mean? What is a mentor?

• What qualities should you look for in a mentor? (loves and follows Jesus; reads God’s word and prays often; etc)

• Let’s read Matthew 7:17 What fruit should a mentor have? (love, kindness, joy, great relationships, etc) Of course, no one is perfect! But you should see a lot of this in the person who mentors you.

• Why is it great to have a mentor? (You can ask real questions about real situations you are facing; it’s always good to have a friend to talk to; a mentor will point you to the Bible and God’s ways; a mentor will pray for you; a mentor can see what gifts you have and how you can use them for God’s kingdom)

 • Leader, feel free to share a story of a mentor you have had!

The Next Level: Line up a row of about 5 students in front of the group. Starting at one end, have the 1st person be the leader for the 2nd person in a short game of “mirror.” (Only those 2 will be playing.) Then stop those two and tell #2 that he/she is the leader for #3. Have those two play for a short time. Then #3 becomes the leader for #4. They play for a short time. Then #4 becomes the leader for #5.

• If this represents a mentor and disciple relationship, what does this tell you? (After we are a disciple

and learn from a mentor, we can mentor someone else.)

• You know, you never have to stop being a disciple though. As you get older, you have different

challenges. You’ll always have new experiences you’ve never had before, so it’s great to always learn

from someone who’s done it before you.

• You haven’t been in Middle School yet. Do you know how to be a Middle Schooler in a godly way?

Who can you learn that from?

• Are any of you married? (No!) Well, when you get married, how can you learn how to be a godly

husband or wife?

• Do any of you have children? Well, when you have kids, how can you learn how to be a godly parent?

• When you get through one stage of life, you can pass on your knowledge and know-how to someone who’s just starting it.


Conversation with God (Prayer)

Fill in the prayer journal and close in prayer. Ask God to give us great mentors and give us hearts that are willing to learn all He wants us to learn.

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Unless otherwise noted the Scriptures taken from: Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version, (NIrV®)

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