Career Guidance WA Grades 6-8 College Bound Scholarship

CAREER AND COLLEGE DEVELOPMENTLESSON 12-15 VARIABLE FUTURESLEARNING GOALS/OUTCOMESCreate three balanced career/life plans for three different career goals.Prioritize three possible career futures in order of preference.Identify key contributors to the achievement of their top balanced career/life plan.Predict obstacles that may emerge to prevent achievement of their top balanced career/life plan.MATERIALS NEEDEDStudent Handouts:“It’s Your Life” Game Cards12th Grade Career/Life PlanJournal PageCLASSROOM ACTIVITIESStudents evaluate unbalanced life scenarios. Print one copy of the “It’s Your Life” Game Cards and cut up the cards. Divide your students into four groups and give one card to each group. Tell the groups that they are the collective brain of the mid-30-year-old person described on the card. Based on that description, they are to brainstorm ideas for how they could achieve more balance in their lives, as well as ideas about things their person could have done in their past to create a more balanced life.Students discuss contributors and obstacles to balance. Ask a volunteer from each group to read out the person’s life circumstance and identify a few of their balance ideas. Based on the people defined in the game cards, ask students to call out possible obstacles to achieving a balanced life. They may say that lack of money, lack of skills, even the addition of children can all present obstacles. Ask students for ideas of things that contribute to a balanced life. Students may say that gaining skills, joining activities, or saving money can all be ways to have a balanced life. Write their ideas on the board so that students can reference them throughout the lesson. Students create three balanced career/life plans for three different career goals. Distribute the 12th Grade Career/Life Plans. Ask students to work individually to write three different ideas for career opportunities, comparing them to their top motivations and assets. They will need to transcribe their motivations and assets three times. If students need a reminder for the process of completing a balanced career/life plan, write the following instructions on the board.Select a career that interests you.Identify the motivations and assets that would be satisfied by that type of work, by placing an “X” in the W column.Write the Motivations and Assets that would be fulfilled in the Work section.Identify the key motivations and assets NOT satisfied by this type of work.Select recreational, leisure, or volunteer activities that would fulfill those motivations and assets. Write them in the Life section. Identify the motivations and assets satisfied for each life activity.Place an “X” under the L column for those motivations and assets that are satisfied by the selected Life activities.Students prioritize three possible career futures in order of preference. After students have had the chance to complete the handout, ask them to work with a partner to discuss their three plans. They should focus on how realistic the plans are, and how those plans will help them achieve a balanced life. Then, based on their analysis, and following the discussion with their partner, students should identify their top choice plan by ranking the plans. If you wish, ask for volunteers to share their top-ranked plan. Students identify key contributors to the achievement of their top balanced career/life plan and predict obstacles that may emerge to prevent achievement of their top balanced career/life plan. Remind students that life doesn’t always go according to plan. Sometimes people must make sacrifices or tradeoffs to reach their goals. Sometimes they have to prioritize one goal over another. Ask students to use the back of the handout to do an analysis that supports achievement of their top career/life plan. Ask students to create two columns on the back of the worksheet: one entitled “Key Contributors” and the other entitled “Key Obstacles.” Tell students that a “contributor” to their plan is a person, an event, or a personal attribute that would support plan achievement. An “obstacle” is a person, an event, or a personal attribute that could prevent or delay plan achievement. Ask students to identify three to five entries for each column.Students describe their lives in balance today. Ask students to use their Journal Page to answer the following questions:How can I achieve balance in my life as a high school senior?Why is balance important to achieve a sense of health and well-being? STUDENT PRODUCTSThree completed 12th Grade Career/Life Plans Completed Journal PageCAREER AND COLLEGE DEVELOPMENTLESSON 12-15 STUDENT HANDOUT“IT’S YOUR LIFE” GAME CARDSIT’S YOUR LIFE!It is 15 years in the future. You had a baby right after high school, then got married, and then had three more children. You are now divorced, and your ex is not involved in your kids’ lives, so you are a single parent. Your kids are great, but lots of work. You did not go to college. You have two jobs managing stores for $15/hour. You work 40+ hours a week but still have trouble paying the bills.IT’S YOUR LIFE!It’s 15 years in the future. You’ve never married and don’t have a significant other. Instead, you went to college and grad school and then poured all your energy into your job as a business administrator. You make a high six-figure salary, but work 70+ hours each week and travel frequently for work. You exercise every day and are on the board of several local charities, but you aren’t home much and don’t have much time for friends or family.IT’S YOUR LIFE!It’s 15 years in the future. You’re married to your college sweetheart and have two children. Both you and your spouse have followed your career dreams, so you’re happy but you don’t have much money because your careers aren’t in lucrative fields. You both work full time and try to be involved in your kids’ lives, so there’s not much time for other activities. IT’S YOUR LIFE!It’s 15 years in the future. You’ve had a string of romantic relationships, but never one serious enough for a lifetime commitment. You’re also not serious about your job. You’ve never quite found the right fit in a career, so you’ve moved from place to place. You make a good living, but you don’t save and you haven’t bought a home. Instead, you spend your money on adventure travel all over the world. Because your career is not your priority, you have lots of time for friends and fun.CAREER AND COLLEGE DEVELOPMENTLESSON 12-15 STUDENT HANDOUT12TH GRADE CAREER/LIFE PLANSHow can you achieve a balanced life? That means satisfying your personal motivations (values, things that motivate you, things that interest you) and using your personal assets through a combination of career and activities. Based on your current post-secondary plans and the activities you currently enjoy, create three different plans for a combination of career and activities. After identifying three plans, rank them from #1 (top choice) to #3.PLAN AMOTIVATIONSWORK A:_______________________List your top ten Motivations. Work LifeMotivations/Assets satisfied by this work.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ASSETS LIFE (Recreation, Leisure, Volunteer)List your top ten Assets. Work LifeActivities that fill in the gaps.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________PLAN BMOTIVATIONSWORK B:List your top ten Motivations. W LMotivations/Assets satisfied by this work.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ASSETS LIFE (Recreation, Leisure, Volunteer)List your top ten Assets. W LActivities that fill in the gaps.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________PLAN CMOTIVATIONSWORK C:List your top ten Motivations. W LMotivations/Assets satisfied by this work.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ASSETS LIFE (Recreation, Leisure, Volunteer)List your top ten Assets. W LActivities that fill in the gaps.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________CAREER AND COLLEGE DEVELOPMENTLESSON 12-15 STUDENT HANDOUTJOURNAL PAGEDATE: Lesson 12-15 | VARIABLE FUTURESQ1: How can I achieve balance in my life as a high school senior?Q2: Why is balance important to achieve a sense of health and well-being?Answers: ................

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