AET562_PLN Social Media Matrix_W4 - April's Weebly

Social Media Account NameAuthorsDescriptionBenefit of this Account to Your PLNMindToolsJames Manktelow, Rachel Thompson, Anne EvisonThe Mind Tools blog covers topics such as leadership skills, team management, time management, and communication. The Mind Tools site and blogs gives me information regarding leadership, management and communication. I enjoy this site as it enables me to manage my time and become a better communicator.Farmers FacebookDistrict 14-08-01 StaffThe District office’s Facebook page offers highlights of the groups accomplishments, leadership mementos, and upcoming organizational functions.This Facebook site is important to my professional development as it is the place of my employment. I can follow it to stay current with events.EdutopiaGeorge Lucas foundation Edutopia is a good resource for news, trends and information of any changes in the field of education and training.I feel this site is beneficial in the way it produces feedback from other educators. It is helpful to pick up on their comments as I am still learning.Insurance Industry Executives-LinkedInLinkedIn members who are also insurance professionalsThis group on LinkedIn serves as a highly trafficked blog/info site for insurance professionals.This group is a benefit to me by way of the multiple postings which are available on different insurance topics.Insurance Professionals-LinkedInLinkedIn members who are also insurance professionalsThe Insurance Professionals group shares job postings, a variety of topics on insurance, and offers sound advice from the experts.If a particular insurance question arises and I desire to ask another professional; I can post it on this site. MindShift-FacebookTina BarseghianMindShift is an educational blog of ideas which eplores the future of learning.This is a source I utilize to follow groundbreaking research in education or innovative trends.Training Industry-TwitterShina?NeoTraining Industry spotlights the latest news, articles and pest practices within the training industry which is stated on their Twitter home page.This Twitter account offers a vast variety of training information for corporate trainers.Training Magazine-TwitterThe Training Magazine has a very Answer the following questions based on your research and the matrix. Include a reference page consistent with APA guidelines.What is a PLN? Why is the careful selection of resources important to establishing your PLN? A PLN or Personal Learning Network is a group of resources that one develops to enhance one’s professional development. The PLN is made up of individuals that you connect with either personally of via social media. You can share ideas through verbal or written interactions. You share resources and collaborate and learn. It is important to be careful when selecting the resources for ones PLN because you want to make sure that they are reliable and relevant to ones learning efforts. What role do Twitter? and LinkedIn? play as social media tools? How can these channels benefit your professional development? Twitter and LinkedIn can help you connect with others who share interest in a particular subject. By searching and reviewing others profile pages you can vet other individuals and then connect with them. This can benefit your professional development because you are able to share ideas, and thoughts. You are able to explore topics from multiple viewpoints which facilitate learning and new knowledge.Can a PLN take the place of formal classroom training? Explain your response.A PLN cannot take the place of formal classroom training. Formal training provides you with the framework and foundation of a subject. The PLN helps you to cement knowledge gained during formal training and then expand that knowledge through insights gained in the sharing of ideas.ReferencesBozarth, J. (2010). Social media for trainers: Techniques for enhancing and extending learning. San Francisco, CA: Wiley/Pfeiffer. Retrieved from ................

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