Department of Computer Science

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

College of Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno

CS 709B

Advanced Software

Project Management and Development

Assignment #1: EXPLORATION

January 31, 2012

Due: Friday, February 10, 8:00 pm (by email)

Single PDF file, named A1_XXX.pdf, where XXX is your last name

Points: 50

Weight: 6%

Select one of the following advanced software engineering topics:

i) Model Driven Development/Domain Specific Languages, OR

ii) Agile Methods

For this assignment, research the chosen topic online or at the library and create a list of annotated relevant related resources as follows:

1. At least 2 books;

2. At least 2 journal articles or conference papers;

3. At least 2 web-sites;

4. At least 2 software tools;

5. At least 2 other related items (e.g., video clips, info on research labs or community

groups focused on the topic, white papers, major conferences or events, etc.)

For each of the above resources provide the complete reference and a description (annotation) of at least 100 words. The description should succinctly present the resource and explain its meaning and significance. Also, indicate why you believe it would be useful for our class study.

Note that in future assignments and presentations you will most likely be required to deepen the study of one or more of the above resources – so do a thorough search and chose well!

Send the assignment as a single PDF file to the instructor by email at


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