10 Signs That He Is Serious About Marrying You Emily McKay

[Pages:9]10 Signs That He Is Serious About

Marrying You

Emily McKay

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E-mail Emily McKay: emily@

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10 Signs That He Is Serious About Marrying You

"He loves me... He loves me not..." For most of us, reaching an affirmative conclusion to that old adage surely leads to pondering what logically follows: "He'll marry me... He'll marry me not..."

We all know a woman (maybe even ourselves) who has met a man, dated him for quite a while and was wondering when or if he would ever "pop the question". He may have even sensed her frustration and told her to be patient. Eventually, however, they indeed got engaged, set a date and were married.

Then again, we may also know a woman who dated a man for many months or even years and could never get him to marry her despite his repeated promises of marriage.

As a concrete example of what I'm describing, consider this quote from a letter I received recently:

"When we first met, I was looking for someone to marry and he had no plans on getting married. So I ended the relationship. He came back, pleading that he could see himself married someday.

But as time went on, he never brought up marriage and I once again broke it off.

This time he came back but with a ring. He didn't technically ask me to marry him but said this was an engagement ring. Again time flew by and I asked him when he planned on marrying. He replied, `Perhaps in a couple of years or so.'

I told him that was unacceptable and that we needed a date that was within 6 months' time. He proceeded to tell me that he didn't ask me to marry him, had omitted those words on purpose and that he really didn't see the point of getting married."

Knowing when to be patient as opposed to being aware of when we are wasting our time is not always easy to do when our hopes, our dreams and our heart are involved, is it?

As such, it's essential not to ignore the signals that bear witness to a man's real intentions.

As the title of this report suggests, look for these 10 signs to find out whether he is serious about marrying you or not.

Click With Him: Attraction Makeover:

E-mail Emily McKay: emily@

?2013 X & Y Communications. All rights reserved worldwide.

1) His Thoughts On Marriage In General Are Positive

The myth that all men don't want to marry is far from the truth. Many men are looking for a woman to settle down with. Scot and I get e-mails on a regular basis from men wanting to know how to find a woman they can happily spend the rest of their lives with. However, when a man says he has no interest in getting married, he means it. Listen especially for an overarching cynicism toward long-term commitment between one man and one woman. Going on a mission of dating him with the mindset of making him change his mind will most likely lead to disappointment.

2) He Introduces You To His Parents And Relatives

If you have been dating seriously for at least 6 months then it's reasonable that he would have introduced you to his parents and relatives by now. For sure, however, you have to take into account distance and how close of a relationship your man has with his parents and other family members. The further away the family lives, the longer it might take to get around to meeting them. That's only natural. On the other hand, if he has traveled to visit his parents but has never invited you to come along, then don't expect to walk down the aisle with him--at least not anytime soon. And this is especially true if his parents have come into town to visit and you are still left out of the get-together!

3) He Wants To Meet Your Parents And Relatives

This is a usually a big deal for most men. Normally, he would prefer to meet your parents if he is interested in a long-term relationship with you.

Click With Him: Attraction Makeover:

E-mail Emily McKay: emily@

?2013 X & Y Communications. All rights reserved worldwide.

Think about it. Why would he NOT want to see how you and your family interact? Why would he NOT want to meet your parents, see what they're like and get some insight into your relationship with them?

While visiting China recently we had lunch with a couple who traveled half way around the globe so he could meet her parents for the first time.

That in itself took some serious commitment, didn't it?

Of course, meeting Mom and Dad is not a guarantee that he will marry you. On the contrary, though, his NOT wanting to meet them is a major sign that he is not hearing wedding bells.

4) He's Interested In Meeting The Kids When It's Definitely Time To

Again...note that just because he has met your kids and/or has introduced you to his DOES NOT necessarily mean he will marry you, but it is indeed a very good sign.

But as you already know, things may not always be so "black and white" when it comes to single parenthood and dating.

When you dig a little deeper there are most certainly some very real red flags to look out for.

Most high quality men are particular about who they invite into their children's lives. Introducing a new person into a child's life is not easy for either the parent or the child and may come with a very real set of challenges.

These challenges may cause a man to have a high level of anxiety about the whole scenario. He may postpone the uncomfortable event for as long as possible!

That said, if the relationship has become stagnant due to the fact you have not met his kids (or he yours) then something is probably wrong. It may indeed be an excuse in his mind (even unconsciously) to prevent the relationship from moving forward.

Either way, a serious discussion should take place, hopefully resulting in a scheduled date to meet the kids within a reasonable time frame.

If he does not make that happen--and especially if he just blows off the matter completely-- then he probably has no intention of ever doing so.

And what about your kids? Well, if he refuses to meet them he may be concerned that getting involved in their lives and then later leaving may have a negative impact on them. For sure, that is a valid concern--whether the two of you have dated for very long or not.

Click With Him: Attraction Makeover:

E-mail Emily McKay: emily@

?2013 X & Y Communications. All rights reserved worldwide.

This, of course, all applies regardless of how old your respective children are--whether they're little tots or full-grown adults. When dealing with the prospect of meeting adult children though, again take into account if there is long-distance involved.

5) You're In "The Circle"

When he wants you to be a big part of his life long-term, he will include you when spending time with his regular group of friends. This is different than just simply meeting his friends. Being in the circle would mean that at least some of HIS friends are now YOUR friends. Look for signs that his friends see the two of you as one. In other words, when they invite him to "coed" functions they know to include you. By the way, if after becoming exclusive with a man he is still not even introducing you to his friends that would mean something is seriously wrong. Either he is still dating other women and is heading off potential "awkward moments" with his friends at the pass, or he's nothing short of embarrassed to be seen with you! And no self-respecting woman should put up with EITHER of those situations.

6) You're Invited To Company Parties

Any man who is interested in marrying you will be excited to take you to company social functions and introduce you to his co-workers. If you've been dating him for some time now--yet he chooses not to take you along--then marrying you might not be on his mind. The same holds true if he refuses an invitation to join you at your company's party.

Click With Him: Attraction Makeover:

E-mail Emily McKay: emily@

?2013 X & Y Communications. All rights reserved worldwide.

7) He Talks Openly About Marrying You

If he wants to marry you, he'll probably TELL YOU he wants to marry you at some point. When you hear the words "I want to get married...someday", then he most likely means "someday" with SOMEONE ELSE. DO NOT ignore this expression. If he ever experiences the stress of trying to save his relationship with you for some reason, he may feel pressure to ask you to marry him because he believes that is what you want to hear. How do you know he means it? Here's the simple answer: If the two of you set a wedding date within a reasonable time frame, then he meant it. Taking months or even years to set a wedding date is nothing more than a means to hold off marriage--or in some cases even to keep it from happening altogether. If you don't have a date set, you're not really engaged yet. It's as simple as that.

8) You're Included In Future Plans

When he starts talking about the logistics of merging both households together under one roof, then he is serious. He will want to figure out whose home to live in...yours, his or a new one. He'll consider with you the ins and outs of handling finances with one bank account or separate ones. And so on... Of course, as we've just seen above talk is cheap if it is not followed by actions. Don't let a whole year pass only to find out all of your "plans" together amounted to all talk and no action. You might hear all kinds of excuses from him as to why the present time is not a good one to talk about making plans. He may say, "Let's talk about it next month" or, "Let's wait until I get my raise or promotion." However, when that time comes there may always be another reason in his mind to hold off making plans. If so, then clearly he is avoiding getting married.

Click With Him: Attraction Makeover:

E-mail Emily McKay: emily@

?2013 X & Y Communications. All rights reserved worldwide.

9) He's Shouting It To The World

If marriage to you is on his "radar screen" he makes it known to people that you mean the world to him.

He may demonstrate this by telling people in his life how important you are to him directly--as in during the course of REAL conversation.

He will also acknowledge his relationship with you and most certainly mention you sometimes on his social media outlets like Facebook or Twitter.

If he is on Facebook and you are never mentioned and/or are not in any of his photos, then you can conclude that you are not in a serious relationship with him...let alone if he doesn't even have "In A Relationship" specified as his relationship status!

In addition, it goes without saying that once he has decided that you are "The One", he will not have any need to have an active online dating profile anymore.

This is a huge step for any man...especially if he has had a reasonable amount of success meeting women online.

I remember one day I went to to show my friends the profile and pictures of this wonderful guy I had met, but to my surprise it was gone.

Yes...Scot had removed his profile and canceled his account. The funny thing is that I had done the same thing that morning!

10) He Acknowledges That You're In A Relationship Rather Than Just "Hanging Out"

If you live in the same city you should be able to see each other often, including on weekends. Getting together once in a blue moon does not count as a "serious relationship".

The excuse that "I work a lot of hours and don't have time to see you more often" is often code for "I am just seeing you when it's convenient".

If he is head over heels for you he will make time for you. Even the busiest of people will move mountains to spend time with someone they're crazy about. That's just human nature.

Click With Him: Attraction Makeover:

E-mail Emily McKay: emily@

?2013 X & Y Communications. All rights reserved worldwide.

Besides, even if he really does work an insane amount of hours, do you really want to be married to someone who you will only see a few hours a week? Do you really want to play second fiddle to work? Whatever it is that is most important to us will always be top priority. And to the man who will ask you to marry him, you should (and will) be at right there at that top of that list.


As you continue dating someone, the number of positive signs you see in your relationship should continue to grow. That's only natural...it's how you will know that your relationship is moving in the right direction. At some point, given that "positive progression" you should be able to guess that he will probably be proposing soon. And when he does, you'll know that he genuinely means it. Remember always, in a healthy relationship each partner should CHOOSE the other. Neither the man nor the woman should ever be a CHASER. Deserve what you want in a partner by being the very best version of yourself and you'll find that both you and the man of your dreams will choose each other--even if from many options. After all, that's what builds a solid long-term relationship from a position of mutual strength versus weakness, right?

Have Fun,

Emily McKay

Click With Him: Attraction Makeover:

E-mail Emily McKay: emily@

?2013 X & Y Communications. All rights reserved worldwide.


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