All run commands for windows 10


All run commands for windows 10

All run commands for windows 10 pdf. The Fix My XP website lists 99 Windows Run commands for PC users of keyboard lovin. To invoke the Run box, hold down the Windows key and hit R (or from the start menu, choose "Run".) From there, type one of the keywords listed to launch an app: such as Calculator or clpbrd for the Clipboard Viewer or the free cell for the card game. Don't forget that you can also create your own Run commands that launch configured apps and documents. See previous Lifehacker post Cheap Windows keyboard launcher for more information. New York MLK blogger has a nifty way to create keyword commands to launch programs or open files... Read more Useful Operating Commands [Fix My XP] Microsoft may need a refresher course on what constitutes good software support. Almost a week after some Windows 10 PCs were trapped in hell reboot, Microsoft has finally released a patch ? making it ?a kludge of a script? to finally allow interested Windows 10 users to get their machines working again. The fix, "Windows 10 1607 Script fix to unlock the update for Windows Insiders", doesn't explain what's happening. It works, though. How nice. I'm happy that my Windows 10 PC is up and running again. Thank you. I still want to know what happened. The note accompanying the notice of correction was not exactly informative. It reads: We became aware of a problem with the recent cumulative update of Windows 10 that affected a small number of customers in the Windows Insider program who were running a previous build of the operating system. We have created a solution to solve this problem. Little? A thread on Microsoft forums currently has 383 replies. In most online groups I've met and performed over the years, only one in a hundred people actively comment. If this ratio is valid, that's 38,000 more users. This isn't many out of tens of millions of users, perhaps, but it's still too much for a showtopping bug. And am I the only one who finds it obscurely funny that this bug seems to affect mostly people who were Windows beta testers? Microsoft promises that all will be revealed in KnowledgeBase article KB3 197 794. Which, by the way, is not a work link since October 9, more than a week after the killer bug appeared. So, what's this car freezing bug? You will love it. It is a scheduled task, hidden in the Windows 10 registry, which is intended to save Xbox Live games. Well, okay, something like this can happen. Except ? hold a minute! ? I didn't play an Xbox game from Halo 4 ? in 2012, on hardware I gave away years ago. But it doesn't matter! Somehow, Microsoft enabled a system error by using a completely obscure registry entry for a program I've never used. The credit for the correction does not go to the Microsoft sleep quality assurance team, but to a user. As far as I can trace it, the credit for the full fix belongs to a Dr. Peter Farquhasson, a Windows 10 Insider. All that Microsoft did, days after the fix was created, was to turn it into a script. Oh, one last remark: you need to redirect your system to an old, working version of Windows 10 and then download and run the script. Eventually, it will be in Windows Update, but it's not there yet. You know what might have helped with this fiasco? First, best quality assurance. While we're talking about Xbox games on Windows 10, my fellow Computerworld writer John Brandon discovered that while he could download Gears of War 4 to Windows 10, he couldn't find the game blast! If, by the way, you're looking, you in the My Library option in the Windows Store app. Where is she? It's not easy to find. Read your article. I am referring to this as a trivial example of a serious problem. Even when Microsoft got much better with its server and cloud offerings, Windows seems to be in second position and become the second rate. It may also have been helpful if Microsoft still allows you to install only those patches you need rather than a great blob of updates. It's bad.that Microsoft has done this the default update system for Windows 10, but is also carrying the Rollup patch model to Windows 7, 8.1, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012 and Server 2012 R2, starting from October 11. will be ' so funny! Are you worried about what these enormous security and quality certifications are about to do your company's computers? I recommend to join Microsoft Security Update Validation Program (SUVP). You will not take you a premature look to the quality patch package, but you will allow you to establish an additional advance validation ring and a direct channel again to Microsoft for any problem encountered. I expect a lot of problems completely, based on the long history of Microsoft patch buggy, you should really join. You can still get some patch surprises, but at least the odds are avoided the worst of them. I hope. Windows has been fixed ? "sort of ? " now. But, it's just a matter of time before it breaks again. Copyright ? ? 2016 IDG Communications, Inc. The shortcuts are great to give you quick access to files, apps and folders. But did you know you can also use them to run Command Prompt commands? Windows gives you all kinds of ways to execute command prompt commands. Of course, you can open a command prompt window and type the command. You could also create a batch script (or a bash script or a powershell script if it is your thing). And frankly, if you are planning to perform more than one command or you need something complex, write a script is a better option. But for simple commands, why not just create a double-click shortcut instead? Here's how to do it. Related: 10 ways to open the command prompt in Windows 10 Create a shortcut by clicking the right mouse button anywhere in Explorer file or on the desktop and choosing New> shortcut. In the Create shortcut window, type your command using the following syntax: "C: Windows System32 CMD.EXE" / K YourCommand The first part (the part in quotes) Just call cmd.exe to open the command prompt. The switch / k tells command prompt to issue the following command and then stay open so you can view the results or type the followup commands. You can also use the / C switch instead / k (use only one of the switches) if you want the command prompt window closes after issuing the command. And of course, your command part is the real command you want to run. Related: How to scan corrupt system files (and fix) in Windows for example, if you were creating a simple command to run the checker system file to find and solve problems with the system files, the following can be digit : "C: Windows System32 cmd.exe" / k SFC / Scannow When you have created the command you want to use, click "Next". Type a name for the shortcut and then click "Finire". Now, you can run the shortcut instead of running the command prompt and type the command manually each time. Another intelligent thing you can do is redirect the results of a command to a text file (or other program). For example, let's say we wanted to run the ipconfig / all command, have the results saved in a file called ipconfig.txt on the desktop, and have the command prompt window close after running. We could use the following to make it happen: "C: WINDOWS SYSTEM32 CMD.EXE" / C IPCONFIG / ALL> "C: Users Username desktop ipconfig.txt" If you use a single> for piping command , Windows overwrite the contents of the file named if the file already exists. If there is no Windows creates the file. You can also use a double> instead of having Windows Append the new information from the command to an existing file instead of the file. This is useful if you want to keep a history of the results of a command. Once the shortcut is set, it is easy to execute a command at any time. And while you might still want to use a script for something more complicated, running a command from a shortcut is great for simple one-off commands like scanning scan corrupt system files, find your IP address, turn off Windows without installing updates, and more. CORRELATED: How to scan (and fix) corrupt system files in Windows In Windows 10 Anniversary Update, Microsoft added the Windows subsystem for Linux to Windows 10 and also offered (in collaboration with Canonical) a fully functional version of Ubuntu Linux? ?officially, only shell access, though it took about three nanoseconds for people to understand how to run normal Linux applications in X sessions on Windows 10. Since its launch, WSL has matured. Since 2019, the Microsoft Store has officially supported Linux distributions for Ubuntu, openSUSE Leap, SUSE Linux Enterprise, Debian/GNU Linux and Kali Linux. Each of these deployments offers access to Linux from command line, from which you can run bash scripts or Linux utility from command line. By default, you cannot use WSL. Instead, you need to activate WSL as an optional Windows function. Open the Windows feature wizard and select the box or open a PowerShell prompt as administrator and run: Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux Reboots after activating WSL. Launch Windows Store and select a distribution to install. After the distribution has been uploaded to your computer via Windows Store, run it. You will need to create a new user account just as if you had installed the distribution as a stand-alone operating system on a cool hard drive. Your Linux distribution is not a fictitious environment, but a real Linux system that uses WSL instead of a standard kernel image. Then you will need to take care of the normal maintenance of Linux. Start with updating the distribution according to the system architecture. For example, Debian and Ubuntu use apt. After you correctly update the distribution, you are free to run all the programs you want, including shell scripts and command-line utilities. For example, you can run the top command to check system performance. Technically, you can't run Linux programs that require an X server, although the Internet is dotted with simple enough solutions to make Windows 10 view an X window. When you install a Linux distribution on Windows 10 you won't have a virtual machine or a program that does its best to pretend you are "Bash in Linux." It is actually a Linux distribution that normally runs on your PC thanks to the Windows subsystem for Linux. The WSL is the "secret saddle" that allows Linux software to work on Windows. Basically, WSL replaces the Linux kernel; Linux works completely as expected, it is only using WSL rather than a normal Linux kernel image. Thank you for letting us know! Tell us why!

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