Windows 10 calculator missing 2020


Windows 10 calculator missing 2020

When you want to perform some quick calculations, but the Windows 10 calculator won't open, opens and then immediately closes, or crashes soon after you start using it, you could pull out your phone or rifle through your desk to find another calculator. However, finding out why the Windows 10 calculator went missing and getting it to work again will save you from similar headaches in the future. Instructions in this article apply to Windows 10. Windows 10 calculator being missing or crashing might be caused by a handful of issues. It could be the result of settings messed up by a recent update. System files that are corrupt or missing might make the calculator glitch. Even something as simple as using the wrong account to log in to the computer could be the culprit. Jonathan Knowles / The Image Bank / Getty Images Troubleshooting the most common causes of a non-working calculator by using some built-in tools, changing some settings, and perhaps reinstalling some files are your best bet to get it up and running again the way that it should. Run the calculator as an administrator. If the settings for the calculator app are problematic, opening it this way could resolve the issue. If not, continue troubleshooting. Log in to the computer as a different user. If you only have one account set up in Windows, create an additional one, and use the calculator after logging in to the second account. Run the Microsoft Accounts Troubleshooter. Using this tool is especially helpful if the calculator worked in an alternate Windows 10 user account. If the original account settings are corrupt or other issues exist, the troubleshooter could identify and fix these problems. If the calculator is still missing, it is likely a different issue. Run the Apps Troubleshooter in Windows 10. The problem might not have anything to do with your user account and everything to do with the calculator app. Windows 10 includes multiple troubleshooting tools that are tucked away in the settings. Select Windows Store Apps at the bottom of the Troubleshoot window to check for and fix any problems with the calculator (or other apps). If no problems are found, continue troubleshooting. Check for app updates. Although most updates are installed automatically, there's a chance that a new update is available that could fix the Windows 10 calculator. Reset or reinstall the calculator. A convenient reset button exists in the Calculator section of the Window 10 Apps & Features settings. If resetting it doesn't do the trick, uninstall the existing software and reinstall a fresh version of the calculator app. After reinstallation, the calculator should open. If not, it is time to dig deeper. Run a System File Checker scan. The tool scans a computer to locate corrupted or incorrect protected system files and replaces those files with the correct Microsoft versions. Reboot and try the calculator again before moving on. Run the sfc /scannow command. This tool inspects important Windows files and replaces any damaged or missing files it finds. After restarting the computer, open the calculator. If it is still missing or crashing, try one more system tool. Use the DISM tool. Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM.exe) is a command-line tool that can find and repair any corruption inside the local image. Reboot the computer before continuing. Check for and install available Windows Updates. There might be a known issue with the calculator app for which a service pack or patch provides a solution. If no updates exist or this does not resolve the problem, you have another option. Perform a System Restore. This utility transports the computer to a time and date (of your choosing) when the calculator was working fine. This process undoes the most recent major change to the system, which could have caused the calculator to stop working. You also have the opportunity to restore the system to any other restore points that were created. Thanks for letting us know! Tell us why! 11th February 2020, 01:53 PM #1 When we created our Windows 10 image we have managed to remove the calculator app from it. I've Googled to find a way to re-install the app, and the only option I have come across has not worked (see below). Is there any way to re-add the app to all PC's via script? The code I have alrady tried is:- Code: Get-AppxPackage -allusers *windowscalculator* | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"} 11th February 2020, 02:05 PM #2 Did something similar and this seemed to work. Code: Dism /Online /Add-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackagePath:"\\PATHto\Microsoft.WindowsCalculator_8wekyb3d8bbwe.appxbundle" /LicensePath:"\\PATHto\Microsoft.WindowsCalculator_8wekyb3d8bbwe.xml" Trying to remember where I got the package and license from... neonetman (11th February 2020) 11th February 2020, 02:19 PM #3 That's a great starting point. If you can let me know where to get the app/license then I'm laughing 11th February 2020, 02:22 PM #4 11th February 2020, 02:29 PM #5 Just got there myself! Sign in, change license type to offline and "buy" it. This will add it to your "School Store" and you can download it from there. Store.jpg 12th February 2020, 07:52 AM #6 I've run that, and although when I try to run calculator, I no longer get the error - nor does the app load. Any thoughts on how to resolve that? 12th February 2020, 09:41 AM #7 Originally Posted by neonetman I've run that, and although when I try to run calculator, I no longer get the error - nor does the app load. Any thoughts on how to resolve that? Had a look and when I went to download the license the encoded one comes as a .bin whilst the unencoded comes as a .xml with an extra string at the end. Not sure why I went for the latter (really should document!), but it might be worth altering the script to take that extra string into account if you haven't already done so? Also, the default d/l seems to be for ARM/1803 or later does this match? Do you have the required frameworks? Clutching at straws as mine worked first time (thank goodness!). 12th February 2020, 12:58 PM #8 It's asking for a VC140 framework now, but struggling to find that. I'm about ready to give up and install a 3rd party app 12th February 2020, 01:10 PM #9 Originally Posted by neonetman It's asking for a VC140 framework now, but struggling to find that. I'm about ready to give up and install a 3rd party app That's on the "required frameworks"on my d/l page. FWork.jpg Presumably you can just add a line to the script to add it in. 10th June 2020, 01:01 PM #10 Hi there, Which version of Windows 10 are you using? As you can get FOD ISO from the licensing portal which will include the calculator. If I recall I made this PowerShell script to reinstall. (version is 1809), seemed to recall that it required one or both of the Microsoft.UI.Xaml, Microsoft.VCLibs #Remove the Calc Package Remove-AppxPackage -Package "Microsoft.WindowsCalculator_8wekyb3d8bbwe" #Install Microsoft.UI.Xaml Add-AppxPackage "D:\Apps\Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.0_2.1810.18004.0_x64_ _8wekyb3d8bbwe.Appx" #Install Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00_14.0.27323.0 Add-AppxPackage "D:\Apps\Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00_14.0.27323.0_x64_ _8wekyb3d8bbwe.Appx" #Install Calc Package Add-AppxPackage "Microsoft.WindowsCalculator_8wekyb3d8bbwe.appxbun dle" Thanks Sure, you could do the math yourself, but why not make good use of the Windows 10 calculator? You may have the intention of using it, but the idea of having to manually look for it dissuades you. But, if you've noticed that you're using the calculator more and more, it's best to create a shortcut for it. That way, you'll be more inclined to use it, and you'll save time in the process. Add a Calculator Shortcut to Windows 10 Home Screen To make a calculator shortcut, right-click on an empty space on your home screen and place the cursor on the New option. When the side menu slides out, click on the Shortcut option. In the create shortcut window type, calc.exe and click on the Next button at the bottom right. Don't forget to name your shortcut and click on the Finish button. The calculator shortcut will now be in the empty space you clicked on before. But, if you don't feel like closing your open browser windows, you can always pin the calculator shortcut to the taskbar. If you are willing to close your windows, you can get a sneak peek at the home screen by clicking on the empty space at the far right of the taskbar. It's a tiny space, so you might want to be extra careful when placing the cursor there. To pin the icon, right-click on the calculator icon and choose the Pin to taskbar option. If you ever change your mind and want to remove it from the taskbar, right-click on it. The unpin option will be the last one down. Conclusion When you have to access tools that you rarely use, having to look for them doesn't feel like work. But, when you regularly use a tool having a shortcut is so much better. How often do you use the calculator?

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