Northern Kentucky University

Name: ___________________________________Lab#15: TroubleshootingCIT271This lab covers Windows 10 Inside Out Chapter 15 - Pages 555-577.Log onto your Windows 10 computer with your administrator account.A) What is a Stop error? (See page 555.)B) What is the “Blue Screen of Death? (See page 555.)Answer #A:Open Settings > Update & Security > Troubleshoot. (See pages 555-6 and Figure 15-1 on page 556.)Suppose you have a problem with Windows Update. Run the troubleshooter for Windows Update.Open the troubleshooter window.What is the result of troubleshooting?Answer #B:A) When does Windows Error Reporting service run? (See page 556.)B) What does Windows Error Reporting service keep track of?C) If you’ve authorized it, to whom does Windows Error Reporting service send reports?Answer #C:Open the Problem Report log. (See page 557 and Figure 15-2)A) What is the source and date of the latest Problem Report?Double click on the latest report.B) What is the Problem Event Name?Answer #D:Go to Settings > Privacy > Diagnostics and Feedback. (See page 558.)A) What is the current setting for how much “Diagnostic data” is sent to Microsoft? Please read what is sent!B) What is “Feedback frequency” set to?Answer #E:Open the Reliability Monitor. (See page 559 and Figure 15-4.)Look for red X’s along the first the lines. Click on the most recent failure.A) What is the date and summary of this failure?B) Why is the problem history most useful when you begin to experience a new problem? (See page 560.)Answer #F:Open the Event Viewer. (See page 560 and Figure 15-5 on page 561.)Look at the Summary of Administrative Events. How many Critical and Error events have occurred in the A) last hour, B) last 24 hours, and C) last 7 days?Answer #G:Find a Critical, or Error, or Warning event by clicking on the box to expand the list.Double click on the event.A) What level of event did your choose?B) What was the source of the event?C) How many instances of this event occurred?Answer #H:A) What is an Application Event? (See page 562 and Figure 15-5 on page 561.)B) When do Security Events occur?C) What is a System Event?Answer #I:Give examples of Error Events. (See page 564.) Answer #J:Choose System Events. (See Figure 15-8 on page 565.)Click on Level to sort these events.Find a Critical or an Error event and click on it. What is the description of this event? Answer #K:Filter the System Event log to show only Critical events. (See page 566 and Figure 15-9.) How many Critical Events were there? (If there are no Critical Events filter by Error Events.) Answer #L:Give examples of hardware problems that can cause a Stop error. (See page 571.)Answer #M:Follow the three step on page 576 to run the Windows Check Disk Utility.What was the result of running Check Disk?Answer #N:Right click on the Windows key and chose “Shut down or sign out”.Select “Shut down”. ................

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