Amateur Swimming Association - Microsoft

4800600114300004000500000Swim England Synchro(under ASA & FINA rules)Event: Swim England Synchro Beacon Games & Reading Open Competition 2017 Beacon Games License number: SSL4/17c/171Reading Open License number: SSL2/17c/174Venue: Central Pool, Battle Street, Reading, Berks RG1 7NU Date: 9th July 2017Closing date for Entry: 2nd June 2017 Fee: ?12 per swimmer figuresClub:…………………………………………………………………………………….Inform the Competition Secretary if you do not wish your daughter to be photographed at this competitionTeam Manager: ……………………….……………………………………………….Contact details*: ……………………………………….. …………………………….(*must be completed – this email will be used for all correspondence including the figure draw)Figures entry REGIONAL BEACON SQUAD Name DoBASA Number Age Group of entry Grade level1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8910 11 12 13 14 15England Talent Development swimmers are being entered nationally by Swim England. These swimmers will be categorised in the overall medals.5257800-11430000READING OPEN COMPETITIONCLUB SWIMMERS*EnglandNameDoBASA Number Age Group of entry Grade level1 2 3 4 56789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930If swimmers are in the England Age Group Squad please indicate this on the Open entry form above*. These swimmers will be categorised in the overall medals.Each Regional Beacon and Open entry need to provide the following officials for figures (for Regional Beacon clubs entering both the Beacon and the Open add the total number of swimmers): 1-5 athletes entered:1 judge1 clerk/ caller 5-10 athletes entered:2 judges1 scorer1 clerk/ caller 11+ athletes entered 3 judges2 scorers2 clerks /callers. Figures Officials Name1 23 4 5 6 7 PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM AND RETURNvia email to beacongames-reading@NO LATER THAN 2nd JUNE 2017TOTAL ENTRY FEE ………………………………….?12 PER SWIMMER SHOULD BE SENT VIA BACS:Please make payments to: RRSSC Bank Account Number: 00855208 Sort Code: 30 96 96Ref: BEACON ….. (+ please specify your Club) ................

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