Curriculum Vitae


Dr. Monica L. Parson

Associate Professor of Physical Education

Department of Health Professions

Liberty University

Lynchburg, Virginia


Phone : 434-582-7030

Academic Background

Ed. D. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, May, 1999

Major Emphasis Area: Physical Education Pedagogy

Minors: Curriculum and Instruction

Adapted Physical Education

Dissertation Title: Ready or Not, Here They Come! Clinical Instructor and University Supervisor Perceptions of Readiness for Professional Service in Physical Education

M. Ed. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, August, 1995

Concentration: Physical Education Pedagogy

B. S. Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA, May, 1983

Major: Physical Education

Minor: Music

Teaching Certifications

Virginia Postgraduate Professional License & Certification in Physical Education, Driver Education, and Health; 2013-2018

North Carolina certification in Physical Education and Health (2000-2006)

Professional Teaching Activities

Liberty University, Department of Health Sciences and Kinesiology:

KINE 451: Secondary Physical Education Methods, Fall 2008, Fall 2009, Fall 2010, Fall 2011, Fall 2012, Fall 2013

KINE 326: Physical Education Student Aide, Secondary, Fall 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, Fall 2013

KINE 232-004: Archery: Fall 2008, Spring 2009, Fall 2009, Spring 2009, Fall 2010, Fall 2011, Spring 2012, Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2013; Spring 2014, Fall 2014

Freshman Seminar Course: Fall 2009, (2 sections) Fall 2010 (2 sections)

KINE 214: Tumbling and Rhythmic Activities, Fall 2005, Spring 2006, Fall 2006, Spring 2007, Fall 2007, Spring 2008, Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Fall 2010, Spring 2011, Fall 2011, Spring 2012, Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2014

KINE 208: Motor Learning, Fall 2005, Spring 2006, Fall 2006, Spring 2007, Fall 2007, Spring 2008, Fall 2008, Spring 2009, Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Fall 2010, Spring 2011, Fall 2011, Spring 2012, Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2014

KINE 209: Motor Learning Lab, Fall 2005, Spring 2006, Fall 2006, Spring 2007, Fall 2007, Spring 2008, Fall 2008, Spring 2009, Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Fall 2010, Spring 2011, Fall 2011, Spring 2012, Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2014

KINE 232: Volleyball, Fall 2005, Fall 2006, Fall 2011, Fall 2012, Fall 2013, Fall 2014

KINE 210: Softball/Volleyball, Spring 2006, Spring 2007, Spring 2008, Spring 2009, Spring 2010, Spring 2011, Spring 2012, Spring 2013, Spring 2014

Independent studies: KINE 214: Tumbling and Rhythmic Activities Fall 2008 (2 students) ; KINE 215-060 Track and Field, Fall 2009; KINE 213-060 Racquet Sports/Flag Football, Spring 2010 (1student); Fall 2010, KINE 213-060 Racquet Sports (3 students), Spring 2011: KINE 214: Tumbling and Rhythmic Activities (5 students) Fall 2011: KINE 213 Racquet Sports (1 student), Summer 2013: KINE 232 Archery (1 student) KINE 213-060 Fall 2013 (2 students); Fall 2014 (1 student)

Dance Workshop attendee, Charlottesville, VA Dec. 2009; Dec. 2010, Dec. 2012

Chair, Senior Honors Thesis, Miss Heather Brown. 2014; Title: An Analysis of the Weight Watchers and Atkins Diets: The Effects of Calorie Restriction and Nutritional Levels

Chair, Senior Honors Thesis, Mr. Matthew Pierce. 2007; Title: The Effects of Parental Influence upon Childhood Obesity.

Committee Member, Miss Jennifer Statler, 2009; Title: The Alignment Factor: Investigating the Effects of the Alexander Technique on Vocalists.

Dissertation Committee Member, Liberty University. Dr. Toni S. Oakes, 2007; Title: Effect of Short Internships on Student Self-Concept.

HLTH 216: Personal and Community Health, Spring 2006

Elon University, Department of Health and Human Performance:

PED 211: History and Foundations of Physical Education and Sport,

Fall 2002, Fall 2003, Fall 2004

GST 220: The Call to Service, Winter 2002, Winter 2003, Winter 2004

HED 220: First Aid, Fall 2001, Fall 2002, Fall 2003, Fall 2004, Spring 2005

HED 111: Contemporary Wellness Issues, Fall 1999, Winter 2000,

Spring 2000, Fall 2000, Fall, 2001, Spring 2002, Fall 2002, Spring 2003, Fall 2003, Fall 2004, Spring 2005

GST 110: The Global Experience, Fall 2000, Spring, 2001, Fall 2002,

Fall 2003, Fall 2004, Spring 2005

PED 125: Skills and Activities for Teaching, Spring, 2001, Spring 2002, Spring 2003, Spring 2004, Spring 2005

PED 401: Adapted Physical Education, Spring 2000, Spring 2001,

Spring 2002, Spring 2003, Fall 2004

PED 100: Tennis, Spring 2002

The University of Virginia, Program Area of Physical Education, Instructor:

EDHS 350: Team Sports, Fall 1997; Spring 1998

Graduate Teaching Assistant: EDHS 358: Teaching Secondary Physical Education, Spring 1996; Spring 1997; Spring 1998

Graduate Teaching Assistant: EDHS 357: Teaching Elementary Physical Education, Fall 1996; Fall 1997

Group Leader: EDHS 355/543 Introduction to Sport Psychology, Spring 1996

PHYE 104: UVA Service Physical Education--Intermediate Tennis, Fall 1994; Spring 1995

Professional Supervision

Liberty University, Dept. of Health Sciences and Kinesiology:

EDUC 476: Student Teaching I (Elementary)

EDUC 477: Student Teaching II (Secondary) Spring 2006, [2 student teachers] Spring 2007 [1 student teacher] Spring 2008, [1 student teacher] Spring 2009, [1 student teacher] Spring 2010, [2 student teachers] Spring 2011, [2 student teachers] Spring 2012, [2 student teachers]

Elon University, Dept. of Health and Human Performance:

EDU 481: Student Teacher Supervision: Fall, 1999, [2 student teachers] Spring 2000, [4 student teachers] Spring 2001, [5 student teachers] Fall 2001, [1 student teacher] Spring 2002, [6 student teachers] Fall 2002 [1 student teacher] Fall 2003 [1 student teacher] Spring 2004 [2 student teachers] Spring 2005, [5 student teachers]

University of Virginia, Program Area of Physical Education:

Evaluator of Teacher Effectiveness for Service Physical Education Instructors: Fall 1995; Spring 1996; Fall 1996; Spring 1997; Fall 1997, Spring 1998; Fall 1998

EDHS 771 (Elementary Level): Supervision of Student Teachers, Fall, 1995; Fall, 1996; Fall, 1997

EDHS 359: Supervision of Practicum Students’ Field Experience Secondary, Spring 1995; 1996; 1997; 1998

EDHS 357: Supervision of Practicum Students’ Field Experience Elementary, Fall 1995; Fall 1996; Fall 1997

Supervisor of Adapted Physical Education Masters Students: Fall 1995; Spring 1996; Fall 1997

Public School Supervision at Buckingham County High School:

Clinical Instructor for six (6) Student Teachers from Longwood College,

Farmville, VA 1986-1993

Guest Lecturer

Liberty University:

History and Foundations of Physical Ed. course, Dr. Jon House and Joshua Sexton’s guest. “What is Motor Learning?” Nov.28, 2011

History and Foundations of Physical Ed. course, Dr. Jon House and Justin Mazza’s guest. “What is Motor Learning?” April 11, 2011

Adapted Physical Education, KINE 333, “Behavioral Disorders and Emotional Disturbances”

Elon University:

LSM 332: Research Methods, “Qualitative Methodologies of Research,” Fall 2004

PED 321: Biomechanics, “Special Populations and Older Adults,” Fall 2002

EDU 423-A: Methods and Materials of Teaching Physical Education, “Observation, Analysis and Research System,” Fall 2002

SPM 432: Research Methods, “Qualitative Methodologies of Research,” Fall 2000, Fall 2001

HED 324: Nutrition, “Fiber and Foods,” Fall 2000

The University of Virginia:

EDHS 754: Advanced Motor Learning, “Psychological Effects on Learning,” December 1995

Public School Teaching Experience

Driver Education Instructor, Albemarle County High School, Charlottesville,

VA, September, 1998- August, 1999

Teacher of Physical Education, Driver Education, Health and Family Life Education, Grades 9-12, Buckingham County High School, Buckingham VA October, 1984 - June, 1994

Varsity Girls Track and Field Coach, 1984-1994

Varsity Boys Head Cross Country Coach, 1989-1990


Parson, M. L. (2014). Gentile’s Model Revisited : A review of Gentile’s Model with an application to teaching. (Accepted for publication in December 2014 edition of The Journal for The Advancement of Educational Research).

Parson, M. L. (2005). Perceptions of Student Teacher Readiness for Teaching in Physical Education. Journal for the Advancement of Educational Research 1 (1), 121-132.

Parson, M. L. & Binkley, H. M. (2005). Spina bifida and latex allergies: A review and recommendation for teachers. Palaestra 21 (1), 34-38.

Parson, M. L. (2001). Enthusiasm and feedback: A winning combination! PE Central: http//climate/monicaparsonarticle.html

also posted at PE4U:


Parson, M. L. (1998). Focus student attention with verbal cues. Strategies, 11(3), 30-33.


Accepted for presentation at the Association for the Advancement of Educational Research: “The Myth of Multitasking (& Other Misconceptions About Learning)” has been accepted and is scheduled for presentation on Wednesday, November 5th, 2014.

Accepted for presentation at the Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Convention, Virginia Beach, Virginia. “Teach Your Students to Juggle!” has been accepted and it is scheduled for presentation on Sunday, November 9th, 2014.

The KISS Method: Keep It Short and Simple! How to Effectively Teach Motor Skills. Association for the Advancement of Educational Research & the National Academy for Educational Research (AAER & NAER) 14th Annual Conference. November 8, 2013.

Gentile Revisited: A Review of Gentile’s Model with an Application to Teaching. Association for the Advancement of Educational Research & The National Academy for Educational Research (AAER & NAER) 13th Annual Conference. November 7-8, 2012

A Classroom is Waiting. Saturday morning General Session speaker for the Future Educators Association Conference, Virginia Beach, Virginia. April 30, 2011.

Those Who Can—Teach! Becoming a Teacher of Influence. Keynote Speaker, Future Educators Association Conference, Virginia Beach, Virginia. April 29th, 2011.

Dances for Physical Educators. Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Convention, Virginia Beach, Virginia, November 12, 2011 (along with two Liberty University Students).

Dances for Physical Educators. Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Convention, Virginia Beach, Virginia November 7, 2009 (along with five Liberty University Students).

Ethnographic and Qualitative Research in Education Conference (EQRE) “Student Teacher Readiness For Professional Service in Physical Education: Insights of Nine Educators.” Cedarville OH, June 8, 2007

Memories of Family Devotions: Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church, Keene, VA March 10, 2007

The Women’s Gathering Conference Presentation: “Health and Physical Wholeness.” The Methodist Fellowship Annual Conference. October 20, 2006

The Women’s Gathering Conference Presentation: “Celebrating Singles” (with M.K. Tyson). The Methodist Fellowship Annual Conference. October 20, 2006

Round Table Presentation: “Behavior Management: Sharing to Help Future Teachers.” AAER & NAER Conference, Lake Hutchinson FL, November 8-12, 2005

Research Presentation: “Spina Bifida and Latex Allergies: A Review for Educators.” AAER & NAER Conference, Lake Hutchinson FL, November 11-13, 2004

Peer Reviewed Presentation: “How to Help Your Student Teacher be More Effective.” NCAAHPERD Conference, Greensboro, NC, November 18, 2004

Research Presentation: “Clinical Instructor and University Supervisor Perceptions of Student Teacher Readiness for Professional Service in Physical Education.” AAER & NAER Conference, Ponte Vedra FL, December 3-6, 2003

Research Presentation: “How We Know They’re Ready to Teach Physical Education.” NCAAHPERD Conference, Greensboro, NC, November 19-22, 2003

Research Poster: “Ready or Not, Here They Come!” National Physical Education Teacher Education Conference, October 3, 2003, Baton Rouge, LA

Research Presentation: World Congress & Exposition on Disabilities, “Placement & Service Options for Adapted Physical Education,” (With Dr. Phillip Conatser of West Texas A&M University) September 18-20, 2003

Research Presentation: World Congress & Exposition on Disabilities, “Cooperative & Adventure Challenge Activities for Adapted Aquatics,” (With Dr. Phillip Conatser of West Texas A&M University) September 18-20, 2003

Research Presentation: North American Society for Sport Management: The influence of Stadium Construction on Athletic & Campus Life Perceptions: A Focus Group Study (with Drs. Hal Walker& Jaime Orejan) May 27-31, 2003, Ithaca, NY

An Essay on the Misguided Concept of “Race.” And Still We Rise. English Department, Elon University, November 20, 2002

Research poster: “Ready or Not, Here They Come!” NCAAHPERD State Conference, Greensboro, NC, December 7, 2000

Second Annual Curry Conference, “Establishing Effective Classroom/Gymnasium Discipline,” April 1996

Workshop Presenter: Buckingham County Health and Wellness Days “Fun Games and Relays,” “Archery,” August 1985

University and Community Service

Performed two Hula Dances for the opening program of the Center for Multicultural Enrichment; the “Huki Lau,” (a traditional hula) and “Shout to the Lord” (a contemporary worship hula). April 2, 2014

Serving on the Department of Education Secondary Advisory Committee 2010-present

Serving on the Committee for the Advancement of Faculty Development and Welfare, 2010 to the present

Member or Assistant Director, Christian Youth Ministries of Hawaii; Summer 1981, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014

Represented the KINE dept. at the parent Meet and Greet, Sept. 20, 2012; Sept. 26, 2013

‘Caroler’ in the Virginia Christmas Spectacular at Thomas Road Baptist Church, Christmas 2012. Performed in five different shows. November 28 thru December 9, 2012.

Called potential Liberty University students for Resident Enrollment Week during National Call Week, Tuesday, Nov. 13th and Wednesday, Nov. 14th, 2013

Solo Vocal performance at Word of Life, Schroon Lake, NY, July 25th, 2012

Oil Painting Community Group Leader for Thomas Road Baptist Church, Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Fall 2010, Spring 2011, Spring 2012, Spring 2014

Served on the KINE Syllabus Committee, Fall 2010- Spring 2011.

Volunteered for the First Night Virginia Program in Charlottesville, Virginia, December 31st, 1999 to 2012

Submitted two voter registration forms, Fall 2012

Wyndhurst YMCA Survivor Island/Hawaiian Hula Lessons, July 16, 2010. Provided Hula lessons for the children participating in the Phelps Family Kidz Gym program

Submitted three voter registration forms, Spring 2010

Liberty University Honorary Coach for Women’s Basketball—January 3rd 2009. Provided a devotional for the team during the pre-game luncheon. Sat on the bench and also sat in on the pre-game talk.

Volunteer at Wal-Mart representing Liberty University and the KINE department during the Christmas Holidays, ringing the bell for the Salvation Army 2008

Cooked the main dish and organized the party for the KINE Department’s annual dinner for the KINE graduates and their families, May 2008

Served as a Chair for the Senior Honor’s Thesis for Heather Brown, 2014. Title of Honors Thesis: An Analysis of the Weight Watchers and Atkins Diets: The Effects of Calorie Restriction and Nutritional Levels

Served as a Chair for the Senior Honor’s Thesis for Matthew Pierce, 2007. Title of Honors Thesis: The effects of Parental Influence upon Childhood Obesity

Served as a Committee Member on the Senior Honor’s Thesis for Jennifer Statler, 2009: Title of Honor Thesis: The Alignment Factor: Investigating the Effects of the Alexander Technique on Vocalists

Served as a Committee Member of the Dissertation Committee for the Liberty University School of Education student, Dr. Toni S. Oakes, 2007. Title of Dissertation: Effect of Short Internships on Student Self-Concept

Leader, Liberty University Focus Group for Housing at Liberty University. Took notes on students comments and did a preliminary Qualitative Analysis of the data. April 2009, April 2010

Represented Liberty University and the KINE department at the October 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 College for a Weekend Luncheons

Represented the Christian Youth Ministries of Hawaii summer program and gave a report of the ministry to the Congregation at Community Baptist Church 1993-2013

Buckingham County 18th Annual Community Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony, Friday December 5th, 2008, 7:00 pm on the Buckingham County Courthouse Lawn. Provided sound system (assisted in putting up and taking down the sound system and worked it during the program).

Served on the organizational Board for the classes of 1978, 1977 30th Class reunion of Buckingham County High School. Provided media (PowerPoint photographs) and mailed over 300 postcards and letters to participants.

Women’s Auxiliary Prayer Breakfast speaker, March 10th, 2007. Theme: The Family that Prays Together, Stays Together. “Memories of Family Devotions.” Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, Keene, Va.

Women’s Gathering: “Come as You Are.” October 21, 2006. Blackstone, Virginia. Virginia United Methodist Church Assembly Center. Sponsored by the James River Charge Outreach United Methodist Church. “Life by the Spirit.” Speaker topics: “Celebrating Singles,” and “Health and Physical Wholeness” Workshops.

Lynchburg, Virginia, Speaker, Bethany Ladies' Fellowship, Bethany Baptist Church, August 12, 2006. Speech Topic: “Missions.”

Director, Christian Youth Ministries of Hawaii, 2006

Gateway Education Center, Greensboro, NC Caring Kitchens, Loaves and Fishes, Burlington Housing Authority, Bread for the Journey, Capitol Area Food Bank, So Other’s Might Eat, Allied Churches, Presbyterian Home of the Hawfields, Dinner Program for Homeless Women. Volunteer, Winter 2004

Bethesda, Maryland, Chevy-Chase Rotary Club speaker, January 20, 2004: “A New Kind of Poverty: Homelessness”

Holly Hill Baptist Church, August, 8, 2004, Vocalist with “Shameless”

Brookwood Baptist Church, February 29, 2004, Parson Trio Performance

Salvation Army Church, January 4, 2004, Parson Trio Performance

Salvation Army, September 7, 2003, Parson Trio Performance

Allied Churches, Volunteer, Winter 2003

Field Director, Christian Youth Ministries of Hawaii; Summer 2003

Christian Communities Group Homes, RPJ Housing Hearts and Hammers, So

Other’s Might Eat, Church of the Brethren Kitchen, Allied Churches. Volunteer, Winter 2002

Facilitator: The Virginia School-University Partnership’s Sixth Annual Student Leadership Conference, “Getting the Best Return on Your Educational Investment.” March, 1996

Vocalist with Parson Trio, 1975 to 2007


Member, Liberty Faculty Development & Welfare Committee, Oct. 2011 to present

Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (VAHPERD) Grant Committee Member, January 2013-January 2015. (The purpose of the Grant Committee is to review all grant applications and award grant money to those VAHPERD members who have met the requirements specified in each grant application).

Chairperson for the VAHPERD Necrology Committee (appointed Dec. 2012)

Assistant Director, Christian Youth Ministries of Hawaii; Summer 1993, 1994, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013

Liberty University Faculty Senate representative, Fall 2009- Spring, 2011

Chair: Common Reading Subcommittee, Elon University, April 2000 to June 2005

Site Coordinator, September 12, 2003, September 10, 2004: North Carolina College Conference; held at Elon University 2003, 2004

Member: NCAAHPERD Long Term Planning Committee, 2002 to June 2005

North Carolina College Conference Board Member, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005

Member, Ad Hoc Academic Council Committee on Faculty Diversity, Elon University, 2003-2004

Member, Work and Family Issues Committee, Elon University, 2003-2004

Chair: NCAAHPERD Ad-Hoc Committee for investigation of funding expenditures, 2001-2002

Grant Submitted

2002   "Companion Palm Pilot " with Joyce Davis, Janie Brown & Carol Smith

Technology and Teaching Grants, Elon University

Agency: Virginia Department of Education-Blue Ridge Health/Wellness

Title: Buckingham County Health and Wellness In-service Days

Date: July, 1985

Amount: 5,000

Status: Funded

Co-authors: D. Hucks, M. Parson

Professional Development And Affiliations

The National Conference of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance [AAHPERD], Charlotte NC., attended April 25- 27, 2013

Association for the Advancement of Educational Research & The National Academy for Educational Research [AAER & NAER] 13th Annual Conference. Attended November 7-8, 2012, attended November 7-10, 2013.

AAER & NAER Conference, attended December 2003, November 2004, November 2005

SDAAPHERD [Southern District Association of the American Alliance of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance] Conference; attended April 2011

VADETS [VA Association for Driver Education Traffic Safety] Conference; attended September 2010

VAHPERD [Virginia Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance] Conference; attended November 2010, 2011

Ethnographic and Qualitative Research in Education Conference (EQRE) attended June 2007

Lynchburg Volleyball Women’s League, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010

AAHPERD National Conference; attended April 2008

VAHPERD Conference; attended November, 2006, November, 2009, 2010, 2011

NC College Conference member, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005

AAHPERD member, 2003-2004, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013

NCAAHPERD Conference, attended November2002, 2003, 2004

National Physical Education Teacher Education Conference, attended October 2003

World Congress & Exposition on Disabilities, attended September 2003

NCAAHPERD Conference, attended November 2002

NCAAHPERD Conference, attended December 2001

NCAAHPERD Conference, attended December 2000

NCAAHPERD Conference, attended December 1999

Holmes Conference; attended January, 1998

VAHPERD Conference; attended October, 1997, November 2009

VAHPERD Conference; attended November, 1996

VAHPERD Conference; attended, October, 1990

Virginia State Police Driver Education Teacher Training, 1986

Blue Ridge Health Conference, attended July, 1985

Charlottesville Volleyball Leagues, 1986-1994

Planning Committee, Buckingham County Pre-School Health and

Wellness In-service, 1985

Honors and Awards

Cambridge (2004-2005; 2009-2010; 2010-2011 registries) Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers

FANS (Faculty Assisting New Students) award recipient, Elon University,

Fall, 2001

Holmes Network Scholar, UVa, Fall, 1997-Spring, 1998, Fall, 1998

Nathan E. Johnson Memorial Scholarship, UVa, 1997

Howard W. Allen Award, UVa, 1996

Minority Scholarships, UVa, 1994, 1995, 1996

Recipient: Governor’s Physical Fitness Award For School Personnel “Silver Award,” February 1993

Nomination for “Tip-Top Teacher,” Buckingham County High School,


Research Affiliations

Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening (PALS) data collection 2000, The

University of Virginia’s Curry School of Education

Selected References:

Dr. B. Ann Boyce

Associate Professor, Human Services

Program Area of Health and Physical Education

University of Virginia

Charlottesville, VA 22903

(434) 924-6186


Dr. Martin Block

Assistant Professor, Human Services

Program Area of Health and Physical Education

University of Virginia

Charlottesville, VA 22903

(434) 924-7073


Dr. Robert W. Covert

Associate Professor, Leadership Foundations & Policy

Ruffner Hall, 280

University of Virginia

Charlottesville, VA 22903

(434) 924-0511


Dr. Greta Morine-Dershimer

Professor Emeritus, Curriculum and Instruction & Special Education

Ruffner Hall, 224

University of Virginia

Charlottesville, VA 22903

(434) 924-0747


Dr. Michael Calhoun

Professor, Health Education

Former Department Chair

Campus Box 2525

Elon University

Elon, NC 27244

(336) 278-5871


Dr. Janie Brown

Professor Health and Physical Education

Former Department Chair

Campus Box 2525

Elon University

Elon, NC 27244

(336) 278-5869



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