Henry “Hank” M

Department of Physicshyochum@citadel.eduThe Citadel(office) (843) 953-6953Charleston, SC, 29412Education Ph.D., Physics, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, 1999Thesis: Picosecond Transient Absorption Spectroscopy of Oxide CrystalsB.S., Physics, cum laude, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC, 1994Professional ExperienceSweet Briar College, Sweet Briar, VA. 2020-currentProfessor and Department Head, Department of Physics, The Citadel2018-2020Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Professor, The Margaret Jones Wyllie ’45 Engineering ProgramResponsibilities include chairing Assessment Committee, the Honors Program, implementation of new grant program to support student projects, support for travel courses, and continued engagement with engineering program growth strategies. 2017-2018Chair of Faculty Executive Committee, Director and Professor, The Margaret Jones Wyllie ’45 Engineering ProgramElected leader of the steering committee of the faculty and represented faculty with college administration. Collaborated with faculty and administration on several new college-wide initiatives, including initial design of new general education program and academic calendar change.2007-2017 Director and Professor (2012-2017), Associate Professor (2007-2012), The Margaret Jones Wyllie ’45 Engineering Program As Director, responsibilities include program ABET accreditation, assessment of student learning, community relations, marketing, outreach, student recruiting and retention, faculty and support staff recruiting, budget planning, scholarship program, curriculum development, strategic planning, and collaboration with Engineering Advisory Board. Selected AchievementsLed engineering program through two successful ABET accreditation cycles, 2011 (initial) and 2017. Led Explore Engineering outreach efforts with more than 500 high school women attending an event, ~10% enrolling at Sweet Briar. Events stress creativity, design, and hands-on activities. Raised funds to support program from industry and private donors. Worked closely with Wyllie family and development office to secure $3 million gift for the Engineering Program, this is the first named academic program at the college. Initiated Sweet Briar Engineers Week Banquet, bringing more than 200 engineering and business leaders to campus each year.Led effort to remodel engineering lab facilities, creating new spaces for mechatronics and capstone labs, 2014 2006-2007Sabbatical at Virginia Tech University, Department of Physics, Nanostructured Optical Devices Group, and Associate Professor, Sweet Briar College2002-2006Chair, Department of Physics and Engineering, Assistant ProfessorAssociate Director of Honors Program (2003-2006), Sweet Briar CollegeLed the Summer Honors Research Program, an on-campus student-faculty research program that supports teams across all disciplines. Reviewed student research proposals, honors scholarship applications, honors course proposals. Lucent Technologies/OFS Specialty Photonics, Somerset, NJ2001-2002Member of Technical Staff, Optical Amplifier Development GroupExperience with fiber optic characterization techniques, computational modeling and physics of optical amplifiers (EDFAs), and optical amplifier measurement techniques. Collaborated with product management and manufacturing groups.Sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar, VA1999-2001Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of PhysicsSelected Funded External ProposalsAwarded over $2.5 million in externally funded projects from private foundations, state and federal government since 2002.Engineering Program Development, Student Recruitment and RetentionPrincipal Investigator on Awarded NSF S-STEM grant, Attracting, Recruiting, and Supporting Students in an Innovative Engineering Program at a Women’s College, ($563,000) with Co-PIs Scott Pierce, Bethany Brinkman, and Stephen Wassell, 2009-2014 Principal Investigator (replacement) on Awarded NSF-Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Talent Expansion Program (STEP) Grant, Increasing the Representation of Women in STEM via a New Interdisciplinary Engineering Program at a Liberal Arts Women’s College, ($406,332), with former PI Kurt Schulz and Co-PI Scott Hyman, 2005-2009Co-Principal Investigator on Funded NSF-Engineering Education (#0343071) Grant, Implementation of a New Engineering Studies Program at Sweet Briar College, ($419,184), PI Scott Hyman with co-PI’s Mary Kasarda and David Orvos, 2003-2007Science Education Outreach and ResearchCo-Project Director on Awarded No Child Left Behind, State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) grant, Developing Experts and Advocates of Inquiry Teaching, ($116,515), July 2010 with co-project director J. GrangerCo-Project Director on 5 additional Awarded No Child Left Behind, State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) grants, Inquiry Approaches to Math and Science: Grades 3-8, with J. Granger for more than $830,000 between 2004 and 2009.Research in Condensed Matter PhysicsPrinciple Investigator on Funded Thomas F. Jeffress & Kate Miller Jeffress Memorial Trust Grant, Research Grant Renewal, Optical Spectroscopy of Point Defects in YVO4, ($50,000), 2003-2005Selected Teaching Experience at Sweet Briar College Engineering Courses:Exploring Engineering Design (summer college course for high school students) Statics and Strength of MaterialsElectrical Circuits (with lab)Technology and Society- A Global PerspectiveTechnology and Society- A Regional PerspectiveMechatronics (with lab)Systems Modeling and ControlsCapstone Design I, II, & III Physics Courses:Physics by InquiryGeneral Physics I & IIIntroductory Physics Laboratory I & IIIntermediate Physics LabModern Physics/Physical ChemistryOpticsQuantum Mechanics I & IIMath Methods for Engineers & PhysicistsAdvanced Physics LabGraduate Courses for Pre-service and In-service Teachers:Introduction to InquiryUnderstanding Inquiry Instruction BookInstrumental Analysis, Rob Granger, Hank Yochum, Jill Granger, Karl Sienerth; Oxford University Press, 2016.Selected Publications Development of an Autonomous Agricultural Vehicle to Measure Soil Respiration, Haley Finegan, Seth Jaffe, Angela Leon, Kim Lytle, Edward Morgan, Charlotte Greene, Anne Meyer, Bethany Brinkman, Stephan De Wekker, Hank Yochum, Nicola Bezzo, Gregory C. Lewin, Proceedings of 2019 IEEE Systems and Information Engineering Design SymposiumEvaluation of Lesson Study Based Teacher Professional Development Model for Inquiry Teaching in STEM, Jill Granger, Arlene Vinion-Dubiel, Hank Yochum, James Alouf, and Tim Loboschefski, submitted to Virginia Mathematics Teachers, June 2016 Tried and True: Measuring Static Electricity: A Classroom Investigation to Understand the Triboelectric Series, Science Scope, Carrie Perry, Jill Nelson Granger, Arlene Vinion-Dubiel, and Hank Yochum, National Science Teachers Association, Vol.39, No.7, 2016 Virginia Standards of Learning Data as a Means of Measuring Classroom Impact in a Teacher Professional Development Project, Turina Lewis, Tim Loboschefski, Arlene Vinion-Dubiel, Hank Yochum, James Alouf, & Jill N. Granger, Journal of Virginia Science Education, Volume 10 Number 1, 2015.Green Colouring Electrochromic Devices of Water-Soluble Polythiophene, V. Jain, H.M. Yochum, R. Montazami, J.R. Heflin, Nanomaterials and Energy, Volume 3 Issue NME6, 2014.Long-distance collaboration, international perspective, and social responsibility through a shared interdisciplinary engineering design course, J. Prosise and H. Yochum, Proceedings of the 2014 ASEE Annual ConferenceElectromagnetic Induction- An Inquiry Approach, Hank Yochum, A. Vinion-Dubiel, J. Granger, T. Maass, S. Mayhew, and L. Lindsay, Science and Children, October 13, 2013High-Contrast Solid-State Electrochromic Devices of Viologen-Bridged Polysilsesquioxane Nanoparticles Fabricated by Layer-by-Layer Assembly, V. Jain, M. Kiterer, R. Montazami, H.M. Yochum, K.J. Shea, J.R. Heflin, Appl. Mater. and Interf. 1, (2009) 83-89. ?Synthesis and Characterization of Regioregular Water-Soluble Propylenedioxythiophene Derivative and Its Application in the Fabrication of High-Contrast Solid-State Eelectrochromic Devices, V. Jain, R. Sahoo, S.P. Mishra, J. Sinha, R. Montazami, H.M. Yochum, J.R. Heflin, A. Kumar, Macromol. 100, (2009) 135-140. ?Modification of single-walled carbon nanotube electrodes by layer-by-layer assembly for electrochromic devices, V. Jain, H.M. Yochum, R. Montazami, J.R. Heflin, L. Hu, G. Gruner, J. Appl. Phys. 103, (2008) 074504:1-3.The Use of Hands-on Science Kits to Develop Interest in the Engineering Program at Sweet Briar College, H.M. Yochum, Dorsa Sanadgol, Tim Loboschefski, Scott Pierce, Scott Hyman, Proceedings of WEPAN National Conference, April 2008 ? Millisecond Switching in Sold-State Electrochromic Polymer Devices Fabricated from Ionic Self-Assembled Multilayers, V. Jain, H.M. Yochum, R. Montazami, J.R. Heflin, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, (2008) 033304:1-3. ?Solid-state Electrochromic Devices via Ionic Self-Assembled Multilayers of a Polyviologen, V. Jain, H. Yochum, H. Wang, R. Montazami, M.A.V. Hurtado, A. Mendoza-Galvan, H.W. Gibson, J.R. Heflin, Macromol. Chem. Phys. 209, (2008) 150-157.High contrast solid state electrochromic devices based on Ruthenium Purple nanocomposites fabricated by layer-by-layer assembly, Vaibhav Jain, Rabindra Sahoo, Joerg R. Jinschek, Reza Montazami, Hank Yochum, Fredrick L. Beyer, Anil Kumar and James R. Heflin, Chem. Commun. (2008), 3663 – 3665.Transient and near-edge absorption in YVO4 crystals, D. Millers, H.M. Yochum, V. Pankratov, P. Potera, L. Grigorjeva, Physica Stat.C. 4 (2007) 1155-1158.Intrinsic luminescence and energy transfer in pure and doped YVO4 crystals, V. Pankratov L. Grigorjeva D. Millers, H.M. Yochum, Physica Stat.C. 4 (2007) 801-804Self trapped electron and transient defect absorption in niobate and tungstate crystals, R.T. Williams, K.B. Ucer, Gang Xiong, H.M. Yochum, L.G. Grigorjeva, D.K. Millers, G. Corradi, Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 155 (2001) 265-276.Picosecond and nanosecond time-resolved study of luminescence and absorption in CdWO4 and PbWO4, H.M. Yochum, K.B. Ucer, R.T. Williams, D. Millers, L. Grigorjeva, and S. Chernov Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and their Applications, SCINT99. Edited by V. Mikhailin, (2000) 336-341.Subpicosecond laser spectroscopy of blue-light induced absorption in KNbO3 and LiNbO3,” H.M. Yochum, K.B. Ucer, R.T. Williams L. Grigorjeva, D. Millers, and G. Corradi, Proceedings of NATO Advanced Research Workshop: Defects and Surface-Induced Effects in Advanced Perovskites. Edited by G. Borstel, A. Krummins, and D. Millers, (2000) 125-138.Short pulse excitation and spectroscopy of KNbO3, LiNbO3, and KTiOPO4, H.M. Yochum, K.B. Ucer, R.T. Williams, P.A. Sheldon, V. Nagirnyi, V. Denks, L. Grigorjeva, D. Millers, and E.A. Kotomin, Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 150 (1998) 271-276.Subpicosecond absorption spectroscopy of band-gap excitation and defect formation in alkali halide crystals, E.D. Thoma, H.M. Yochum, P.A. Sheldon, and R.T. Williams, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 141 (1998) 552-554.Ultrafast spectroscopy of hole and exciton self-trapping in halide crystals, E.D. Thoma, H.M. Yochum, P.A. Sheldon, and R.T. Williams, Journal of Luminescence, 76-77, (1998) 43-47.Subpicosecond spectroscopy of hole and exciton self-trapping in alkali-halide crystals, E.D. Thoma, H.M. Yochum, and R.T. Williams, Physical Review B, 13, (1997) 8001-8011.Selected Administrative and Academic Service at Sweet BriarAssessment Committee, appointed Chair, 2018-2019Student Advancement Committee, appointed Chair, 2018-currentEligibility Committee, appointed, 2018-currentFaculty Executive Committee, elected Chair, 2017-2018, Budget sub-committee Chair, 2014-2015, Summer 2015Members of the Faculty Executive Committee serve as the elected representatives of the Faculty in interactions with the Administration and serve as a steering committee for the business of the Faculty. In this capacity, it represents the interests of the Faculty with respect to the governance of the College and faculty welfare. Academic Planning Committee, elected, 2011-2012The primary responsibility of the Academic Planning Committee is to oversee long-range curricular innovation, planning, and policy to carry out the academic mission of the College. It serves in an advisory capacity to the Faculty on curricular matters through its consultation with the Instruction Committee and to the President and the Dean of the Faculty on academic staffing levels and the allocation of resources. Personnel Committee, elected, 2008-2011, Chair for 2010-2011The primary duty of the Personnel Committee is to evaluate and make recommendations to the President with respect to faculty tenure and promotion. The Personnel Committee reviews and makes recommendations for revisions to policies and procedures related to faculty employment and advancement.Recruiting and Rebranding Working Group, 2015-2016Educational Programs of the Board Committee, elected, 2007-2009, 2010-2012First year advisor and major advisor, 2010-2011, 2013-2017, 2019-2020Chair, Engineering faculty search committee, 2010, 2015Engineering faculty search committee, 2004, 2005, 2007Engineering education consultant search committee, 2003President’s Search Committee, elected, 2008-2009Member of Admissions Committee, appointed, 2007-2009, 2016-2017Educational Programs of the Board Committee, elected, 2007-2009, 2010-2012Honors Committee, appointed, 2002-2006Chair, Search Committee for Faculty Grants Officer, appointed, 2003Member of Instruction Committee, elected, 2003-2006Selected Awards and Service Outside of Sweet Briar Board Member, Innovate Lynchburg- the Regional Technology Council for Central Virginia, 2018-20202016 Affiliate Program in BRAID (Building, Retaining, And Inclusion for Diversity), a partnership between the Anita Borg Institute and Harvey Mudd College Reviewer for CUR Posters on the Hill (2014, Physics Division and 2015 Engineering Division)Abstract and Paper Reviewer for ASEE National Conference (2014, 2018, 2019) Member of team selected for 2011 “Programs that Work” for Inquiry Approaches to STEM: Professional Development from the Virginia Mathematics and Science Coalition2010 State Council of Higher Education of Virginia, Outstanding Faculty Award- FinalistSweet Briar engineering program awarded Richmond Joint Engineers’ Council (RJEC) award for outstanding achievement in advancing the study and practice of engineering for the development of the program and the success of its first graduatesElected Councilor for CUR (Council on Undergraduate Research) Division of Physics and Astronomy, 2007- 2013, member of CUR finance committee 2005-2008Physics and Astronomy Editor and article reviewer for CUR Quarterly 2008-2013Selected member of Project Kaleidoscope (PKAL) Faculty for the 21st Century class of 2004Selected PresentationsInitial fabrication of optical waveguide structures using laser engraving and layer-by-layer self-assembly, Griselda Vasquez Ramirez, Maggie Groetsch, Kaelyn Leake and Hank Yochum, Mid-Atlantic Conference on Undergraduate Scholarship, Oct. 2019Automated Process for Fabricating Patterned Layer-by-Layer Structures, Rylee Runyon, Lacey Tucker, Mid-Atlantic Conference on Undergraduate Scholarship, Oct. 2018 Design and build a low cost of an automated system to fabricate polymer thin films, Rylee Runyon, Clara Rogers, Kaelyn Leake, and Hank Yochum, Mid-Atlantic Conference on Undergraduate Scholarship, Oct. 2017 Assessing a low cost automated system to fabricate polymer thin films, Clara Rogers, Rylee Runyon, Kaelyn Leake, and Hank Yochum, Mid-Atlantic Conference on Undergraduate Scholarship, Oct. 2017 Developing a Technique to Fabricate Three-Dimensional Layer by Layer Polymer Structures, Katy Drews, Mid-Atlantic Conference on Undergraduate Scholarship, Oct. 2015 Engaging women with engineering- experiences with high school and college students, TechEdge 2014, Region 2000 Technology Council, Lynchburg, VA, Oct. 2014Identifying Quality Inquiry-Based STEM Lessons, Jill Granger, Arlene Vinion-Dubiel, and Hank Yochum, Virginia Association of Science Teachers, Nov. 2013.Central Virginia collaborative for developing STEM lessons to improve learning in grades 4 and 5, J. Granger, H. Yochum, A. Vinion-Dubiel, and J. Alouf, Virginia Science Education Leadership Association Meeting, Nov. 2012.Economical Communication Device for Persons with Disabilities, A. Kapraun, K. Heaton and J. Prosise, M. Haslow-Hall, E. Wilson, L. Koslow, H. Yochum, and S. Pierce, 2012 Design of Medical Devices Conference, University of Minnesota, April 2012Assessing Inquiry in STEM Lessons: Use of lesson plan analysis to determine the impacts of a teacher professional development program,?Jill Nelson Granger, Jim Alouf, Tim Loboschefski, Arlene Vinion-Dubiel, Hank Yochum, Deborah Herrington and Ellen Yezierski, Gordon Conference on Chemistry Education Research and Practice, June 26 - July 1, 2011Panelist, Lockheed-Martin Women in Engineering Day, Manassas, VA, 2008-2010Integrating Meaningful Engineering Design and the Liberal Arts – Providing Solutions for Disabled Workers in Central Virginia, H.M. Yochum and S. Pierce, Symposium on Engineering and Liberal Education, Union College, Schenectady, NY, June 2009Enhancement of Nanostructured Electrochromic Devices Using Metal Nanoparticles, Ashley J. Figueiredo, Hank M. Yochum, Vaibhav Jain, American Chemical Society Section Meeting, Charlottesville, VA, 2008Professional Society MembershipsAmerican Association of Engineering Education (ASEE)Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)American Physical Society (APS)Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR)Selected PressQuoted in: News and Advance, Sweet Briar College to host environmental science weekend, September 2016WMRA, Can An All-Women's College Education Survive? March 2016WSLS, Sweet Briar College named affiliate of nationwide diversity initiative, January 2016Roanoke Times, Sweet Briar engineering program to continue, July 2015Virginia Business, Wyllies' donation helps engineering program at Sweet Briar, May 2010EXCHANGE Licensure, National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying, Women’s colleges provide new paths to the engineering profession, February 2008 ................

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