GCE Getting Started


Edexcel AS and A Level

in History

Scheme of work



This document provides a sample scheme of work for Route F: Searching for rights and freedoms in the twentieth century that should be adapted by centres to fit their timetabling and staffing arrangements. It is meant as an example approach only and is not intended to be prescriptive.

For the purposes of this scheme of work, it has been assumed that the centre is teaching Paper 1 at the start of the course and then Paper 2. The scheme assumes 32 teaching weeks in each year to allow for time taken by other events. As Paper 3 is worth 30% of the A level (60% of AS) it has been allocated proportionally more of the teaching time, running from week 1 to halfway through week 19. Paper 2 – 20% of A level (40% of AS) – runs from week 19 to week 32. The separate Course planner document provides a range of examples of delivery options that can be used for planning alongside this document.

Paper 1 In search of the American Dream: the USA, 1917–96

Two possible approaches to delivering Paper 1 are given below. The first approach is thematic (page 3) and follows the order in which the content is set out in the specification. The second approach (page 11) has the content arranged mainly chronologically, with time at the end to revisit and consolidate the themes.

Paper 2

The schemes of work for the two Paper 2 options in this route then follow, so that centres can select the one they have chosen.

2F.1: India c1914–48: the road to independence: page 20

2F.2: South Africa, 1948–94: from apartheid state to ‘rainbow nation’: page 25

Suggested resources

The resources column suggests existing resources for these topics. A fuller list of resources is provided in the separate Route F topic booklet. As new resources for this specification are published, this scheme of work will be updated.

Paper 1: In search of the American Dream: the USA, 1917–96: Thematic approach

This approach works through the specification content theme by theme. The chronology is to some extent reinforced and repeated through the succeeding themes.

|Week |Paper/theme |Content |Suggested resources |

|1 |Introductions |Introduction to the course. |Route overview and Paper 1 topic overview in Route F topic booklet. |

| | |Introduction to Paper 1 and Paper 2: reasons for studying those two topics. |David Mauk and John Oakland, American Civilization Sixth Edition (Routledge, 2014). |

| | |Background/context to thematic link and background to Paper 1 topic. |Chapter 1. |

| | | |Peter Clements, Prosperity, Depression and the New Deal Third Edition (Hodder |

| | | |Education, 2005). Chapter 1. |

| | | |Selected background reading from: Hugh Brogan, The Penguin History of the United |

| | | |States of America (Penguin, 2001) |

| | | |‘The Men who built America’: |

| | | |images/media/pdf/Men%20Who%20Built%20America.pdf |

|2 |Theme 1: the changing |A changing presidency: |Doug and Susan Willoughby, The USA 1917–45 (Heinemann, 2000). AS Chapter 1. |

| |political environment, |the rise and decline of Republicanism to 1933 |Derrick Murphy, Kathryn Cooper and Mark Waldron, The United States 1776–1992 |

| |1917–80 |the influence of Roosevelt. |(Collins, 2001). Chapters 5 and 6. |

| | | |Peter Clements, Prosperity, Depression and the New Deal Third Edition (Hodder |

| | | |Education, 2005. Chapters 2, 3, 5 and 6. |

| | | |VIDEO CLIPS: |

| | | |People’s Century episode 7 Breadline, BBC (1995). |

| | | |American Experience: FDR PBS (1994) |

| | | |The March of the Bonus Army PBS (2006) |

| | | |FDR: A Presidency Revealed PBS (2005) |

|3 |Theme 1 |A changing presidency: |Doug and Susan Willoughby, The USA 1917–45 (Heinemann, 2000). AS Chapter 8. |

| | |changing styles of presidential leadership, 1945–72 |Derrick Murphy, Kathryn Cooper and Mark Waldron, The United States 1776–1992 |

| | |a decline in confidence, 1968–80. |(Collins, 2001). Chapters 11 and 12. |

| | | | |

| | | |Doug and Susan Willoughby, The USA 1917–45 (Heinemann, 2000). AS Chapter 7. |

| | |Influences on the political landscape: |Derrick Murphy, Kathryn Cooper and Mark Waldron, The United States 1776–1992 |

| | |from rugged individualism to New Deal ideas in the 1920s and 1930s. |(Collins, 2001). Chapter 6. |

| | | |Peter Clements, Prosperity Depression and the New Deal Third Edition (Hodder |

| | | |Education, 2005). Chapters 6 and 7. |

| | | |VIDEO: The Great Depression: Episode 1 A Job at Ford’s PBS (1993). |

|4 |Theme 1 |Influences on the political landscape: |Doug and Susan Willoughby, The USA 1917–45 (Heinemann, 2000). AS Chapter 5. |

| | |the Red Scares and anti-communism, 1917–80 |Derrick Murphy, Kathryn Cooper and Mark Waldron, The United States 1776–1992 |

| | |liberalism, counter-culture and the conservative reaction, c1960–80. |(Collins, 2001). Chapter 5. |

| | |The impact of war on domestic politics: |Peter Clements, Prosperity Depression and the New Deal Third Edition (Hodder |

| | |the reasons for a return to ‘normalcy’ and a commitment to isolationism, 1917–41. |Education, 2005). Chapters 2 and 3. |

| | | |FILM: The Woman on Pier 13 (1950). |

| | | |VIDEO: People’s Century episode 21 New Release, BBC (1995). |

|5 |Theme 1 |The impact of war on domestic politics (cont.): |Robert J McMahon, The Cold War: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford University Press, |

| | |US emergence as a Cold War superpower from 1941 |2003). Chapter 2. |

| | |the impact of involvement in Korea and Vietnam. |James T Patterson, Grand Expectations, the United States 1945–1974 (Oxford University|

| | | |Press, 1996). Chapters 8, 13 and 20. |

| | | | |

| | |Black American civil rights, c1917–55: |Simon Hall, Peace and Freedom: The Civil Rights and Antiwar Movements in 1960s |

| |Theme 2: The quest for |life in the South and the impact of northern migration, 1917–32. |(University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006). Introduction. |

| |civil rights, 1917–80 | |VIDEO: People’s Century episode 12 Brave New World, BBC (1995). |

| | | |Robin Bunce and Laura Gallagher, Pursuing Life and Liberty in the USA 1945–1968 |

| | | |(Pearson, 2000). 1.1. |

| | | |Doug and Susan Willoughby, The USA 1917–45, (Heinemann, 2000). AS Chapter 5. |

| | | |Derrick Murphy, Kathryn Cooper and Mark Waldron, The United States 1776–1992 |

| | | |(Collins, 2001). Chapter 10. |

| | | |Vivienne Sanders, Civil Rights in the USA, 1945–1968 (Hodder Education, 2008). |

| | | |Chapter 2. |

| | | |David Paterson, Doug and Susan Willoughby, Civil Rights in the USA 1863–1980 |

| | | |(Heinemann, 2001). AS 3 and 4. |

| | | |VIDEO: People’s Century episode 21 New Release, BBC (1995). |

|6 |Theme 2 |Black American civil rights, c1945–55 (cont.): |Robin Bunce and Laura Gallagher, Pursuing Life and Liberty in the USA 1945–1968 |

| | |the impact of the New Deal, the Second World War and the Truman presidency |(Pearson, 2009). Section 1. |

| | |from legal challenge to direct action, 1917–55. |Vivienne Sanders, Civil Rights in the USA, 1945–1968 (Hodder Education, 2008). |

| | |Black American civil rights, c1955–1980: |Chapter 3. |

| | |changing patterns and approaches, 1955–68, including southern-based campaigning. |David Paterson, Doug and Susan Willoughby, Civil Rights in the USA 1863–1980 |

| | | |(Heinemann, 2001). AS Chapter 6. |

| | | |William T Martin Riches, The Civil Rights Movement, Struggle and Resistance (Palgrave|

| | | |Macmillan, third edition, 2010). |

| | | |VIDEO: Eyes on the Prize Seasons 1 and 2. |

|7 |Theme 2 |Black American civil rights, c1955–80: |Hugh Brogan, The Penguin History of the United States of America (Penguin, 2001). |

| | |changing patterns and approaches, 1955–68, including the emergence of Black Power and|Pages 634–65. |

| | |King’s northern strategy |Derrick Murphy, Kathryn Cooper and Mark Waldron, The United States 1776–1992 |

| | |the impact of civil rights legislation: achievements and limits to success, 1955–80. |(Collins, 2001). Chapter 5. |

| | | |Robin Bunce and Laura Gallagher, Pursuing Life and Liberty in the USA 1945–1968 |

| | | |(Pearson, 2009. Sections 2 and 3. |

| | | |Vivienne Sanders, Civil Rights in the USA, 1945–1968 (Hodder Education, 2008). |

| | | |Chapters 3, 4 and 5. |

| | | |David Paterson, Doug and Susan Willoughby, Civil Rights in the USA 1863–1980 |

| | | |(Heinemann, 2001). AS chapters 7–12. |

| | | |PBS web documentaries: |

| | | |black-culture/explore/civil-rights-movement/#.U7aU8k1fdD8 |

| | | |FILM: The Black Power Mixtape 1967–1975 (2011). |

| | | |VIDEO: Eyes on the Prize Seasons 1 and 2. |

|8 |Theme 2 |The search for minority rights, 1960–80: |David Mauk and John Oakland, American Civilization Sixth Edition (Routledge, 2014). |

| | |the reasons for, and nature of, Native American and Hispanic American campaigns |Chapter 4. |

| | |the emergence of the gay rights movement |Robin Bunce and Laura Gallagher, Pursuing Life and Liberty in the USA 1945–1968 |

| | |achievements, and limits to success, of minority campaigns. |(Pearson, 2009). Section 4. |

| | | |Vivienne Sanders, Civil Rights in the USA, 1945–1968 (Hodder Education, 2008). |

| | | |Chapter 7, pages 156–162. |

| 9 |Theme 3: Society and |The changing position of women, 1917–80: |Maldwyn A Jones, The Limits of Liberty (Oxford University Press, 1995) pages 584–56. |

| |culture in change, 1917–80 |impact of the Roaring Twenties, Great Depression and New Deal on women |Robin Bunce and Laura Gallagher, Pursuing Life and Liberty in the USA 1945–1968 |

| | |impact of the Second World War and suburban life, 1941–60 |(Pearson, 2009). 4.18. |

| | |emergence of the women’s liberation movement, its achievements and limits to |Doug and Susan Willoughby, The USA 1917–45, (Heinemann, 2000). A2 Chapter 5. |

| | |advancement, 1961–80. |FILM: It (1927) starring Clara Bow. |

| | | |FILM: The Wild Party (1929) starring Clara Bow. |

|10 |Theme 3 |The impact of immigration, 1917–80: |Maldwyn A Jones, The Limits of Liberty (Oxford University Press, 1995) pages 573–81. |

| | |the nature of, and response to, immigration in the 1920s |James T Patterson, Grand Expectations, the United States 1945–1974 (Oxford University|

| | |impact on urban life, 1919–41 |Press, 1996). Chapters 11, 12, 19. |

| | |the impact of the Second World War, government policy and its consequences, 1941–80. |Doug and Susan Willoughby, The USA 1917–45, (Heinemann, 2000). AS Chapter 5. |

|11 |Theme 3 |The impact of immigration, 1917–80 (cont.) |Maldwyn A Jones, The Limits of Liberty (Oxford University Press, 1995) pages 439–51. |

| | |The influence of popular culture and the news media: |Robin Bunce and Laura Gallagher, Pursuing Life and Liberty in the USA 1945–1968 |

| | |the social impact of cinema, popular music and radio, 1917–45. |(Pearson 2009) Section 4.17. |

| | | |Doug and Susan Willoughby, The USA 1917–45 (Heinemann, 2000). AS Chapters 4 and 5. |

|12 |Theme 3 |The influence of popular culture and the news media (cont.): |David E Kyvig, Daily life in the United States, 1920–1939 (Greenwood, 2002). Chapters|

| |Theme 4: The changing |the social impact of television from the 1950s |4 and 5. |

| |quality of life, 1917–80 |the influence of broadcast news, 1920–80. |Stephen J Whitfield, The Culture of the Cold War (1996) Chapter 7. |

| | |The economic environment: |Eric Rauchway, The Great Depression and the New Deal: A Very Short Introduction |

| | |boom, bust and recovery, 1917–41. |(Oxford University Press, 2008). Chapter 3. |

| | | |Doug and Susan Willoughby, The USA 1917–45, (Heinemann, 2000). AS Chapters 4 and 7. |

| | | |FILM: The Crowd (1928) |

|13 |Theme 4 |The economic environment (cont.): |James T Patterson, Grand Expectations, the United States 1945–1974 (Oxford University|

| | |the impact of the Second World War |Press, 1996). Chapters 11–12. |

| | |post-war affluence and growth, 1941–69 |David E Kyvig, Daily life in the United States, 1920–1939 (Greenwood, 2002). Chapters|

| | |the challenges of the 1970s. |6 and 7. |

| | | |Doug and Susan Willoughby, The USA 1917–45 (Heinemann, 2000). AS Chapters 3, 7 and A2|

| | | |Chapter 7. |

| | | |Eric Rauchway, The Great Depression and the New Deal: A Very Short Introduction |

| | | |(Oxford University Press, 2008). Chapter 3. |

| | | |FILM: The Roaring Twenties (1939) |

|14 |Theme 4 |Changing living standards: | |

| | |fluctuations in the standard of living, 1917–41 | |

| | |the impact of the Second World War and the growth of the consumer society, 1941–60 | |

| | |the impact of anti-poverty policies and economic divisions, 1961–80. | |

|15 |Theme 4 |Leisure and travel: |Harvey Green, The Uncertainty of Everyday Life 1915–1945 (University of Arkansas |

| | |the reasons for, and the impact of, increased leisure time, 1917–80 |Press, 1992). Chapter 6. |

| | |the growth of spectator sports |Michael Harrington, The Other America: Poverty in the United States (Penguin, 1997). |

| | |the development, and influence, of a car-owning culture and improved air travel. |Chapter 9 and Afterword. |

| | | |Beth Bailey and David Farber, America in the Seventies (University Press of Kansas, |

| | | |2004). Chapter 9. |

| | | |Richard O Davies, Sports in American Life: A History (Wiley, 2011). Preface. |

| | | |FILM: The Crowd (1928) |

|16 |Historical interpretations:|The effect of Reagan’s economic policies. |Maldwyn A Jones, The Limits of Liberty (Oxford University Press, 1995). Chapter 29. |

| |what impact did the Reagan | |David Reynolds, American, Empire of Liberty: A New History (Penguin, 2009). Chapter |

| |presidency (1981–89) have | |17. |

| |on the USA in the years | |Lewis L Gould, The Modern American Presidency (University Press of Kansas, 2003), |

| |1981–86? | |Chapter 9. |

| | | |Sean Wilentz, The Age of Reagan A History, 1974–2008 (Harper Collins, 2008). Chapter |

| | | |7. |

| | | |W Elliot Brownlee and Hugh Davis Graham, The Reagan Presidency (University Press of |

| | | |Kansas, 2003). Part I and III. |

| | | |John Ehrman and Michael W. Flamm, Debating the Reagan Presidency (Rowman and |

| | | |Littlefield, 2009). |

| | | |Derrick Murphy, Kathryn Cooper and Mark Waldron, The United States 1776–1992 |

| | | |(Collins, 2001). Chapter 12. |

|17 |Historical interpretations |The extent to which ‘big government’ was reduced. | |

|18 |Historical interpretations |The nature and extent of the social change. | |

|19[half] |Historical interpretations |The extent to which the presidency and US politics were revitalised. | |

Paper 1: In search of the American Dream: the USA, 1917–96: Chronological approach

This approach allows you to cover the chronological focus of the Paper and then drawing ideas together in four discrete theme weeks afterwards.

|Week |Period/dates |Content |Suggested resources |

|1 |Introductions |Introduction to the course. |Route overview and Paper 1 topic overview from Route F topic booklet. |

| | |Introduction to Paper 1 and Paper 2 – reasons for studying those two topics |Selected background reading from: |

| | |Background/context to thematic link and background to Paper 1 topic |Hugh Brogan, The Penguin History of the United States of America (Penguin, |

| | | |2001). |

| | | |David Mauk and John Oakland, American Civilization (Routledge, sixth edition,|

| | | |2014). Chapter 1. |

| | | |Peter Clements, Prosperity Depression and the New Deal (Hodder Education, |

| | | |third edition, 2005). Chapter 1. |

| | | | |

| | | |‘The Men who built America’: |

| | | |images/media/pdf/Men%20Who%20Built%20America.pdf |

|2 |1917–1941 |The rise and decline of Republicanism to 1933 (1) |Doug and Susan Willoughby, The USA 1917–45, (Heinemann, 2000). AS Chapter 1. |

| | |The nature of, and response to, immigration in the 1920s (3) |Derrick Murphy, Kathryn Cooper and Mark Waldron, The United States 1776–1992 |

| | |The influence of Roosevelt (1) |(Collins, 2001). Chapters 5 and 6. |

| | |The reasons for a return to ‘normalcy’ and a commitment to isolationism, 1917–41 (1) |Peter Clements, Prosperity Depression and the New Deal (Hodder Education, |

| | | |third edition, 2005). Chapters 2 and 3. |

| | | |Maldwyn A. Jones, The Limits of Liberty (Oxford University Press, 1995). |

| | | |Chapter 22. |

| | | |Doug and Susan Willoughby, The USA 1917–45, (Heinemann, 2000). AS Chapters 2 |

| | | |and 8. |

| | | | |

| | | |VIDEO CLIPS: |

| | | |People’s Century episode 7 Breadline, BBC (1995) |

| | | |American Experience: FDR PBS (1994) |

| | | |The March of the Bonus Army PBS (2006) |

| | | |FDR: A Presidency Revealed PBS (2005) |

|3 |1917–1941 |Life in the South and the impact of northern migration, 1917–32 (2) |Harvey Green, The Uncertainty of Everyday Life 1915–1945 (University of |

| | |Fluctuations in the standard of living, 1917–41 (4) |Arkansas Press, 1992). Chapter 6. |

| | |The social impact of cinema, popular music and radio, 1917–45 (3) |David Reynolds, American, Empire of Liberty: A New History (Penguin, 2009) |

| | |The influence of broadcast news, 1920–80 |pages 321–334. |

| | |Black American civil rights: from legal challenge to direct action, 1917–55 (2) |David E Kyvig, Daily life in the United States, 1920–1939 (Greenwood, 2002). |

| | | |Chapters 4 and 5. |

| | | |Doug and Susan Willoughby, The USA 1917–45, (Heinemann, 2000). AS Chapters 4 |

| | | |and 5. |

| | | |Peter Clements, Prosperity Depression and the New Deal (Hodder Education, |

| | | |2005). Chapter 2. |

| | | |Robin Bunce and Laura Gallagher, Pursuing Life and Liberty in the USA |

| | | |1945–1968 (Pearson, 2006). Section 1. |

| | | |FILM: The Crowd (1928) |

|4 |1917–1941 |Impact of the Roaring Twenties, Great Depression and New Deal on women (3) |Maldwyn A Jones, The Limits of Liberty (Oxford University Press, 1995). |

| | |From rugged individualism to New Deal ideas in the 1920s and 1930s (1) |Chapter 23. |

| | |Boom, bust and recovery, 1917–41 (4) |David E Kyvig, Daily life in the United States, 1920–1939 (Greenwood, 2002). |

| | |The impact of the New Deal, Second World War and the Truman presidency |Chapters 10 and 11. |

| | | |Eric Rauchway, The Great Depression and the New Deal: A Very Short |

| | | |Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2008). Chapter 3. |

| | | |Doug and Susan Willoughby, The USA 1917–45, (Heinemann, 2000). A2 Chapter 5. |

| | | |VIDEO: People’s Century episode 7 Breadline, BBC (1995). |

| | | |VIDEO: The Great Depression: Episode 1 A Job at Ford’s PBS (1993). |

| | | |FILM: It (1927) starring Clara Bow |

| | | |FILM: The Wild Party (1929) starring Clara Bow |

|5 |1917–41 |Impact on urban life, 1919–41 |Robert J McMahon, The Cold War: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford University |

| |1941–1968 |Changing styles of presidential leadership, 1945–72 (1) |Press, 2003) Chapter 2. |

| | |US emergence as a Cold War superpower from 1941 (1) |Derrick Murphy, Kathryn Cooper and Mark Waldron, The United States 1776–1992 |

| | |Impact of the Second World War and suburban life, 1941–60 (3) |(Collins, 2001). Chapters 11 and 12. |

| | |The social impact of television from the 1950s | |

|6 |1941–1968 |Post-war affluence and growth, 1941–69 (4) |James T Patterson, Grand Expectations, the United States 1945–1974 (Oxford |

| | |The impact of the Second World War and the growth of a consumer society, 1941–60 (4) |University Press, 1996). Chapters 11–12. |

| | |Changing patterns and approaches, 1955–68, including Southern-based campaigning |Doug and Susan Willoughby, The USA 1917–45, (Heinemann, 2000). AS Chapters 3,|

| | | |7 and A2 Chapter 7. |

| | | |Derrick Murphy, Kathryn Cooper and Mark Waldron, The United States 1776–1992 |

| | | |(Collins, 2001). Chapter 10. |

| | | |Vivienne Sanders, Civil Rights in the USA, 1945–1968, (Hodder Education, |

| | | |2008). Chapter 2. |

| | | |David Paterson, Doug and Susan Willoughby, Civil Rights in the USA 1863–1980 |

| | | |(Heinemann, 2001). AS Chapters 7–10. |

| | | |Robin Bunce and Laura Gallagher, Pursuing Life and Liberty in the USA |

| | | |1945–1968 (Pearson, 2009). Section 2. |

| | | | |

| | | |VIDEO: People’s Century episode 21 New Release, BBC (1995). |

| | | |VIDEO: Eyes on the Prize Seasons 1 and 2. |

|7 |1941–68 |The emergence of Black Power (2) |Hugh Brogan, The Penguin History of the United States of America (Penguin, |

| | |King’s northern strategy (2) |2001). Pages 634–665. |

| | |The impact of the Second World War, government policy and its consequences, 1941–80 (3) |Derrick Murphy, Kathryn Cooper and Mark Waldron, The United States 1776–1992 |

| | |The Red Scares and anti-communism, 1917–80 (1) |(Collins, 2001). Chapter 5. |

| | | |Vivienne Sanders, Civil Rights in the USA, 1945–1968 (Hodder Education, |

| | | |2008). Chapters 3, 4 and 5. |

| | | |David Paterson, Doug and Susan Willoughby, Civil Rights in the USA 1863–1980 |

| | | |(Heinemann, 2001). AS Chapter 11. |

| | | |Robin Bunce and Laura Gallagher, Pursuing Life and Liberty in the USA |

| | | |1945–1968 (2006). Section 3. |

| | | |William T Martin Riches, The Civil Rights Movement, Struggle and Resistance |

| | | |Third Edition (2010) Chapters 4 and 5. |

| | | |VIDEO: Eyes on the Prize Seasons 1 and 2. |

|8 |1941–68 |The impact of involvement in Korea and Vietnam (1) |Robert J McMahon, The Cold War: A Very Short Introduction (2003). Chapter 3. |

| |1968–80 |The impact of civil rights legislation: achievements and limits to success, 1955–80 (2) |David Mauk and John Oakland, American Civilization (Routledge, sixth edition,|

| | |The search for minority rights, 1960–80: |2014). Chapter 4. |

| | |the reasons for, and nature of, Native American and hispanic American campaigns |Robin Bunce and Laura Gallagher, Pursuing Life and Liberty in the USA |

| | |the emergence of the gay rights movement. |1945–1968 (Pearson, 2009) Section 4. |

| | | |VIDEO: People’s Century episode 12 Brave New World, BBC (1995). |

| | | |Vivienne Sanders, Civil Rights in the USA, 1945–1968 (Hodder Education, |

| | | |2008). Chapter 7 pages 156–162. |

| | | |David Paterson, Doug and Susan Willoughby, Civil Rights in the USA 1863–1980 |

| | | |(Heinemann, 2001). AS Chapter 12. |

|9 |1968–1980 |Achievements, and limits to success, of minority campaigns (2) | |

| | |Liberalism, counter-culture and the conservative reaction, c1960–80 (1) | |

| | |Emergence of the women’s liberation movement, its achievements and limits to advancement, | |

| | |1961–80 (3) | |

|10 |1968–1980 |A decline in confidence, 1968–80 (1) |Maldwyn A Jones, The Limits of Liberty (Oxford University Press, 1995). |

| | |The challenges of the 1970s (4) |Chapter 27. |

| | |The impact of anti-poverty policies and economic divisions, 1961–80 (4) |Derrick Murphy, Kathryn Cooper and Mark Waldron, The United States 1776–1992 |

| | | |(Collins, 2001). Chapters 11–12. |

|11 |1968–1980 |Leisure and travel: |Beth Bailey and David Farber, America in the Seventies (2004). Chapter 9. |

| | |the reasons for, and the impact of, increased leisure time, 1917–80 |Richard O Davies, Sports in American Life: A History (Wiley, 2011). Preface. |

| | |the growth of spectator sports |Maldwyn A Jones, The Limits of Liberty (Oxford University Press, 1995). |

| | |the development, and influence, of a car-owning culture and improved air travel. (4) |Chapter 28. |

| | | |FILM: The Crowd (1928) |

|12 |Theme 1 |Draw out issues relating to the changing political environment, 1917–80, including changing |Lewis L Gould, The Modern American Presidency (University Press of Kansas, |

| | |presidency, influences on the political landscape, the impact of war on domestic policies. |2003). |

| | | |Michael E Parrish, Anxious Decades America in Prosperity and Depression |

| | | |1920–1941 (Norton twentieth century America series, W W Norton, 1994). |

| | | |Doug and Susan Willoughby, The USA 1917–45, (Heinemann, 2000). |

| | | |Derrick Murphy, Kathryn Cooper and Mark Waldron, The United States 1776–1992 |

| | | |(Collins, 2001). |

| | | |Doug and Susan Willoughby, The USA 1917–45, (Heinemann, 2000). |

|13 |Theme 2 |Draw out issues relating to the quest for civil rights, 1917–80, including Black American civil |Kevern Verney, Black Civil Rights in America (Routledge, 2000). |

| | |rights, c1917–55 and c1955–80, and the search for minority rights. |Gary Gerstle, American Crucible: Race and Nation in the Twentieth Century |

| | | |(Princeton University Press, 2002). Chapters 4, 5 and 6. |

| | | |Vivienne Sanders, Civil Rights in the USA, 1945–1968 (Hodder Education, |

| | | |2008). |

| | | |Robin Bunce and Laura Gallagher, Pursuing Life and Liberty in the USA |

| | | |1945–1968 (Pearson, 2009). |

| | | | |

| | | |VIDEO: Eyes on the Prize Seasons 1 and 2. |

|14 |Theme 3 |Draw out issues relating to society and culture in change, 1917–80, including the changing |Douglas Field, American Cold War Culture (Edinburgh University Press, 2005). |

| | |position of women, the impact of immigration and the influence of popular culture and news |Maldwyn A Jones, The Limits of Liberty (Oxford University Press, 1995). |

| | |media. |Michael E Parrish, Anxious Decades: America in Prosperity and Depression |

| | | |1920–1941 (Norton twentieth century America series, W W Norton 1994). |

| | | |David Mauk and John Oakland, American Civilization (Routledge, sixth edition,|

| | | |2014). |

| | | |Doug and Susan Willoughby, The USA 1917–45, (Heinemann, 2000). |

|15 |Theme 4 |Draw out issues relating to the changing quality of life, 1917–80, including the economic | |

| | |environment, changing living standards and leisure and travel. | |

|16 |Historical |The effect of Reagan’s economic policies |Maldwyn A Jones, The Limits of Liberty (Oxford University Press, 1995). |

| |interpretations | |Chapter 29. |

| | | |David Reynolds, American, Empire of Liberty (Penguin, 2009). Chapter 17. |

| | | |Lewis L Gould, The Modern American Presidency (University Press of Kansas, |

| | | |2003). Chapter 9. |

| | | |Sean Wilentz, The Age of Reagan (Harper Collins, 2008). Chapter 7. |

| | | |W Elliot Brownlee and Hugh Davis Graham, The Reagan Presidency (University |

| | | |Press of Kansas, 2003). Part I and III. |

| | | |John Ehrman and Michael W. Flamm, Debating the Reagan Presidency (Rowman and |

| | | |Littlefield, 2009). |

| | | |Derrick Murphy, Kathryn Cooper and Mark Waldron, The United States 1776–1992 |

| | | |(Collins, 2001). Chapter 12. |

|17 |Historical |The extent to which ‘big government’ was reduced | |

| |interpretations | | |

|18 |Historical |The nature and extent of the social change | |

| |interpretations | | |

|19 [half] |Historical |The extent to which the presidency and US politics were revitalised | |

| |interpretations | | |

Paper 2, 2F.1: India c1914–48: the road to independence

The scheme of work for India is approached in a broadly chronological manner.

|Week | |Content |Suggested resources |

|19 [half] |Introduction |Introduction to topic and background context. |Rees, Leadbeater and Copland can be used for all topics|

| | |e.g. The creation of the Raj; Victoria as Empress of India; the creation of nationalist organisations – the|in this scheme of work and will not be referenced |

| | |INC and the Muslim League. |separately: |

| | | |Ian Copland, India 1885–1947: The Unmaking of an Empire|

| | | |(Routledge, 2001). |

| | | |Tim Leadbeater, Britain and India 1845–1947 (Hodder, |

| | | |2008). |

| | | |Rosemary Rees, Britain and the Nationalist Challenge in|

| | | |India 1900–47 (Pearson, 2010) |

| | | | |

| | | |Charles Allen, Plain Tales From The Raj: Images of |

| | | |British India in the 20th Century (Abacus, 2000). |

| | | |India in 1914, Historical Association |

| | | |‘Case study: British rule in India’ – National Archives|

| | | |website |

| | | |The Empire in Colour |

| | | |The Thirties in Colour |

|20 |Topic 1: |India in 1914: |Charles Allen, Plain Tales From The Raj: Images of |

| |The First World War and its |Indian society and religion |British India in the 20th Century (Abacus, 2000). |

| |impact on British India, |The importance of India to Britain |‘India’s Wildest Dream’, History Today. |

| |1914–20 |British and Indian attitudes towards each other. | |

| | |Suggested activity: use of sources to establish the nature of British and Indian attitudes towards each | |

| | |other | |

| | | | |

| | |India and the First World War: | |

| | |response to the outbreak of war | |

| | |Indian military and economic contribution | |

| | |economic in India and its consequences for British rule. | |

|21 |Topic 1 |The growth of nationalism: |FILM: Gandhi (1982) |

| | |The Indian National Congress and emergence of Gandhi | |

| | |the Lucknow Pact and role of Jinnah | |

| | |Home Rule Leagues. | |

| | |Effects of war on British rule: | |

| | |The Montagu Declaration | |

| | |The Rowlatt Acts. | |

|22 |Topic 1 |Effects of war on British rule (cont.): |FILM: Gandhi (1982) |

| | |The Montagu-Chelmsford Report and the Government of India Act | |

| | |The Amritsar massacre and political aftermath. | |

| | |Suggested activity: use of sources regarding Amritsar and the Hunter Committee | |

|23 |Topic 2: |Gandhi and civil disobedience, 1920–22: |‘Gandhi, non-violence and Indian independence’, History|

| |Changing political |Gandhi’s aims and beliefs |Review, volume 11. |

| |relationships,1920–30 |the non-cooperation campaign of 1920–22 |FILM: Gandhi (1982) |

| | |significance of his imprisonment | |

| | |Congress reorganised, 1922–30: | |

| | |the ‘young hooligans’ | |

| | |Suggested activity: use of sources to establish Gandhi’s views | |

|24 |Topic 2 |British response: |FILM: Gandhi (1982) |

| | |reasons for and reception of the Simon Commission | |

| | |the Labour government and the significance of the Irwin Declaration. | |

| | |Congress reorganised, 1922–30 (cont.) | |

| | |The Nehru Report | |

| | |The Lahore Congress and purna swaraj | |

| | |The salt satyagraha and consequences of civil disobedience. | |

|25 |Topic 2 |The Muslim league: | |

| | |Jinnah’s beliefs and aims | |

| | |The breakdown of relations with Congress | |

| | |The Khilafat movement | |

| | |re-emergence of Muslim values | |

| | |the concept of separateness | |

| | |breakdown of relations with Congress | |

| | |Jinnah’s beliefs and aims; the | |

| | |significance of failed attempts to reunite with Congress. | |

| | |Suggested activity: essay with focus on change and continuity in the 1920s | |

|26 |Topic 3: |Failure of the Round Table Conferences, 1930–32: |Gandhi at the Second Round Table Conference – British |

| |Consultation and confrontation,|The First, Second and Third Conference. |Pathe News |

| |1930–42 |Suggested activity: sources to examine the reasons for failure of the Round Table Conferences |FILM: Gandhi (1982) |

| | |Political developments, 1932–35: | |

| | |The Communal Award and Gandhi’s response | |

| | |The Yeravda Pact. | |

|27 |Topic 3 |Government of India Act and its impact, 1935–39: |‘Case study 3: the end of British rule in India’ |

| | |partial implementation |National Archives |

| | |nationalist response | |

| | |outcome of the 1937 elections | |

| | |rejuvenation of the Muslim League | |

| | |divisions within Congress | |

| | |attitudes towards the British Raj. | |

| | |Suggested activity: essay on how close India was to independence at this time | |

|28 |Topic 3 |Reaction to the outbreak of the Second World War: |India and the British war effort 1939–45, Historical |

| | |the Lahore Resolution |Association |

| | |nationalist reaction to the August Offer Bose and the Axis Powers. |Case study: the Road to Partition 1939–47 – National |

| | |Suggested activity: change and continuity in British policy towards independence |Archives |

|29 |Topic 4: |Impact of the Second World War on Indian politics: |Sir Stafford Cripps in India – British Pathe News FILM:|

| |The road to independence, |threat of invasion |Gandhi (1982) |

| |1942–48 |The Cripps Mission | |

| | |The ‘Quit India Campaign’ and its repercussions | |

| | |Wavell’s appointment as Viceroy | |

| | |the Bengal Famine | |

| | |the failure of the Simla Conference 1945. | |

|30 |Topic 4 |The changing relationship between Britain and India, 1942–45: |Alex von Tunzelmann, Indian Summer: The Secret History |

| | |impact of war on British rule and Indian nationalism |of the End of an Empire (Pocket Books, 2008). |

| | |the Labour government’s Indian policy |Stanley Wolpert, Shameful Flight: The Last Years of the|

| | |Attempts at political settlement, 1945–46:the impact of Indian elections |British Empire in India (Oxford University Press, |

| | |failure of the Cabinet Mission |2009). |

| | |Direct Action | |

| | |Suggested activity: essay examining the reasons for Britain’s decision to grant independence | |

|31 |Topic 4 |Withdrawal, partition and independence, 1947–48: |The Day India Burned, BBC2 |

| | |Mountbatten and the decision to withdraw |Last Days of the Raj, Channel 4 |

| | |reasons for partition and the nationalist response |The Empire in Colour, ITV |

| | |The Boundary Commission | |

| | |British withdrawal and communal violence | |

| | |Suggested activity: sources considering the reasons for partition | |

|32 | |Review and consolidation | |

Paper 2, 2F.2: South Africa, 1948–94: from apartheid state to ‘rainbow nation’

The scheme of work for South Africa is approached in a broadly chronological manner.

|Week | |Content |Suggested resources |

|19 [half] |Introduction |Introduction to topic and background context |Route F topic booklet. |

| | | |Nancy L Clark, South Africa: The Rise and Fall of |

| |Topic 1: |Life in South Africa c1948: |Apartheid (Seminar Studies in History, Routledge 2011). |

| |The response to apartheid, |race, segregation and discrimination |Chapter 3. |

| |c1948–59 |urbanisation and industrialisation, including township life |W Beinart, Twentieth Century South Africa (Oxford |

| | |rural society. |University press, 2001). |

|20 |Topic 1 |Life in South Africa c1948 (cont.): |James Barber, South Africa in the Twentieth Century |

| | |Afrikaner culture and politics |(Blackwell, 1999). Part III. |

| | |the influence of Britain. |W Beinart, Twentieth Century South Africa (Oxford |

| | |Reasons for the National Party victory 1948, including the impact of the Second World War, the growth of |University Press, 2001) Chapter 6. |

| | |Afrikaner nationalism, and international pressures for change. |T Davenport and C Saunders, South Africa: A Modern |

| | | |History (Macmillan, 2000). Chapters 13 and 14. |

| | | |Saul Dubow, Apartheid, 1948–1994 (Oxford University |

| | | |Press, 2014). Chapters 1 and 2. |

| | | |Robert Ross, A Concise History of South Africa |

| | | |(Cambridge Concise Histories, Cambridge University |

| | | |Press, 2009). Chapter 5. |

| | | |Leonard Thompson & Lynn Berat, A History of South Africa|

| | | |(Yale University Press, 2014) Chapter 6. |

|21 |Topic 1 |Codifying and implementing apartheid, 1948–59: | |

| | |strengthening the National Party | |

| | |apartheid laws | |

| | |pass laws and education | |

| | |the Tomlinson Report and Bantustans | |

| | |political suppression and the Treason Trial. | |

| | | | |

| | |Suggested activity: source exercise on apartheid and education | |

|22 |Topic 1 |African nationalism, 1948–59: | |

| | |political opposition in 1948 | |

| | |the revival of the African National Congress (ANC) | |

| | |the Youth League and the Defiance Campaign | |

| | |rural resistance | |

| | |the Freedom Charter | |

| | |the Pan-Africanist Congress (PAC). | |

|23 |Topic 2: |Resistance to apartheid and government reaction, 1960–61: |James Barber, South Africa in the Twentieth Century |

| |Radicalisation of |peaceful protest |(Blackwell, 1999). Part IV. |

| |resistance and the |the Sharpeville Massacre and its significance |T Davenport & C Saunders, South Africa: A Modern History|

| |consolidation of National |the banning of political parties and the state of emergency. |(Macmillan, 2000). Chapter 15. |

| |Party power, 1960–68 | |Saul Dubow, Apartheid, 1948–1994 (Oxford University |

| | |Suggested activity: source exercise on Sharpeville |Press, 2014). Chapter 3. |

| | | | |

| | |Creating a republic, 1960–61: |Gary Baines, ‘South Africa: Remembering Sharpeville’ |

| | |Verwoerd’s aims |History Today (2010). |

| | |the significance of Macmillan’s ‘wind of change’ speech | |

| | |a republic established, 1960–61 | |

| | |leaving the Commonwealth. | |

|24 |Topic 2 |African nationalist radicalisation, 1961–68: | |

| | |moves to armed struggle | |

| | |the ANC and Umkhonto we Sizwe | |

| | |the PAC and Poqo | |

| | |the Rivonia Trial and significance for Nelson Mandela | |

| | |the impact of exile and imprisonment on the ANC and PAC. | |

|25 |Topic 2 |Strengthening ‘separate development’, 1961–68: | |

| | |economic recovery, including international investment | |

| | |developing the Bantustans | |

| | |diplomatic ties | |

| | |Vorster’s use of police powers and defence forces. | |

|26 |Topic 3: |Black Consciousness and the Soweto uprising: |T Davenport & C Saunders, South Africa: A Modern History|

| |Redefining resistance and |Steve Biko and the South African Students’ Organisation (SASO) |(Macmillan, 2000). Chapter 16. |

| |challenges to National |the mobilisation of school children |Leonard Thompson & Lynn Berat, A History of South Africa|

| |Party power, 1968–83 |the Soweto Uprising, its significance and suppression |(Yale University Press, 2014). Chapter 7. |

| | |the impact of the death of Steve Biko 1977. |FILM: Cry Freedom (1987) |

|27 |Topic 3 |The ANC re-strengthened: | |

| | |decline in the early 70s | |

| | |internal reorganisation and external legitimacy | |

| | |the role of Oliver Tambo | |

| | |the global anti-apartheid movement. | |

|28 |Topic 3 |Domestic challenges to National Party power, 1974–83, including political unrest, problems in the Bantustans,| |

| | |National Party division and scandal, economic pressures and the cost of defence commitments. | |

|29 |Topic 3 |External pressures on National Party power, 1974–83, including political change in southern Africa | |

| | |international condemnation and calls for economic sanctions, cultural and sporting boycotts. | |

| | | | |

| | |Suggested activity: source exercise on sporting boycotts | |

|30 |Topic 4 |Revolt in the townships, 1984–87: |T Davenport & C Saunders, South Africa: A Modern History|

| |The end of apartheid and |the United Democratic Front and grassroots organisation |(Macmillan, 2000). Chapter 17. |

| |the creation of the |protest strategies |Leonard Thompson & Lynn Berat, A History of South Africa|

| |‘rainbow nation’, 1984–94 |communal and government violence |(Yale University Press, 2014). Chapter 8. |

| | |government suppression. |FILM: Long Walk to Freedom (2013). |

| | | | |

| | |Reasons for Botha’s decision to negotiate, 1985–89, including the failure of Botha’s ‘total strategy’, | |

| | |economic problems and the impact of international isolation, the effect of the state of emergency. | |

|31 |Topic 4 |Negotiation and compromise, 1989–91: | |

| | |de Klerk’s new course | |

| | |the significance of Mandela’s release | |

| | |the unbanning of political parties | |

| | |the impact of unrest and violence | |

| | |the dismantling of apartheid | |

| | |CODESA 1991. | |

| | | | |

| | |Suggested activity: source exercise on de Klerk | |

|32 |Topic 4 |A new political settlement, 1992–94: | |

| | |CODESA negotiations | |

| | |nationalist divisions and communal violence | |

| | |constitutional agreement and elections | |

| | |the Government of National Unity | |

| | |international recognition. | |


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