Paper 4 Proposal post-word.docx

Student NameStreet AddressWetumpka, AL 36093July 25, 2018Rhea IngramAuburn University Montgomery7071 Senators DriveMontgomery, AL 36117Dear Dean Ingram:I am ____, a freshman student at Auburn University Montgomery. I found you on the AUM website’s People Finder app. I am writing you today because I would like to bring a matter to your attention. In Clement Hall, there is a hole in the wall of the women’s bathroom on the first floor. This is not only an extreme eyesore but could also pose an infestation problem as well as a fire hazard.I am proposing that the stairwells be opened for general use. To do this would require a minor physical adjustment. In the attached proposal, you will find my thoughts on how to make some adjustments that keep students and faculty safe from further complications.Thank you for considering my thoughts.Sincerely,Student NameIntroductionIt has recently come to my attention that there is a rather large hole in the wall in the first floor of the women’s restroom in Clement Hall. I personally use this bathroom quite frequently; however, I do not feel comfortable with the hole there. I believe there is a possibility of this hole having more than just a personal effect on me and could pose a serious problem to AUM in the long run. Fig 1: hole in the wall located in first floor women’s bathroom in clement hall.Background and HistoryPreviously known as the business building, Clement Hall was named after Tom F. Clement, an AUM graduate of 1997.Clement Hall consists of fourteen classrooms and four labs and is still mostly business-related classes. The building is centrally located in the middle of the quad. Clement hall is easy to spot and more than likely one of the first halls you will see upon entering the quad.Fig 2: Clement Hall main entranceThe ProblemMany individuals that visit this building will possibly use this bathroom because it is the first one you see upon entering Clement Hall. This hole could easily make an individual extremely nervous as well as uncomfortable because it is unknown which room is on the other side of the hole, and if the bathroom can be viewed from the hole. Although this does seem farfetched, Montgomery does have a history of “peeping toms” compromising the privacy of individuals while they use the restroom, only a few years ago it was not safe to use the restrooms at Eastdale Mall due to this.With the hole being on the base of where the wall meets the floor, it is very possible insects, rodents, or any other unwanted guests can crawl in and out of it. This seems like it could be some sort of health hazard. The bathroom itself could possibly be contaminated if insects or rodents were to be crawling out of the hole and into the bathroom.I believe all this makes it clear that there is an issue worth analyzing.On 7/24/18, I surveyed 13 people from the ages of 18-21 of mixed race and background in my English class. These were the results:QuestionAverage*Cleanliness is important in public bathrooms.4.0I use public restrooms often.3.23Fig 3: Class survey results. *The average is based on a scale of 1-4, with 4 corresponding to Strongly Agree. As you can see, a large proportion of students sampled at AUM not only use public restrooms frequently, but also believe sanitation is extremely important in that specific environment, something that could easily be breached if the hole stays open.Proposed SolutionI believe that simply patching the hole can solve this issue. BenefitsWith the large possibility of an insect infestation and possible fire hazards, patching the hole is in the best interest for all faculty and staff. Fixing this issue before anything else happens could easily save AUM hundreds of thousands of dollars it would take to fix an infestation issue or an electrical fire that could potentially risk the lives of hundreds of individuals.Since Clement Hall is centrally located, it is one of the easiest buildings to visit during an orientation, or any event being held out in the quad. With this being said, people are going to have to use the bathroom. Chances are, some of them will end up in the first floor of clement hall, staring at this hole. If the first impression new students have of our campus is a giant hole, they will not be impressed. Fixing this hole not only rids the campus of an eyesore, but also makes our campus look clean.Timeline and Projected ExpensesI believe this job would be an easy fix. The only work required would be patching the wall. An email could be sent out the day prior to fixing the issue informing any students who will have classes on Clement Hall of the issue being addressed and approximately how long it will take to fix.I suggest one person be hired for a five-hour day. The first hour should be spent getting everything ready. The next two hours should be spent installing the sheetrock and tile, then an hour for the thin-set to dry. Finally, an hour to apply grout.Expenses:Cost of materials needed: $50 (Grout, Sheetrock, and thin-set, and reused existing tile)Labor cost, assuming federal minimum wage of $7.25/hr.: $36.25Total cost: $86.25ConclusionIn conclusion, I believe fixing the hole in the wall is a very important task that should be very easy to fix. I believe $86.25 is a very low price considering what it could be if the hole were to be left open. Fixing this hole not only gets rid of an eyesore on campus but will keep our campus prim and proper for the future generations to come.Works CitedPerry, Rachel. “Blog 8, Memorials around AUM.” Grinning Sheepishly, 8 Feb. 2013, grinningsheepishly.2013/02/06/409/.“Imagine. Invest. Inspire. - A Campaign for Auburn University at Montgomery.” Institutional Review Board FAQ | AUM, ................

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