EASTER! - Children's Ministry

EASTER! 6 Sunday School Lessons

Easter! What a great time of year!

Some people have said that Easter is the Super Bowl of Christianity because Jesus won it all! We like that metaphor!

To help you lead children to the One who died and rose again for them, we've given you 6 Sunday school lessons from Group's best--selling curriculum.

Lesson 1: God's Word Can Help Us Overcome Temptation" from Hands--On Bible Curriculum (Jesus Is Tempted in the Wilderness)

Lesson 2: The Transfiguration from Buzz: The Instant Sunday School

Lesson 3: Crowds Welcome Jesus to Jerusalem from FaithWeaver Now (Palm Sunday)

Lesson 4: Jesus Eats With His Friends from Living Inside Out: Large Group/Small Group (Last Supper)

Lesson 5: Jesus Dies and Many Rise from Buzz: The Instant Sunday School

Lesson 6: Jesus Comes Back to Life from FaithWeaver Now

If you want to learn more about any of these amazing resources, click here.

Tempted! ? Lesson 1

Bible Point God's Word can help us overcome temptation.

Bible Verse

"I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you'' (Psalm 119:11).

Growing Closer to Jesus

Students will n experience temptation, n examine the sources of temptation, n compare pulling each other across a line to the pull of temptation, and n encourage each other with "secret'' messages.

Teacher Enrichment

Bible Basis

n Tempted!

Matthew 4:1-11

It's interesting to note that this difficult time of temptation for Jesus came immediately after the wonderful experience of his baptism and the Father's affirmation of who Jesus was and how he was doing on fulfilling his mission.

Satan tempted Jesus in three different areas. In the first (Matthew 4:1-4),

Jesus was tempted to use his divine power to meet his own physical needs in

a time of weakness. In his second attempt (Matthew 4:5-7), Satan tempted

Jesus to make a spectacle of himself--to forcefully attract followers through an exhibition of his

power. In the third attempt (Matthew 4:8-10), Satan offered Jesus the opportunity to avoid the

pain, suffering, and death that Jesus knew was coming. In each case, Jesus resisted the temptation--

and ultimately passed the test. He came through all of Satan's temptations without sinning!

How did Jesus stay strong after 40 days without food? Every time Satan tempted him, Jesus turned to God's Word. How could he do that? By knowing God's Word. Jesus referred only to the Old Testament for his defense against temptation; we can also look to the New Testament for help. We can look to Jesus' life and teachings, and even his example in facing temptation.

We may sometimes fail. But whenever we're tempted, we can face down our enemy and our sinful nature by looking to God's Word. And he's promised us that he'll never allow us to be tempted beyond what we can endure (see 1 Corinthians 10:13). With God's Spirit and his Word inside us, how can we fail?


? Read Hebrews 4:14-16. ? How can you guide your students in resisting the temptations they face? ? Pray: God, please help me lean on your Word and be strong when...

Hands-On Bible Curriculum--Grades 5 & 6 61

Lesson 1

Before the Lesson

n Collect items for the activities you plan to use, referring to the Classroom Supplies and Learning Lab Supplies listed in the chart.

n Make photocopies of the "Takin' It Home'' handout (at the end of this lesson) to send home with your students. n Pray for your students and for God's direction as you teach the lesson.

This Lesson at a Glance

What Students Will Do Attention Gotta Get It--Play a relay race, Grabber and hear and discuss what it

means to be tempted.

Classroom Supplies

Newsprint, marker, CD player, candy

Learning Lab Supplies

Bible Exploration &


Consider the Source-- Brainstorm sources of temptation, and discuss Jesus' temptation in Matthew 4:1-11.

Bibles, newsprint, marker, pens, paper

Situation Station--Explore how God's Word helps us overcome temptation using reallife situations.

Bibles, "Situation Station" handout (p. 71), scissors

A Way Out--Try to escape from finger traps, read 1 Corinthians 10:13, and discuss trying to escape temptations in life.

Bibles, CD player

Temptation Pull--Compare pulling each other across a line to the pull of temptation, and discuss James 1:12-18.

Bibles, masking tape, CD player


Secret Message?--Pass messages of encouragement in fighting temptation around the circle.

CD player

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When kids arrive, remind them that you'll sound the giggle hammer when you need their attention and you'll wait for all of them to look at you without talking before you continue.

Before you begin the lesson, ask kids about how they made last week's lesson a part of their lives. Use questions such as "Why does God want us to love the members of our families unconditionally?'' and "What are some ways the members of your family showed unconditional love to each other last week?''

It's important to say the Bible Point just as it's written in each activity. Repeating the Bible Point over and over throughout the lesson will help kids remember it and apply it to their lives.

Attention Grabber

n Gotta Get It

Supplies: newsprint, marker, CD player, candy

track 5

Have kids stand and form two teams. Ask each team to select a team name, and write the two names on a sheet of

newsprint. Give teams 30 seconds to come up with names,

and don't let kids anguish over their selections. The purpose

of the team names is to help the members of each team feel a

sense of unity; the team names won't be used again.

Ask both teams to form single file lines at one end of the room. Give the first person in each line a grabber. At the other end of the room, create a pile of colored feathers. Be sure there's one colored feather for each person in your class. If you're short on feathers, plan to recycle a few halfway through the game.

Say: Time for a relay race! Here are the rules: The first person in each line will hop on one foot to the other end of the room and pick up a feather, using only the grabber. Then that person will hop back on the opposite foot and deposit the feather at the feet of the next person in line. That person will take the grabber and walk heel-to-toe style to get a feather and return. The next person in the relay must take two steps forward and one step backward on the way to retrieve and return with a feather. The fourth person must walk backward for the next leg of the relay. Any remaining people in your line will repeat the order of the first four participants-- hopping, heel-to-toe, two steps forward and one back, and walking backward, in that order. Got it?

Oh! I almost forgot! The first team to complete the race gets candy. And by the way, if you drop a feather, you must stop and retrieve it with the grabber. Ready? Go!

After kids run the relay, gather them in a circle, and ask: ? Were you tempted to cheat in our game? Why or why not? (Yes, I wanted my team to get candy; no, we're just doing this for fun.) ? How was the temptation to cheat in our relay like or unlike the temptation to cheat in real life? (It was similar because it wouldn't have been that hard to cheat; it was unlike it because this was just a game, not real life.)

Use small groups of no more than four for discussion as often as possible. Be sure to allow time after small-group discussions for kids to share their groups' insights with the whole class.

Hands-On Bible Curriculum--Grades 5 & 6 63

Lesson 1

As fifth- and sixth-graders mature, they are exposed to new forms of temptation. But a preteen may also feel that he or she is the only one facing this temptation. Help your preteens know that God knows everything about them, including the temptations they face. Encourage students to seek God as they face temptations in their daily lives.

Say: Some of you may have been tempted to cheat in our game. Others may be tempted to cheat in other ways. Temptation is a powerful force, but

God's Word can help us overcome temptation. Let's listen to someone who hasn't learned that yet.

Play "Journal of a Shoplifter'' (track 5) from the CD. When the segment is over, ask: ? What was this guy tempted to do? Why? (To steal a comic book, because it was easy; to steal lots of stuff, like games and books and stuff, because he thought he was outsmarting the stores.) ? Have you ever been tempted to do the same thing? (Yes; no; sometimes, but I never tried anything.) ? How could this guy have overcome temptation? (He could have stayed away from the store; he could have walked out of the store before he felt tempted.) Summarize by saying: When we feel the urge to do something we don't want to do or know we shouldn't do, we call it being tempted. Sometimes we're tempted by little things, such as food that isn't very good for us or a TV show that our parents don't want us to watch. Other times we may be tempted by bigger things, like drugs or pornography. Regardless of what the temptation is, God's Word can help us overcome it. Our Bible verse for today, Psalm 119:11, reminds us of the power God's Word has to help us with our temptations: "I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you." Let's learn more about what this means.

Hand out candy to everyone, not just the winning team. Return the Learning Lab items to the Learning Lab for later use.

Bible Exploration & Application

n Consider the Source

Supplies: Bibles, newsprint, marker, pens, paper Write Psalm 119:9-11 on newsprint, where everyone can see it.

Write it in six distinct sentences, like this: "How can a young person stay pure? By obeying your word. I have tried hard to find you-- Don't let me wander from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart, That I might not sin against you.''

Have kids say the verses in unison two or three times. Say: Let's see if we can get to the bottom of this temptation business. Brainstorm with me as we come up with a list of 10 sources of temptation in our lives.

Have kids take turns giving ideas to make the list. Kids might say things such as money, friends, movies, television, the Internet, possessions, or pressure to get good grades. Write students' ideas on newsprint.

After your list is complete, form groups of no more than four (a group can be one person). Give each group a marble, a chopstick, and a colored feather. Tell groups the

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marbles are valued at 1,000 points each, the chopsticks are worth 500 points each, and the colored feathers are worth 250 points each.

Say: Now we're going to see how strong these temptations really are. In your group, decide on the top three sources of temptation on this list. Assign your top choice the marble (1,000 points), because it always tries to roll over you. Give your second choice the chopstick (500 points), because it tries to pick you up into its temptation. Give your third choice the colored feather (250 points), because it tries to tickle you into giving in.

Give groups a minute or two to make their selections. Then lay the newsprint on the floor, and have a representative from each group place the group's marble, chopstick, and colored feather next to the appropriate choices. Add up the total points represented by each choice to determine the top temptations for your class.

Collect the Learning Lab items, and ask: ? In what ways do these sources tempt us? (They make us want to do something we shouldn't; they make us feel good, but it's only a temporary feeling.) Say: We're tempted all the time. But did you know that Jesus was tempted, too? Open your Bibles to Matthew 4:1-11 to see what temptations Jesus faced.

Tell groups to read Matthew 4:1-11 and discuss the following questions. Have groups each assign one person to act as a Scribe to record their ideas, another to act as a Representative, a third to act as a Reader, and a fourth to act as an Encourager who urges everyone to participate in the discussion. Give the Scribes pens and paper.

Ask: ? What things tempted Jesus? (Hunger; power; possessions.) ? How do you think Jesus felt during this time of temptation? (It must have been hard for him to say no; he must have felt torn.) ? How do you think he felt after the temptation was over? (Relieved; tired; glad that he resisted the devil.) ? What would you have done in the same situation? (I probably would have eaten something; I would have given in.) ? How does knowing that Jesus understands temptation help you face your own temptations? (Jesus can relate to what I'm going through; if Jesus could resist temptation, then with his help, so can I.) ? How can you use Scripture to overcome temptation as Jesus did? (You can quote it like Jesus did; you can remind yourself with Bible verses that Jesus is stronger than any temptation.)

Have the Representatives take turns sharing the groups' responses. Then say: God's Word can help us overcome temptation. Jesus used it to resist the devil's temptations. And because he is our friend, he'll help us, too. It's exciting to know that God doesn't place an age limit on who can use his Word. Fifth- and sixth-graders have access to the same power that Jesus used to overcome temptation-- now let's use it!


Hands-On Bible Curriculum--Grades 5 & 6 65

Lesson 1

Bible Insight

Jesus was tempted in the wilderness at the start of his public ministry, immediately after he was baptized. Even his obvious hunger after 40 days of fasting was not enough to make him step outside the will of the Father. He proved that continuing in God's will was more important than satisfying any physical desire, and he also set the tone of his ministry by proving that his kingdom would be spiritual, rather than temporal.

Hands-on Bible

Have students look up the word sin in the Dictionary/ Concordance of the Hands-On Bible. Discuss the definitions of sin as a noun and as a verb. Then have them split into pairs and take turns looking up various Scripture references listed in the Dictionary/ Concordance for this word, beginning with today's Bible verse, Psalm 119:11:

"I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you."

When students have finished, ask:

? What does God's Word have to say concerning sin? (That Jesus died for our sins; that Jesus had no sin; that God's Word helps us not to sin.)

? What does it mean to hide God's Word in your heart? (To memorize it; to know it so well I don't even have to think about it.)

? How can hiding God's Word in your heart keep you from giving in to temptation? (If you are about to give in, you can remember to ask God to help you, and he will; the Bible can remind you about the right things to do.)

Have partners discuss one way they can hide the Word of God in their hearts this week and how they think that might help them deal with temptation. Then have them close in prayer, asking God to help them overcome any temptations that might come against them this week by applying Scripture to their situation.

n Situation Station

Supplies: Bibles, "Situation Station'' handout (p. 71), scissors Before class, make a photocopy of the "Situation Station"

handout and cut apart the "Situation'' cards and the "Application'' cards.

Say: Now let's see how we can apply God's Word in reallife situations we might face. Have the kids say Psalm 119:9-11 in unison, and then have kids form a circle. Give each person either a "Situation'' card or an "Application'' card. If you have more than 20 students in your class, form pairs and give one card to each pair. Be sure to distribute the appropriate "Application'' card for each "Situation'' card you hand out. Ask kids who have "Situation'' cards to read them carefully and prepare to read them aloud to the group. Ask each person who has an "Application'' card to look up the Scripture passage, read it quietly several times, and then use the card as a bookmark to keep the passage handy. When everyone has had time to do their tasks, give a foam marshmallow to every person holding an "Application'' card. Say: It's hard to avoid all temptations. If you're tempted to look at inappropriate images, you can stay away from those kinds of magazines, videos, and websites. If you're tempted to steal, you can stay out of stores. But some temptations will always arise anyway. Our Bible verse for today, Psalm 119:11, gives us one way to keep temptations from becoming problems: by knowing and applying God's Word. Let's repeat Psalm 119:11 together: "I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you." Now let's go around the circle. If you're holding a "Situation'' card, please read the paragraph on it aloud. If you're holding an "Application'' card that

66 Hands-On Bible Curriculum--Grades 5 & 6


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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