Vocabulary Station: Context Clues worksheet 1 6.4a ...

[Pages:3]Vocabulary Station: Context Clues worksheet 1 6.4a: Identify word origins and derivations

1. Which sentence BEST uses the Spanish word adobe, meaning a sun-dried brick made from earth and straw? a. The boy dug into the adobe and filled his bucket. b. The adobe was not hot enough to be finished. c. The house made of adobe was the only building. d. The men carried their loads up the adobe hills.

2. Read the sentence: "Josh felt his foot stick when he accidentally stepped into the bog." The

underlined word bog comes from an Irish word meaning `soft, moist.' What does the

underlined word bog mean in English?

a. Clay

b. Rain

c. Sand

d. Swamp

3. Read this sentence: "From their house it was a short walk through some rice paddies to the

river where my mother had taught me how to swim when I was six. " The word paddies

comes from a Malay word that means...

a. Barn

b. Hills

c. Wetlands

d. Townships

4. Read this line: "It was a family of blue jays, watching their nest impatiently." In which word

does the im- have the same meaning as it does in impatiently?

a. Improper

b. Important

c. Impress

d. Improve

5. In which word does the non- have the same meaning as it does in nonsense?

a. Nontoxic

b. None

c. Nonetheless

d. Nonagon

6. In which word is ?ed used in the same way as it is used in called?

a. Freed

b. Speed

c. Heed

d. Steed

7. Read this sentence: "We know that Antarctica is the fifth largest continent." In which word

does ?est have the same meaning as it does in largest?

a. Guest

b. Fewest

c. Forest

d. Honest

8. Which word contains a prefix that means small?

a. Crumbs

b. Experiment

c. Microscope

d. Disappeared

9. Which word contains a suffix that means full of?

a. Suddenly

b. Overturned

c. Struggling

d. Powerful

10. Read this sentence: "The weather forecasters were predicting a major snowstorm." In which

word does pre- have the same meaning as it does in predicting?

a. Pretty

b. Pretzels

c. Preach

d. Preview

11. Which word is not a synonym for the word little?

a. Tiny

b. Short

c. Large

d. Small

12. Read this sentence: "The lion was unable to escape." In which word does the un- have the

same meaning as it does in the word unable?

a. Unusual

b. Under

c. Uncle

d. Begun

13. Read the following sentence: "Ben looked up at his sister and beamed when he saw her

walking for the first time." Beamed is another way of saying...

a. Smiled

b. Screamed

c. Listened

d. Laughed

14. Read this sentence: "The children dug around in the dirt, looking for the lost coin." Which

word could replace the underlined word without changing the meaning of the sentence?

a. Grubbed

b. Rolled

c. Paced

d. Sat

15. Read this sentence: "The teacher told John that his grades were outstanding." Which word is

an antonym for outstanding?

a. Improving

b. Unusual

c. Amazing

d. Disappointing

16. The Greek word tonos means tone. Therefore, the word monotonous most likely means...

a. Patient mind b. Single sound c. Many skills

d. Great weight

17. Read this sentence: "The firefighters reaction to the emergency was quick." Which word is a

synonym for reaction?

a. Communication

b. Hesitation

c. Response

d. Duty

18. Read the sentence: "The settlers endured many hardships on their trip west." The underlined

word is closest in meaning to...

a. Accidents

b. Enemies

c. Storms

d. Difficulties

19. Read the dictionary entry.

par-ty (p?r't) n. 1. A social gathering of invited guests. 2. A group gathered for a special purpose or task. 3. A political group organized to promote its ideas. 4. One or more persons together as customers in a restaurant

Antarctica is home to an enormous mountain range. The base of the range remains hidden by ice, but

its mountains tower above the ground. There are even active volcanoes among the jagged peaks. These

harsh conditions make it very difficult to explore Antarctica. The first party to ever reach the South

Pole was led by Ronald Amundsen in 1911

a. Which meaning of the word party is used in the above paragraph?

i. 1

ii. 2

iii. 3

iv. 4

20. Use the dictionary entry to answer the question.

tow-er (tou er) n. 1. A building high in proportion to surroundings. 2. A case designed to hold a computer system. v. 3. To rise or extend far upward. 4. To rise straight into the air.

a. Based on the paragraph above, which entry best defines tower as it is used in the


i. 1

ii. 2

iii. 3

iv. 4

Context-clues worksheet 2 Directions: Use context clues (sentence clues) to determine the meaning of the bold and underlined words. DO NOT use a dictionary.

The earthquake shook down in San Francisco hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of walls and chimneys. But the conflagration that followed burned up hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of property. There is no estimating within hundreds of millions the actual damage wrought. Not in history has a modern imperial city been so completely destroyed. San Francisco is gone. Nothing remains of it but memories and a fringe of neighborhoods on its outskirts. Its industrial section is wiped out. Its business section is wiped out. Its social and residential section is wiped out. The factories and warehouses, the great stores and newspaper buildings, the hotels and the palaces of the nabobs are all gone. Within an hour after the earthquake, the smoke of San Francisco's burning was a lurid tower visible a hundred miles away. And for three days and nights this tower swayed in the sky, reddening the sun, darkening the day, and filling the land with smoke.

1. Conflagration (highlight the clues you used to determine the meaning in red) ___________________________________________________________________

2. Estimating (highlight the clues you used to determine the meaning in yellow) ___________________________________________________________________

3. Wrought (highlight the clues you used to determine the meaning in green) ___________________________________________________________________

4. Imperial (highlight the clues you used to determine the meaning in pink) ___________________________________________________________________

5. Fringe (highlight the clues you used to determine the meaning in orange) ___________________________________________________________________

6. Residential (highlight the clues you used to determine the meaning in blue) ___________________________________________________________________

7. Nabobs (highlight the clues you used to determine the meaning in gray) ___________________________________________________________________

8. Lurid (highlight the clues you used to determine the meaning in purple) ___________________________________________________________________


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