ComS 4 Public Speaking

ComS 4 Public Speaking [pic]

Dr. Mark Stoner


Print this document and bring with you to library

Directions: Find an open Eureka terminal somewhere in the library. (If you have access from home, you may finish the exercise from there.) Write your responses directly on this worksheet.


Your full name: ___________________________________ Section #________

Part I (Book Holdings)

1. Note the topic of the speech you are working on:


2. Create a search vocabulary for your topic:

3. At your terminal, navigate to the CSUS library page and select the Books tab. Using the topics/terms from above, do a subject search using terms from your search vocabulary above. Note at least three results below you think will be relevant. (If nothing turns up, revise your list of terms and try again.)

| Author |Title |Date of Pub. |Location in |Call Number |Availability |

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Find at least 2 of the resources available in the stacks, copy the title pages and attach to this packet.

Choose 1 author from above and do an author search. List up to three titles by the author; if only one or two books by an author, that’s ok; list what is available.

Author’s name:

| Author |Title |Date of Pub. |Location in |Call Number |Availability |

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Do a word search; write words here: ________________________________________________________________

List new findings (up to three).

| Author |Title |Date of Pub. |Location in |Call Number |Availability |

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 Read this:

Using AND, OR, and NOT (Boolean Operators)

In our library database, you can use AND, OR, and NOT in Subject searches, which look for matches in the title, author, subject headings of each catalog record. These three little words can be enormously helpful when doing online searches. A few examples show why.

|Searching... |Results in... |

|cable AND car |Documents with both words |

|cable OR car |The greatest amount of matches; documents with either word |

|cable NOT car |Documents about cable, but not about cable cars; a good way to limit the search. |

Check out these videos—they’re helpful (and encouraging):

(3 minutes)

What is the function of AND?

What is the function of OR?

What is the function of NOT?


What do quotations marks around search phrases do?

What do parentheses do in search phrases?

Re-do your SUBJECT search using appropriate Boolean operators. Note your combinations here:_______ AND______; _______OR_______; ______NOT______ Write findings in the matrix below:

| Author |Title |Date of Pub. |Location in |Call Number |Availability |

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Part II Web Databases

Write search terms here:_______________________________________________________

Write the name of the database you selected: ____________________________

Do a subject search and list up to three potentially useful results.

|Author |Title |Date of Pub. |Journal title, volume, |Availability |

| | | |number, pages of article | |

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PRINT (or write out) at least two citations you think you might be able to use and attach to this exercise packet.



Do a title search and list up to three potentially useful results.

|Author |Title |Date of Pub. |Journal title, volume, |Availability |

| | | |number, pages of article | |

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 Do an author search and list up to three potentially useful results.

|Author |Title |Date of Pub. |Journal title, volume, |Availability |

| | | |number, pages of article | |

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What have you learned about the library as a result of completing these exercises? (Use back of page to complete answer; 100-200 words should be enough.)

Part III (Optional: for fun and prizes) You may work alone or with a partner.

Names (s): _______________________________________


(Submit one answer sheet for both when partnering)

Directions: All three parts must be reported to get credit for the answer. Use print sources in library or material from databases. No answers from Wikipedia or similar visible web sources. You may bank up to 10 points against missed quiz questions.

1. Find the name of the composer of the opera Manon and give a short synopsis of the opera.

|Composer of Manon | Where did you find your answer? |

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| Synopsis |

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2. Find a boarding school for a 15 year-old female in Brazil.

|Title of Source | Where did you find your answer? |

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| Name the boarding school and city in Brazil. |

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3. Find 3 homophones for the word “air” (Include page number in your answer.)

|Title of Source |Where did you find your answer? |

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|  The three homophones for “air” are: |

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4. What is the plural of the word “gallows”? What other meanings does it have in English? (Include page number in your answer.)

|Title of Source |Where did you find your answer? |

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| Plural of “gallows”: |

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|Other meanings: |

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5. Find at least three quotations by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and write them down in the space below. (Include page numbers.)

|Title of Source |Where did you find your answer? |

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6. Where and when did President Andrew Jackson die?

|Title of Source |Where did you find your answer? |

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7. Find some pamphlets on women’s rights and equality. Provide at least two titles.

|Title of Source |Where did you find your answer? |

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8. Explain the Jewish religious term “nazirite”.

|Title of Source |Where did you find your answer? |

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9. What is the longest engagement on record?

|Title of Source |Where did you find your answer? |

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10. Locate the Sea of Tranquility.

|Title of Source |Where did you find your answer? |

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Make sure your name/s are on the paper and all pages are securely stapled together.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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