
sounds knownSet 1 green words for reading and spellingm a s d tat dad mad mat sad sat+ p g oan and dog dig gap got in it on pan pin sit tip top+ c k u bbad bin can cat cot cup kit mud up back kick lock + f e l h shfan fat fish fun had hen hit let lip log met sack set ship shop + r j v y wjam jet jog rat red run sock vet web wet win wish yap yes yum+ th z ch q x ng nkthin thick this zap zip chin chop chat quiz quit fox box fix six sing bang think wingll ss ck pp rr3 sounds bell well mess thing think wink 4 sounds blob blip brat drip drop clip from flag grin gran pram prop slip skip trip best test bend jump send5 sounds kitten kitchen comic seven given robin lemon button jacket pocket packet ticket puppet bucket carrot rabbit cannotSet 2 green words for reading and spellingay may i play?day may play say spray way lay trayeewhat can you see?been green see seen sleep three feel keep need ighfly high bright fright high light might night ow blow the snow blow know low show slow snow flow glow oo poo at the zoo food moon pool spoon too zoo fool mood stool oolook at a bookbook cook foot look shook took arstart the carcar hard part sharp star start bar park smart spark orshut the doorfork horse short snort sort sport worn airthat’s not fairair chair fair hair lair stair irwhirl and twirlbird dirt girl third twirl whirl oushout it outfound loud mouth out round shoutoytoy for a boyboy enjoy toySet 3oi spoil the boyjoin voice coina_e make a cakemake cake name same late datei_enice smilesmile white nice like time hideu-e huge brutetune rude huge brute use june aw yawn at dawnsaw law dawn crawl paw yawnare care and shareshare dare scare square bareur nurse with a pusreburn turn spurt nurse purse hurtow brown cowhow down brown cow town nowai snail in the rainsnail paid tail train paint rain oa goat in a boatgoat boat road throat toast coatew chew the stewchew drew new flew blew grewire fire firefire hire wire bon/fire in/spire con/spireearhear with your earhear dear fear near year earure sure it’s purepure sure cure pic/ture mix/ture crea/ture fu/ture ad/ven/ture temp/er/a/tureti pay attention it’s a celebrationcon/vers/a/tion ce/e/bra/tion ex/plor/a/tion trad/o/tion con/grat/u/la/tion a/tten/tionci scrumptious deliciousde/li/cious sus/pi/cious vi/cious scrump/tious pre/cious fe/ro/cious ................

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