• PHONEMIC AWARENESS LESSONS 1-30 FROM OCR 2000 (from Gr. 2 Intervention Guide, pages 322-339)














We have included Must Do’s for Workshop based on the lessons. One May Do is included each day.

Written by: Shelly Brower, Aviva Freeman, and Marci Edge

Summer School/Second Grade OCR 2002

Lesson 1, Day 1

Preparing for the lesson: Be prepared to open the unit and have copies of the story, “The Jamestown Settlement,” pp.171-172 in the IBLM for each student.

Schedule and Pacing


|1 |PA Lesson 1 P. 322: Oral Blending: Syllables and |10 Min. |

| |Word Parts | |

| |Segmentation: Clapping | |

| |syllables in names | |

| |Blending Strategic: p. 213 ELDG: /z/ spelled z and _s Follow the bullet under About |25 Min. |

| |the Words and Sentences and Developing Oral Language | |

| |Dictation and spelling: p. 213 ELDG: /z/ spelled z and _s |25 Min. |

| |Unit Opener: See procedures in packet, |45 Min. |

| |Opening the Unit for Grade 2 | |

| |IG: Intervention Selection, “The Jamestown Settlement,” (found in IBLM). Follow |25 Min. |

| |Comprehension Strategies under Reading the Selection p. 278 in IG. | |

| |WORKSHOP: Teacher administers Grade 2 Pre-Assessment either whole class or in |50 Min. Total |

| |groups. |25 min. for flexible |

| |MUST DO: Students use the story, “The Jamestown Settlement,” to list words ending in |grouping. |

| |/z/ spelled z and _s. Students fold a paper in half to form 2 columns. List the |25 min. for |

| |words that contain the /z/ spelled _s in the first column. In the second column think|preteaching the |

| |of words with /z/ spelled _s and write them. Share your words with a partner. |Selection Vocabulary |

| |Instead of working with a small group today, preteach the anthology vocabulary to the| |

| |whole class. | |

| |IG p. 276: Preteaching the Selection Vocabulary. | |

Summer School/Second Grade OCR 2002

Lesson 1, Day 2

Preparing for the lesson: Chart the words from TE in Reading the Words and Sentences, prior to the lesson. It is helpful to copy each line in a different color.

Run off p. 67 in IBLM.


|2 |PA Lessons 2 & 3: pp. 323-324 |10 Min. |

| |Lesson 2: Oral Blending: Syllables and Word Parts | |

| |Segmentation: Clapping Syllables in Names | |

| |and Words | |

| |Lesson 3: Oral Blending: Initial Consonant Sounds | |

| |Reading the Words and Sentences: TE p.248K: Follow bullets under About the Words and |20 Min. |

| |Sentences and Developing Oral Language. | |

| |Selection Vocabulary: TE p. 248N. Introduce the vocabulary using vocabulary |20 Min. |

| |transparency #31. Remember to focus on the vocabulary strategies used in the | |

| |sentences. | |

| |Build Background & Preview and Prepare: TE p.248M. Remember to chart Clues, Problems|15 Min. |

| |and Wonderings | |

| |Reading and Responding: TE, Chorally read, “The First Americans,” pages 248-267, |30 Min. |

| |stopping to model the comprehension strategies on the left hand side of the TE pages.| |

| |Teacher’s voice is included in the choral read as a model. | |

| |GUMS: IG: p. 280: Reteach Common and Proper Nouns |25 Min. |

| |Use as a direct instruction lesson. For Guided Practice, complete IBLM p. 67 as a | |

| |whole group. | |

| |WORKSHOP: |60 Min. |

| |MUST DO: | |

| |1. Practice fluency using the “Jamestown | |

| |Settlement”. | |

| |2. Fold a paper in half to list common nouns in one | |

| |column, and proper nouns in the second column. | |

| |MAY DO: Write a funny or silly paragraph | |

| |using as many common and proper nouns as you can. Share your paragraph with a friend,| |

| |and have your friend circle the common nouns, and underline the proper nouns. | |

| |SMALL GROUP: Teacher pulls students to assess oral fluency, using the story, “The | |

| |Jamestown | |

| |Settlement.” | |

| | | |

Summer School/Second Grade OCR 2002

Lesson 1, Day 3

Preparing for the lesson: Run off “A New Name” IBLM pp. 173-174


|3 |PA Lessons 4&5: pp.325-326 |15 Min. |

| |Lesson 4: Oral Blending: Initial Consonant Sounds | |

| |Segmentation: Repeating Word Parts | |

| |Lesson 5: Oral Blending: Initial Consonant Sounds | |

| |Segmentation: Repeating Word Parts | |

| |Reading and Responding: Comprehension Skills, TE Classifying and Categorizing pp. 249,|30 Min. |

| |251, 253, 255 | |

| |Discussion of Story: Following the procedure for Handing-off, conduct a discussion of |20 Min. |

| |the story. Revisit clues, Problems, and Wonderings. Add new concepts to the C/Q Board. |Includes set up of |

| | |procedures and |

| | |debriefing |

| |GUMS: TE p. 267F, Review of Common and Proper Nouns: Do a directed lesson using CLASWB |15 Min. |

| |pp.158 | |

| |Reading Intervention Selection Two: “A New Name” IBLM, pp. 173-174 Follow bullets in IG |30 Min. |

| |pp. 278-279. | |

| |Fluency Practice: Teacher models with students how to practice fluency with the |10 Min. |

| |selection for 1 minute, and shows how to place a bracket after the last word read. | |

| |Students should be given 1 minute to read as many words as possible while practicing | |

| |fluency with the story. At the end of 1 minute, the students put a bracket after the | |

| |last word read. Goal is to move bracket each day, with each 1 minute read. | |

| |WORKSHOP: MUST DO: |1 Hour |

| |1. Fluency practice with “The Jamestown Settlement”, “A New Name”, and/or the anthology | |

| |selection. | |

| |2. Circle the common nouns and underline the proper nouns using “A New Name”. | |

| |MAY DO: Fold a paper in half, and label one column Names of People and the other column| |

| |Names of Places. Categorize the proper nouns into people and places. | |

| |SMALL GROUP: Teacher continues to assess students on fluency using “The Jamestown | |

| |Settlement” and “A New Name”. | |

| |Teacher can also meet needs in small group by reteaching common and proper nouns from | |

| |TE, IG or CLASWB. | |

Summer School/Second Grade OCR 2002

Lesson 1, Day 4


|4 |PA Lessons 6&7: pp. 326-328 |15 Min |

| |Lesson 6: Oral Blending: Initial Consonant Sounds | |

| |Listening for Vowel Sounds | |

| |Segmentation: Restoring Initial phonemes | |

| |Lesson 7: Oral Blending: Final Consonant Sounds | |

| |Listening for Vowel Sounds | |

| |Segmentation: Restoring Initial Phonemes | |

| |“Did You Ever?” Rhyme | |

| |Reading and Responding: TE Comprehension Skills, Author’s Purpose pp. 257, 259, 261, 263 |30 Min. |

| |and 265 | |

| |Theme Connections: TE p. 267. Orally discuss the 2 bullets under Within the Selection. |30 Min. |

| |Give students time to record their ideas in a writing journal. Discuss the bullet under | |

| |Across the Selections. Discuss the bullet under Beyond the Selection and add concepts to | |

| |the C/Q Board. | |

| |Reread “The Jamestown Settlement” and “A New Name” as a partner read. Teacher circulates |15 min. |

| |to monitor reading and determines who needs extended help during Workshop. | |

| |Practice 1 minute read as outlined in Day 3. | |

| |WORKSHOP: |60 Min. |

| |MUST DO: | |

| |1. Practice fluency | |

| |2. Make a list of all the common nouns the anthology story, “The First Americans.” | |

| |MAY DO: Write a paragraph that tells how Native Americans showed bravery. Share your | |

| |paragraph with a partner and have your partner illustrate your paragraph. | |


| |1. Teacher pulls groups to reread “The First Americans” for fluency prosody. | |

| |2. Teacher follows Guided Practice in IG p.281 | |

Summer School/Second Grade OCR 2002

Lesson 2, Day 1

Preparing for the lesson: Make a chart for the Word Knowledge in TE p. 268K. It is helpful to copy each line in a different color. Run off copies of “Aunt Maria” IBLM p. 175-176.


|5 |PA: Lessons 8 & 9: pp. 328-329 |15 Min. |

| |Lesson 8: Oral Blending: Final consonant sounds; Listening for Vowel Sounds; | |

| |Alliterative word Game | |

| |Lesson 9: Oral Blending: Final consonant Sounds; Listening for vowels | |

| |Segmentation: Initial Consonants | |

| |Word Knowledge: TE: p. 268K Focus: Long E spellings |25 Min. |

| |Dictation: ELDG p. 218 |20 Min. |

| |IBLM: Intervention Selection, “Aunt Maria” pp. 175-176. Follow Comprehension |35 Min. |

| |Strategies in Reading the Selection IG p.286. | |

| |Afterwards, teacher models for students how to practice fluency with the selection | |

| |for 1 minute, and shows how to place a bracket after last word read. Students should | |

| |then be given 1 minute to read as many words as possible while practicing fluency | |

| |with the story. At the end of 1 minute, the students put a bracket after the last | |

| |word read. Goal is to move bracket each day, with each 1 minute read. | |

| |Vocabulary: Preteach Selection Vocabulary from IG |10 Min. |

| |P. 284. Follow the bullets. | |

| |Reading and Responding: ELDG p. 218, Activate Prior Knowledge |15 Min. |

| |WORKSHOP: |60 Min. |

| |MUST DO: | |

| |1. Practice fluency using “Aunt Maria” | |

| |2. Find long e and short e words in “Aunt Maria”. Fold a paper in half. Label the | |

| |first column Long e and the second column Short e. Categorize the words into the | |

| |appropriate columns. | |

| |3. Write a story using as many long and short e words as you can. | |

| |MAY DO: Illustrate your story. | |

| |SMALL GROUP: Teacher should practice fluency with small groups at their level using | |

| |“Aunt Maria.” | |

| | | |

Summer School/Second Grade OCR 2002

Lesson 2, Day 2

Preparing for the lesson: Chart the grey board in ELDG p. 220 for GUMS lesson. Chart bolded paragraph on p. 288 in IG for small group during Workshop preteach. Run off copies of p. 69 from IBLM.


|6 |PA Lessons 10 & 11: pp. 329-330 |15 Min. |

| |Lesson 10: Oral Blending: Initial Consonant Sounds; | |

| |Listening for Vowel Sounds | |

| |Lesson 11: Oral Blending: Initial Consonant Sounds | |

| |Segmentation: Initial Consonants | |

| |Selection Vocabulary: TE p. 268N. Introduce the vocabulary using vocabulary |20 Min. |

| |transparency #32. Remember to focus on the vocabulary strategies used in the | |

| |sentences. | |

| |Build Background & Preview and Prepare: TE |15 Min. |

| |p. 268M. Remember to chart Clues, Problems and Wonderings | |

| |Reading and Responding: TE, Chorally read “New Hope” pp. 268-283, stopping to model |30 Min. |

| |the comprehension strategies on the left hand side of TE pages. Teacher’s voice is | |

| |included in the choral read as a model. | |

| |Partner read “Aunt Maria”. | |

| |Practice 1 min. read using “Aunt Maria” as outlined in Day 1. Students should count |10 Min. |

| |how many more words they read this time. | |

| |GUMS: ELDG p. 220 Capitalization and Punctuation Marks: Follow the lesson and then |30 Min. |

| |complete p. 69 in IBLM in Worksheet Section as a directed lesson. | |

| |WORKSHOP: |60 Min. |

| |MUST DO: | |

| |1. Practice reading the story, “Aunt Maria.” | |

| |2. Search for words containing the Long e sounds spelled: _ie_, ee, _y, e_e, ea, and | |

| |e. Set your paper up to list the words in the appropriate columns. | |

| |Example: | |

| |_ie_ ee _y e_e ea e | |

| |married street very these clear he | |

| |MAY DO: Find a partner and compare your list. With your partner, create 3 silly | |

| |sentences using as many long e words as possible | |


| |Teacher pulls students to read “Aunt Maria.” | |

| |Preteach Punctuating Dialogue IG p. 288. | |

Summer School/Second Grade OCR 2002

Lesson 2, Day 3


|7 |PA Lessons 12 & 13: pp.330-331 |15 Min. |

| |Lesson 12: Oral Blending: Initial Consonant Sounds | |

| |Segmentation: Initial Consonants | |

| |Lesson 13: Oral Blending: Initial Consonant Sounds | |

| |Segmentation: Dropping final Consonants | |

| |Reading and Responding: TE, Comprehension Skills, Cause and Effect, pp. 269, 271, 273, |30 Min. |

| |275, 277, 279, 281 | |

| |Practice 1 minute fluency read with “Aunt Maria” as outlined in Day 1 | |

| |Supporting the Reading: TE pp. 281C, Cause and Effect: Teacher may find it helpful to |25 Min. |

| |chart instead of using the transparency. | |

| |Discussion of Story: Follow the handing-off procedure. Revisit Clues, Problems, and |25 Min. |

| |Wonderings. Record the new concepts about the theme onto the C/Q Board. | |

| |Writing: IG p. 289 Follow the first 2 bullets in this section. |25 Min. |

| |WORKSHOP: |1 Hour |

| |MUST DO: | |

| |Fluency practice from “New Hope” | |

| |IG p. 289: Students will complete the Independent Practice by writing a conversation | |

| |between 2 animals. | |

| |MAY DO: Students illustrate their animal conversation story using speech bubbles for | |

| |the dialogue. | |


| |1. Listen to students read anthology for prosody. | |

| |2. Provide additional practice in punctuating dialogue to meet needs. | |

Summer School/Second Grade OCR 2002

Lesson 2, Day 4

Preparing for the lesson: Run of p. 70 in IBLM Worksheet section, and “Lost at Sea” IGBLM pp. 177-178.


|8 |PA Lessons 14 & 15: pp. 331-332 |15 Min |

| |Lesson 14: Oral Blending: Initial Consonant Sounds | |

| |Segmentation: dropping final consonants | |

| |Lesson 15: Oral Blending: One-syllable Words | |

| |Segmentation: Restoring Final Consonant | |

| |Sounds | |

| |Theme Connections: TE p. 283: Orally discuss 3 bullets under Within the Selection. Give |30 Min. |

| |students time to record ideas in a writing journal. Discuss the bullet under Across | |

| |Selections. Discuss the bullet under Beyond the Selection. Please add ideas to C/Q Board. | |

| |Supporting the Reading: TE: p. 281D: Giving Causes |30 Min. |

| |As a directed lesson, complete pages in the CLASWB pp. 162-163. | |

| |Introduce: “Lost at Sea” following the procedures outlined in IG p. 286-287. |25 Min. |

| |Reread: Partner read “Lost at Sea”. |20 min. |

| |Teacher monitors students as they read to see who will need help in Workshop. | |

| |Practice 1 Minute fluency as outlined in Day 1 for both selections. | |

| |WORKSHOP: |60 Min. |

| |MUST DO: | |

| |1. Practice fluency | |

| |2. Complete worksheet p. 70 from IBLM. | |

| |3. In groups of 4, share your animal dialogue story. | |

| |MAY DO: Anagram Activity: Students create a sentence using dialogue. They write their | |

| |sentence onto a sentence strip, and cut out the words. They then exchange their cut out | |

| |words with a partner who recreates the sentence. | |


| |1. Teacher pulls students to work on P. 70 to meet needs. | |

| |2. Fluency practice from “Lost at Sea” and “New Hope” focusing on intonation and prosody. | |

Summer School/Second Grade OCR 2002

Lesson 3, Day 1

Preparing for the lesson: Make a chart for the Word Knowledge in TE p. 284K. It is helpful to copy each line in a different color. Run off copies of “The Secret Railroad”, IBLM pp. 179-180. Chart sentences in bold type IG p. 296.


|9 |PA: Lessons 16 & 17: pp. 332-333 |15 Min. |

| |Lesson 16: Oral Blending: One-syllable Words | |

| |Segmentation: Dropping Final Consonants | |

| |Lesson 17: Oral Blending: One-syllable Words; | |

| |Rhyming Words | |

| |Word Knowledge: TE p. 284K focus: /r/ spelled wr_; contractions; compound words; |25 Min. |

| |proper nouns | |

| |Dictation: IG p. 292 |10 Min. |

| |IBLM: Intervention Selection, “The Secret Railroad” pp. 179-180. Follow Comprehension|35 Min. |

| |Strategies in Reading the Selection IG p.294. | |

| |Afterwards, teacher models for students how to practice fluency with the selection | |

| |for 1 minute, and shows how to place a bracket after last word read. Students should | |

| |then be given 1 minute to read as many words as possible while practicing fluency | |

| |with the story. At the end of 1 minute, the students put a bracket after the last | |

| |word read. Goal is to move bracket each day, with each 1 minute read. | |

| |Vocabulary: Preteach Selection Vocabulary. from IG |10 Min. |

| |P. 292. Follow the bullets. | |

| |GUMS: IG p. 296, Preteching Kinds of Sentences and End Marks |25 Min. |

| |WORKSHOP: |60 Min. |

| |MUST DO: | |

| |1. Practice fluency using “The Secret Railroad” | |

| |2. Write 5 sentences. Choose a different word from the Word Knowledge chart to use in| |

| |each sentences. Exchange papers with a partner who will extend each sentence adding a| |

| |who, what, where, why, or how. | |

| |MAY DO: Illustrate your sentences | |


| |1. Teacher should practice fluency with small groups at their level using “The Secret| |

| |Railroad.” | |

| |2. Reinforce contractions using the ELDG p. 221 to meet needs. | |

Summer School/Second Grade OCR 2002

Lesson 3, Day 2

Preparing for the lesson: Make copies of IBLM Worksheet 73


|10 |PA Lessons 18 &19: pp. 333-335 |15 Min. |

| |Lesson 18: Oral Blending: One-syllable Words; | |

| |Final Consonant Sounds | |

| |Segmentation: Repeating Final | |

| |Consonants | |

| |Lesson 19: Oral Blending: Final Consonant Sounds, | |

| |One-syllable Words | |

| |Segmentation: Isolating Final Consonants | |

| |Selection Vocabulary: TE p. 284N. Introduce the vocabulary using vocabulary |20 Min. |

| |transparency #33. Remember to focus on the vocabulary strategies used in the | |

| |sentences. | |

| |Build Background & Preview and Prepare: TE p.284M. Remember to chart Clues, Problems|15 Min. |

| |and Wonderings | |

| |Reading and Responding: TE, Chorally read “A Place Called Freedom” pp. 284-295, |30 Min. |

| |stopping to model the comprehension strategies on the left hand side of TE pages. | |

| |Teacher’s voice is included in the choral read as a model. | |

| |Partner read “The Secret Railroad”. | |

| |Practice 1 min. read using “The Secret Railroad” as outlined in Day 1. Students |10 Min. |

| |should count how many more words they read this time. | |

| |GUMS: TE 297F, Follow the bullets for direct teaching. This lesson can be taught |30 Min. |

| |without using the Language | |

| |Arts Handbook since all the information needed for the lesson is provided. Continue | |

| |with the lesson by using the CLASWB p. 168-169 as a directed lesson. | |

| |WORKSHOP: |60 Min. |

| |MUST DO: | |

| |1. Practice reading the story, “The Secret Railroad.” | |

| |2. Fold a paper in half Head one column Common Nouns and the second column, Proper | |

| |Nouns. Look through “A Place Called Freedom” and locate the common and proper nouns. | |

| |List them in the appropriate | |

| |Column. | |

| |MAY DO: Find a partner and compare your list. With your partner, create 3 silly | |

| |sentences using as many of the nouns as possible | |


| |Teacher pulls students to read “A Place Called Freedom.” | |

| |Reteach sentence types using IBLM, Worksheet p. 73 | |

Summer School/Second Grade OCR 2002

Lesson 3, Day 3

Preparing for the lesson: Make copies of “The Lost Jacket” IBLM pp. 181-182, and Worksheet 71.


|11 |PA Lessons 20 & 21: pp.335-336 |15 Min. |

| |Lesson 20: Oral Blending: Final Consonant Sounds; One- | |

| |syllable words | |

| |Segmentation: Isolating Final Consonants | |

| |Lesson 21: Oral Blending: One-syllable words; | |

| |Individual Words; Listening | |

| |for Short Vowel Sounds | |

| |Reading and Responding: TE, Comprehension Skills: Author’s Purpose, pp. 285, |30 Min. |

| |287,289,291, 293, 295 | |

| |Practice 1 minute fluency read with “The Secret Railroad” as outlined in Day 1. | |

| |Discussion of Story: Follow the handing-off procedure. Revisit Clues, problems, and |25 Min. |

| |Wonderings. Record the new concepts about the theme onto the C/Q Board. | |

| |Supporting the Reading: TE, 295C Comprehension Strategies, Asking Questions: Follow as |30 Min. |

| |written, using direct instruction. | |

| |IG p. 294, Follow the bullets for Reading the Selection: “The Lost Jacket” IBLM pp. |25 Min. |

| |181-182. | |

| |WORKSHOP: |1 Hour |

| |MUST DO: | |

| |Fluency practice from “The Lost Jacket” | |

| |Write a paragraph about your favorite place to visit. Make sure to include the 4 types | |

| |of sentences in your paragraph. | |

| |MAY DO: Illustrate the setting of your paragraph. Share your paragraph and picture with| |

| |a partner. Your partner will then write a caption for your illustration. | |


| |1. Listen to students read “A Place Called Freedom” for prosody. | |

| |2. Additional practice in kinds of sentences and end marks IBLM p. 71 in worksheet | |

| |section. | |

Summer School/Second Grade OCR 2002

Lesson 3, Day 4


|12 |PA Lessons 22 & 23: pp. 336-337 |15 Min |

| |Lesson 22: Oral Blending: One-syllable Words | |

| |Segmentation: Initial Consonant Sounds | |

| |Oral Spelling | |

| |Lesson 23: Oral Blending: One-syllable Words | |

| |Segmentation: Initial Blends | |

| |Theme Connections: TE p. 297: Orally discuss 3 bullets under Within the Selection. Give |30 Min. |

| |students time to record ideas in a writing journal. Discuss the bullet under Across | |

| |Selections. Discuss the 2 bullets under Beyond the Selection. Please add ideas to C/Q | |

| |Board. | |

| |Literary Elements: TE: p. 295D, Point of View: Follow the Teach and Guided Practice |30 Min. |

| |sections. Chart the sentences that the students change from the first to the third person.| |

| |The chart serves as a model during Workshop. | |

| |As a directed lesson, complete pages in the CLASWB | |

| |pp. 162-163. | |

| |Introduce Intervention Selection, “Lost at Sea” following the procedures outlined in IG p.|25 Min. |

| |286-287. | |

| |Reread: Partner read “A Place Called Freedom”. |20 min. |

| |Teacher monitors students as they read to see who will need help in workshop. | |

| |1 Minute fluency practice as outlined in Day 1 for both selections. | |

| |WORKSHOP: |60 Min. |

| |MUST Do: | |

| |1. Practice fluency using “The Secret Railroad” and/or “The Lost Jacket”. | |

| |2. Choose a paragraph in “A Place Called Freedom” and rewrite it in the third person point| |

| |of view. | |

| |MAY DO: Anagram Activity: Write a sentence in the first person point of view on to a | |

| |sentence strip. Cut out the words and mix them up. Exchange the cut out words with a | |

| |partner and put the sentence back together. | |


| |1. Practice fluency for prosody and intonation using “A | |

| |Place Called Freedom”, and “The Lost Jacket”. | |

| |2. Pull students to meet needs to rewrite a paragraph in “A Place Called Freedom” in the | |

| |third point of view. | |

Summer School/Second Grade OCR 2002

Lesson 4, Day 1

Preparing for the lesson: Make a chart for the Word Knowledge in TE p. 298K. It is helpful to copy each line in a different color. Run off copies of “Welcome to Liberty”,

p. 183-184 and IBLM Worksheet 74. Chart sentences in bold type in IG p. 304.


|13 |PA: Lessons 24 & 25: pp. 337-338 |15 Min. |

| |Lesson 24: Oral Blending: One-syllable Words | |

| |Segmentation: Initial Blends | |

| |Lesson 25: Oral Blending: Initial Vowel Replacement | |

| |One-syllable Words | |

| |Word Knowledge: TE p. 298K Focus: /ōō/ spelled oo; plurals, homophones |25 Min. |

| |Dictation: IG p. 299-300 |10 Min. |

| |IBLM: Intervention Selection: “Welcome to Liberty” pp. 183-184. Follow Comprehension |35 Min. |

| |Strategies in Reading the Selection IG p.301. | |

| |Afterwards, teacher models for students how to practice fluency with the selection | |

| |for 1 minute, and shows how to place a bracket after last word read. Students should | |

| |then be given 1 minute to read as many words as possible while practicing fluency | |

| |with the story. At the end of 1 minute, the students put a bracket after the last | |

| |word read. Goal is to move bracket each day, with each 1 minute read. | |

| |Vocabulary: Preteach Selection Vocabulary from IG P. 300. Follow the bullets. |10 Min. |

| |GUMS: IG p. 304, Contractions: Follow the first 2 bullets. |25 Min. |

| |WORKSHOP: |60 Min. |

| |MUST DO: | |

| |1. Practice fluency using “Welcome to Liberty” | |

| |2. Write 5 sentences. Choose a different word from the Word Knowledge chart to use in| |

| |each sentence. Exchange papers with a partner who will extend each sentence adding a | |

| |who, what, where, why, or how. | |

| |MAY DO: Make up sentences leaving out words from the lines in the Word Knowledge | |

| |chart. Ask a partner to fill in the missing word. | |


| |1. Teacher should practice fluency with small groups to meet needs using “Welcome to | |

| |Freedom.” | |

| |2. Reinforce contractions using the IBLM worksheet | |

| |p. 74. | |

Summer School/Second Grade OCR 2002

Lesson 4, Day 2

Preparing for the lesson: Chart the selection vocabulary words for the Workshop MAY DO activity. Make copies of IBLM Worksheet 46.


|14 |PA Lesson 26: pp. 338 |15 Min. |

| |Oral Blending: Initial Vowel Replacement; One-syllable Words | |

| |Selection Vocabulary: TE p. 298N. Introduce the vocabulary using vocabulary |20 Min. |

| |transparency #34. Remember to focus on the vocabulary strategies used in the | |

| |sentences. | |

| |Build Background & Preview and Prepare: TE p.298M. Remember to chart Clues, Problems|15 Min. |

| |and Wonderings | |

| |Reading and Responding: TE, Chorally read “The Story of the Statue of Liberty”, pp. |30 Min. |

| |298-311, stopping to model the comprehension strategies on the left hand side of TE | |

| |pages. Teacher’s voice is included in the choral read as a model. | |

| |Partner read “Welcome to Liberty”. | |

| |Practice 1 min. read using “Welcome to Liberty” as outlined in Day 1. Students |10 Min. |

| |should count how many more words they read this time. | |

| |GUMS: TE p. 313F Adjectives, Adverbs and Plurals, Follow the bullets under Teach. The|30 Min. |

| |Language Arts handbook is not necessary for the lesson. Continue with CLASWB pp. | |

| |172-173. Teach as a directed lesson. | |

| |WORKSHOP: |60 Min. |

| |MUST DO: | |

| |1. Practice reading the story, “Welcome to Liberty.” | |

| |2. Look through “The Story of the Statue of Liberty” to find and list plural nouns. | |

| |Add 10 more plural words of your own. Find a partner to compare your lists. | |

| |MAY DO: Illustrate 3 of the vocabulary words. Share your paper with a partner who | |

| |will write a caption for your picture, using the correct vocabulary word in the | |

| |caption. | |


| |Teacher pulls students to read “The Story of the Statue of Liberty.” | |

| |Reteach regular plurals using IBLM p. 46 | |

Summer School/Second Grade OCR 2002

Lesson 4, Day 3

Preparing for the lesson: Make copies of “The Great Epizootic” IBLM pp. 185-186, and IBLM worksheet p. 49 for IWT.


|15 |PA Lesson 27: pp.338-339 |15 Min. |

| |Listening for short Vowel Sounds | |

| |Reading and Responding: TE, Comprehension Skills, Sequence pp. 299, 301, 303, 305, 307, |30 Min. |

| |309, 311 | |

| |Practice 1 minute fluency read with “The Secret Railroad” as outlined in Day 1. | |

| |Discussion of Story: Follow the handing-off procedure. Revisit Clues, Problems, and |25 Min. |

| |Wonderings. Record the new concepts about the theme onto the C/Q Board. | |

| |Supporting the Reading: TE 311C Comprehension Strategy: Monitoring and Clarifying: |25 Min. |

| |Follow the bullets and continue through Guided Practice. | |

| |IG p. 302, Follow the bullets for Reading the Selection: “The Great Epizootic” IBLM pp. |25 Min. |

| |185-186. | |

| |WORKSHOP: |60 Min. |

| |MUST DO: | |

| |Fluency practice from “The Great Epizootic” | |

| |2. IBLM worksheet p. 49 | |

| |MAY DO: Share your sentences from worksheet p. 49 with a partner. Take turns extending | |

| |the sentences with a who, what, where, when or why. | |


| |1. Listen to students read “The Story of the Statue of Liberty” for prosody. | |

| |2. Help students write sentences on IBLM Worksheet p. 49 to meet needs. | |

Summer School/Second Grade OCR 2002

Lesson 4, Day 4


|16 |PA Lessons 28: p. 339 |15 Min |

| |Lesson 28: Oral Blending: One-syllable Words | |

| |Theme Connections: TE p. 313: Orally discuss 2 bullets under Within the Selection. Give |30 Min. |

| |students time to record ideas in a writing journal. Discuss the bullet under Across | |

| |Selections. Discuss the 3 bullets under Beyond the Selection. Please add ideas to C/Q | |

| |Board. | |

| |Literary Elements: TE: p.311D: Author’s Purpose Follow the Teach, Guided Practice, and |30 Min. |

| |Independent Practice (Do the independent practice as a whole group). | |

| |Dictation and Spelling: ELDG p. 228 Follow the procedure as outlined on p. 5 of the guide.|25 Min. |

| |Reread: Partner read “A Story of the Statue of Liberty”. |20 min. |

| |Teacher monitors students as they read to see who will need help in Workshop. | |

| |1 Minute fluency practice as outlined in Day 1 for both selections. | |

| |WORKSHOP: |60 Min. |

| |MUST Do: | |

| |1. Practice fluency using “The Great Epizootic” and/or “Welcome to Liberty”. | |

| |2. Write an expository paragraph that gives at least 3 pieces of information about your | |

| |family. | |

| |MAY DO: Illustrate your paragraph in detail showing the information you wrote about. | |

| |Share your picture with a partner who will then figure out the information. | |


| |Practice fluency for prosody and intonation using “A Story of the Statue of Liberty”, “The| |

| |Great epizootic”, or “Welcome to Liberty”. | |

Summer School/Second Grade OCR 2002

Lesson 5, Day 1

Preparing for the lesson: Make a chart for the Word Knowledge in TE p. 316K. It is helpful to copy each line in a different color. Make copies of “The Big, Shiny Pot” in IBLM pp. 187-188 and IBLM, worksheets 77 and 78. Chart the GUMS example sentences under the first bullet, and the bolded sentences under the second bullet from the IG p. 312


|17 |PA: Lesson 29: p. 339 Discrimination: Consonant Sounds in Multisyllabic Words. Add |15 Min. |

| |other words | |

| |Word Knowledge: TE p. 316K Focus: ar spelling for /ar/. Follow the bullets under |25 Min. |

| |About the words and Developing Oral Language. | |

| |Dictation and Spelling: IG p. 307-308 |10 Min. |

| |IBLM: Intervention Selection: “The Big, Shiny Pot” pp. 183-184. Follow Comprehension |35 Min. |

| |Strategies in Reading the Selection IG p.310. | |

| |Afterwards, teacher models for students how to practice fluency with the selection | |

| |for 1 minute, and shows how to place a bracket after last word read. Students should | |

| |then be given 1 minute to read as many words as possible while practicing fluency | |

| |with the story. At the end of 1 minute, the students put a bracket after the last | |

| |word read. Goal is to move bracket each day, with each 1 minute read. | |

| |Vocabulary: Preteach Selection Vocabulary from IG |10 Min. |

| |p.. 308. Follow the bullets. | |

| |GUMS: IG p. 312, Capitalization: I, Proper Nouns: Use your prepared chart and follow |25 Min. |

| |the 2 bullets. Continue with Worksheet 77 for guided practice | |

| |WORKSHOP: |60 Min. |

| |MUST DO: | |

| |1. Practice fluency using “The Big, Shiny Pot” | |

| |2. Write 5 sentences. Choose a different word from the Word Knowledge chart to use in| |

| |each sentence. Exchange papers with a partner who will extend each sentence adding a | |

| |who, what, where, why, or how. | |

| |MAY DO: Make up sentences leaving out words from the lines in the Word Knowledge | |

| |chart. Ask a partner to fill in the missing word. | |


| |1. Teacher should practice fluency with small groups to meet needs using “The Big, | |

| |Shiny Pot.” | |

| |2. Reinforce capitalization using the IBLM worksheet | |

| |p. 78. | |

Summer School/Second Grade OCR 2002

Lesson 5, Day 2


|18 |PA Lesson 30: pp. 339 |15 Min. |

| |Oral Blending: Individual Words. Add other words | |

| |Selection Vocabulary: TE p. 316N. Introduce the vocabulary using vocabulary |20 Min. |

| |transparency #35. Remember to focus on the vocabulary strategies used in the | |

| |sentences. | |

| |Build Background & Preview and Prepare: TE |15 Min. |

| |p. 316M. Remember to chart Clues, Problems and Wonderings | |

| |Reading and Responding: Chorally read “The Butterfly Seed” pp. 316-323, stopping to |30 Min. |

| |model the comprehension strategies on the left hand side of TE pages. Teacher’s voice| |

| |is included in the choral read as a model. | |

| |Partner read “The Big, Shiny Pot”. | |

| |Practice 1 min. read using “The Big, Shiny Pot” as outlined in Day 1. Students |10 Min. |

| |should count how many more words they read this time. | |

| |GUMS: TE p. 333F, Linking and Helping Verbs Follow the bullets under Teach. The |30 Min. |

| |Language Arts handbook is not necessary for the lesson. Continue to use CLASWB p. | |

| |176. Teach as a directed lesson. | |

| |WORKSHOP: Post testing either whole or small |60 Min. |

| |group | |

| |MUST DO: | |

| |1. Practice reading the story, “The Big, Shiny Pot” | |

| |2. Write 2 sentences for each of the multi-meaning words in Line 1 of the Word | |

| |Knowledge chart. The first sentence should show 1 meaning and the second sentence | |

| |should show a different meaning for the word. | |

| |MAY DO: Illustrate your sentences. | |


| |Teacher pulls students to read “The Butterfly Seeds.” | |

| |To meet needs, reteach Multiple-Meaning Words in ELDG p. 231 | |

Summer School/Second Grade OCR 2002

Lesson 5, Day 3

Preparing for the lesson: Chart the 4 sentences on the “chalkboard” in ELDG p. 236. Make copies of “How do You Find A Friend?” IBLM 189-190.


|19 |Reading and Responding: Chorally read pp. 324-333. Continue with the comprehension |30 Min. |

| |strategies | |

| |Practice 1 minute fluency read with “The Big, Shiny Spot” as outlined in Day 1. | |

| |Discussion of Story: Follow the handing-off procedure. |25 Min. |

| |Revisit Clues, Problems, and Wonderings. Record the new concepts about the theme onto | |

| |the C/Q Board. | |

| |Verbs: ESLG p.236, Use the precharted sentences to identify the past and present forms |30 Min. |

| |of the linking verbs. Continue with direct instruction using Lesson 6’s IBLM worksheet | |

| |79. IBLM Worksheet 80 will be completed during IWT. | |

| |GUMS lesson TE p. 333H. Follow the bullets under Teach. | |

| |IG p.310-311: Follow the bullets to preteach vocabulary and challenging words for “How |10 Min. |

| |Do You Find a Friend? | |

| |IG p. 302, Follow the bullets for Reading the Selection: “How Do You Find a Friend?” |25 Min. |

| |IBLM pp. 185-186. | |

| |WORKSHOP: Post testing in either whole or small |60 Min. |

| |group. | |

| |MUST DO: | |

| |Fluency practice: Partner read “How Do You Find a Friend?” | |

| |2. Complete IBLM worksheet 80. | |

| |MAY DO: Share your sentences from worksheet 80 with a partner. Take turns with your | |

| |partner to read each other’s sentences. Then your partner rereads your sentences, only | |

| |this time, substitutes a different linking verb into your sentences. | |

| |SMALL GROUP: Post-testing and/or: | |

| |1. Listen to students read “The Butterfly Seeds” or “How Do You Find a Friend?” | |

| |2. Help students write sentences on IBLM worksheet p. 80 to meet needs. | |

Summer School/Second Grade OCR 2002

Lesson 5, Day 4


|20 |Supporting the Reading, TE pp. 331C Making Inferences: |30 Min. |

| |Make a 3-column chart as described on the page to follow the lesson. Continue on TE p. | |

| |331D to guide the students using the CLASWB p. 174. p. 175 can be completed during IWT. | |

| |Reading and Responding: TE, Comprehension Skills, Making Inferences pp. 317, 319, 321, |30 Min. |

| |323, 325, 327, 329, 331 | |

| |Handing-off and Theme Connections: conduct a handing-off discussion, incorporating the |30 Min. |

| |bullets under Within the selection and Across the Selections TE p. 333: Afterwards, give | |

| |students time to record ideas in their writing journals. Discuss the 2 bullets under | |

| |Beyond the Selection. Please add ideas to C/Q Board. | |

| |Reread: Partner read “The Butterfly Seeds”. |10 Min. |

| |Teacher monitors students as they read to see who will need help in IWT. | |

| |Dictation and Spelling: ELDG p. 233 Follow the procedure as outlined on p. 5 of the guide.|20 Min. |


| |MUST DO: | |

| |1. Practice fluency using “How Do You find a Friend?” and/or “The Butterfly Seeds”. | |

| |2. Complete CLASWB p. 175. | |

| |MAY DO: Work with a partner. Each partner writes about a character performing a specific | |

| |job without naming the actual job. Exchange papers. Students use the details from the | |

| |writing to make an inference about the character’s job. | |

| |SMALL GROUP: Post-testing and /or: | |

| |1. Practice fluency for prosody and intonation using “How | |

| |Do You Find a Friend?” and “The Butterfly Seeds”. | |

| |2. To meet needs, pull students to work with CLASWB | |

| |p. 175. | |


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